[O] How can I add a note to a TODO state change sometimes but not always?

2014-09-11 Thread William Denton
State "WAITING"from "TODO" [2014-09-11 Thu 11:25] Thanks, Bill -- William Denton ↔ Toronto, Canada ↔ http://www.miskatonic.org/

[O] electric-indent-mode in Emacs 25 not indenting in Org

2014-10-15 Thread William Denton
is enabled and see that it is because that's the default, open foo.org, and type * Heading then when I hit return the cursor ends up under the *! Bill -- William Denton ↔ Toronto, Canada ↔ https://www.miskatonic.org/

[O] No mention of ":results graphics" in docs on code blocks

2014-10-19 Thread William Denton
ry with ggplot2 images, but that's no longer true.) I'm afraid I don't know enough about this header argument or its use elsewhere to offer a documentation patch, so I'm just pointing it out. Working with R code blocks in Org is great. Bill -- William Denton ↔ Toronto, Canada ↔ https://www.miskatonic.org/

Re: [O] electric-indent-mode in Emacs 25 not indenting in Org

2014-10-20 Thread William Denton
n M-x electric-indent-mode RET *twice* (to disable and re-enable it) after you open the buffer? Nothing different---the cursor ends up under the * after I hit return (and under the H if I hit C-j, as someone else noticed). Bill -- William Denton ↔ Toronto, Canada ↔ https://www.miskatonic.org/

[O] R code blocks and 'could not find function ".ess.eval"'

2014-10-28 Thread William Denton
archives it looks like it went away for most people. Bill -- William Denton ↔ Toronto, Canada ↔ https://www.miskatonic.org/

Re: [O] latex formatted output in buffer?

2014-11-07 Thread William Denton
- and some sort of image of the formatted math would be inserted? Like this? http://orgmode.org/org.html#Previewing-LaTeX-fragments Bill -- William Denton ↔ Toronto, Canada ↔ https://www.miskatonic.org/

[O] Possible to recalculate tables automatically before exporting?

2014-11-13 Thread William Denton
ot to recalculate the table, so when I exported some numbers were missing. It was trivial to do by hand, of course, but I looked for a setting that would automate this and didn't see it. Did I overlook it, or is it not there? Thanks, Bill -- William Denton ↔ Toronto, Canada ↔ https://www.miskatonic.org/

[O] Using org-lookup-all to count values in a table column

2013-09-24 Thread William Denton
ttp://orgmode.org/worg/org-tutorials/org-lookups.html -- William Denton Toronto, Canada http://www.miskatonic.org/

Re: [O] Using org-lookup-all to count values in a table column

2013-09-25 Thread William Denton
For the record I was mailed off-list and it was pointed out I had the row/column order reversed in my formula. #+TBLFM: $2@2='(length(org-lookup-all "F" '(remote(books,$3@2..$3@>)) nil)) Using @2$2 etc makes it all work. Org spreadsheets are great! Bill -- William

Re: [O] Org Tutorials need more structure

2013-10-01 Thread William Denton
27;m not sure how to get something working but find a perfect example somewhere. Bill -- William Denton Toronto, Canada http://www.miskatonic.org/

[O] Small bug: No italic face when /italics/ inside a link

2013-10-04 Thread William Denton
/][/Org/]] # --- When I look at it in Emacs, "Org" in the first line is in italics (no /s), but in the second line I see /Org/ as the anchor text. When exported to HTML it is turned into as it should, so that's fine, but shouldn't it show in italics in Emacs? Bi

Re: [O] org-mode in the wild

2013-11-02 Thread William Denton
Active documents with org-mode. Comput Sci Eng 13(3):66–73 40. Schulte E, Davison D, Dye T, Dominik C (2012) A multi-language computing environment for literate programming and reproducible research. J Stat Softw 46(3):1–24 Bill -- William Denton Toronto, Canada http://www.miskatonic.org/

[O] Exporting tables to ODS spreadsheets, with formatting?

2015-10-01 Thread William Denton
to an ODS spreadsheet? Has anyone hacked ODT export so that works, perhaps? Bill -- William Denton ↔ Toronto, Canada ↔ https://www.miskatonic.org/

Re: [O] Latex compilation broken on orgmode master?

2015-10-01 Thread William Denton
that too, but restarting Emacs fixed it. Bill -- William Denton ↔ Toronto, Canada ↔ https://www.miskatonic.org/

Re: [O] contributing to work on citations

2015-11-04 Thread William Denton
e---I'm glad to test. Bill -- William Denton ↔ Toronto, Canada ↔ https://www.miskatonic.org/

Re: [O] footnote fontify causing massive slowdown

2015-12-05 Thread William Denton
se positives are a common problem for me, and [fn:1] works cleanly and clearly. Bill -- William Denton ↔ Toronto, Canada ↔ https://www.miskatonic.org/

[O] "Symbol's value as variable is void: org-file-apps"

2015-12-21 Thread William Denton
this variable change? I had a bit of a look but didn't see what could have caused it. Bill -- William Denton ↔ Toronto, Canada ↔ https://www.miskatonic.org/

Re: [O] Adjust Keywords

2016-01-31 Thread William Denton
C-u C-c C-q. Bill -- William Denton ↔ Toronto, Canada ↔ https://www.miskatonic.org/

[O] Problem with src_ruby inline code and []

2016-03-15 Thread William Denton
7; -:7: syntax error, unexpected end-of-input, expecting keyword_end However, this does work: #+BEGIN_SRC ruby :var t=sampletable t[2][2] #+END_SRC #+RESULTS: : 6 Bill -- William Denton ↔ Toronto, Canada ↔ https://www.miskatonic.org/

[O] How to export table from a src block?

2016-03-28 Thread William Denton
runs? There's nothing else in this file, just a table and then this source block. #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (org-table-export "/tmp/mytable.csv" "orgtbl-to-csv") #+END_SRC Any help appreciated! Bill -- William Denton ↔ Toronto, Canada ↔ https://www.miskatonic.org/

[O] Recent bug in R source blocks generating images

2016-04-07 Thread William Denton
This is #+BEGIN_SRC R :session :results graphics :file example.png :width 800 :height 400 library(ggplot2) ggplot(mpg, aes(class)) + geom_bar() #+END_SRC -- William Denton ↔ Toronto, Canada ↔ https://www.miskatonic.org/

[O] Recent bug? in R source blocks generating images

2016-04-07 Thread William Denton
ked at the recent Org commits but don't see what might have done it, but I also don't think I'm doing anything wrong. Bill -- William Denton ↔ Toronto, Canada ↔ https://www.miskatonic.org/

Re: [O] Recent bug? in R source blocks generating images

2016-04-08 Thread William Denton
still fine. Could you please submit this to the ESS list? Thanks for looking. I've reported this to the ESS list. Bill -- William Denton ↔ Toronto, Canada ↔ https://www.miskatonic.org/

Re: [O] Recent bug? in R source blocks generating images

2016-04-08 Thread William Denton
On 8 April 2016, Rainer M Krug quoted me: There's something odd happening to me tonight with R source blocks and :session. This is fixed now. It was a problem with ESS. Thanks for the pointer. Bill -- William Denton ↔ Toronto, Canada ↔ https://www.miskatonic.org/

[O] Using source blocks instead of Ansible

2016-04-27 Thread William Denton
f org-converge, but it's idle: https://github.com/wallyqs/org-converge Cheers, Bill -- William Denton ↔ Toronto, Canada ↔ https://www.miskatonic.org/

[O] R source block :session errors, perhaps due to recent ESS change

2016-05-03 Thread William Denton
acs : GNU Emacs (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.16.7) of 2016-05-03 Org-mode version 8.3.4 (release_8.3.4-771-g36dbdb @ /usr/local/src/org-mode/lisp/) ess-version: 15.09-2 patched [elpa: 20160502.557] (loaded from /home/wdenton/.emacs.d/elpa/ess-20160502.557/) Thanks, Bill -- William Denton ↔ Toronto, Canada ↔ https://www.miskatonic.org/

Re: [O] R source block :session errors, perhaps due to recent ESS change

2016-05-04 Thread William Denton
ay 3, 2016 at 2:55 PM, William Denton wrote: I updated my packages today and now Org documents with R source blocks are failing when I try to use a running R session. Submitted a github issue on this: - https://github.com/emacs-ess/ESS/issues/328 John -- William Denton ↔ Toronto, Canad

Re: [O] Using source blocks instead of Ansible

2016-05-04 Thread William Denton
On 27 April 2016, William Denton wrote: Is anyone using Org for remote configuration management instead of a tool like Ansible? I decided to try to get this working for what I needed, and I was able to do it: https://www.miskatonic.org/2016/05/05/conforguration/ It just does one thing, but

Re: [O] Trouble evaluating R source code blocks with C-c C-c

2016-05-28 Thread William Denton
if I have ":results output" for one block and then ":results values" for the next one, the second block picks up the output from the first one. But then other times not! Seems to depend on how intensive the R work is. Bill -- William Denton :: Toronto, Canada :: https://www.miskatonic.org/ Caveat lector.

[O] Upper or lower case in BEGIN_SRC and other keywords

2016-06-16 Thread William Denton
doesn't happen for me? I don't see any variable that's making things default to upper case for me. This isn't a problem ... I'm just curious. Bill [1] http://orgmode.org/org.html#Conventions [2] http://orgmode.org/org.html#fn-3 -- William Denton :: Toronto, Canada :: https://www.miskatonic.org/ Caveat lector.

Re: [O] Citation syntax: a revised proposal

2015-02-16 Thread William Denton
with org-bibtex data instead of bibtex etc. Thanks, eric -- William Denton ↔ Toronto, Canada ↔ https://www.miskatonic.org/

Re: [O] spreadsheet-like "fill down" in org tables?

2015-03-17 Thread William Denton
ards. Is there anything analogous in org? Shift-RET will copy in what's in the cell above. Bill -- William Denton ↔ Toronto, Canada ↔ https://www.miskatonic.org/

Re: [O] fontenc makes pdf non-searchable

2015-03-21 Thread William Denton
here is no facility to disable loading fontenc". That seems odd to me. Can you provide an ECM, a minimal complete example, that causes this problem? Bill -- William Denton ↔ Toronto, Canada ↔ https://www.miskatonic.org/

Re: [O] fontenc makes pdf non-searchable

2015-03-22 Thread William Denton
g more. Bill [1] https://www.dropbox.com/sh/7s6di4en5ljbkcq/AAAzyQeg6VkMHnC1X9dQTg6ua?dl=0 -- William Denton ↔ Toronto, Canada ↔ https://www.miskatonic.org/

Re: [O] Using Org mode and R with the sessions switch

2015-03-25 Thread William Denton
lease let me know if I'm using this wrong or if this is a bug in the system? As far as I remember, this is a bug, and it's fixed in the 8.3 development version but not in the stable 8.2 release. This is another of the improvements that won't be widely available until there's

Re: [O] A Microsoftesque detail in org

2015-05-18 Thread William Denton
eaking headers with RET seems suboptimal when there's vastly more things you'd care about. I'm on this side too. I like the current behaviour. Bill -- William Denton ↔ Toronto, Canada ↔ https://www.miskatonic.org/

[O] How to make footnotes be fnlocal by default?

2015-06-15 Thread William Denton
here some way around this, or perhaps a (setq org-footnote-define-inline 'fnlocal) setting could be added? Bill -- William Denton ↔ Toronto, Canada ↔ https://www.miskatonic.org/

Re: [O] How to make footnotes be fnlocal by default?

2015-06-15 Thread William Denton
Thanks, Kyle and Rasmus. Attached is a tiny patch to add mention of this variable in the section of the docs where all those options are listed. Bill On 16 June 2015, Rasmus wrote: William Denton writes: I'm writing something with a bunch of footnotes and instead of doing them by

Re: [O] Emacs/ESS/org freezes/hangs on big data/ RAM(~256GB) processes when run in org/babel

2015-06-17 Thread William Denton
data sets, lack of memory, and heavy CPU usage. Sometimes everything hangs and I need to power cycle the computer. :( Bill -- William Denton ↔ Toronto, Canada ↔ https://www.miskatonic.org/

[O] Tables recently stopped aligning

2015-07-06 Thread William Denton
file (align.org) and hit C-c C-c, it doesn't align. emacs -Q loads Org 8.2.10 (from the Emacs source) and it does align. Does it work for others? I assume it does---surely if other people noticed this problem they'd have reported it already. Bill -- William Denton ↔ Toronto, Canad

Re: [O] Tables recently stopped aligning

2015-07-08 Thread William Denton
Thanks for locating this. I don't know enough about Org's workings to see what in the change introduced the bug, but something did go wrong, and column widths + table alignments are broken. I hope someone can fix it! Bill On 7 July 2015, Nick Dokos wrote: William Denton writ

[O] Do you like to have your TODOs at the same headline level?

2015-08-25 Thread William Denton
don't care if a second-level headline has a fourth-level child without a third-level one. Do other people do this? Bill -- William Denton ↔ Toronto, Canada ↔ https://www.miskatonic.org/

[O] Jekyll and Pygments

2015-09-15 Thread William Denton
Is there anyone on the list who uses Jekyll (the Ruby-based static site generator [1]) and has a way of writing in Org that works with the syntax highlighting done with Pygments [2]? Bill [1] http://jekyllrb.com/ [2] http://jekyllrb.com/docs/templates/ -- William Denton ↔ Toronto, Canada ↔

[O] Importing from LaTeX

2014-01-24 Thread William Denton
hree years ago, where Marvin Doyley had the same question: http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/34020 Matt Lundin said he'd hacked up something in Perl and he'd put it in Worg, but I can't find it in there ... Matt, did you ever post it? Thanks, Bill -- William De

Re: [O] Importing from LaTeX

2014-01-24 Thread William Denton
x27;d converted all my compactitem lists to itemize). Bill -- William Denton Toronto, Canada http://www.miskatonic.org/

Re: [O] Is anyone spending money for Org-mode?

2014-03-12 Thread William Denton
to spend a bit of money to get it really well done then it ends up being worth it. I have no strong opinion about the money but wanted to mention this as a possible idea. My continuing thanks to Bastien, Nicholas, Carsten and everyone else for such amazing work on Org! Bill -- ▮ William Denton

[O] How to use an image as an anchor in HTML export?

2014-03-18 Thread William Denton
? What I want to end up with in the output is something like: Thanks, Bill -- ▮ William Denton ▮ Toronto, Canada ▮ http://www.miskatonic.org/ ▮

Re: [O] How to use an image as an anchor in HTML export?

2014-03-18 Thread William Denton
and obvious way to do it---the usual Org approach. Thanks. Bill -- ▮ William Denton ▮ Toronto, Canada ▮ http://www.miskatonic.org/ ▮

Re: [O] Space in Exported Text

2014-03-26 Thread William Denton
| | || | |-+-+---++-| , it's not so beautiful anymore if I send it in an email. It looks fine in my monospaced font---isn't it just a matter of formatting when you paste it into your preferred email client? Bill -- ▮ William Denton ▮ Toronto, Canada ▮ http://www.miskatonic.org/ ▮

[O] xwidgets

2016-09-20 Thread William Denton
. Whether that's a good thing to do, or indeed possible, I don't know, but I'm curious to know if anyone's got ideas about how xwidgets might be used in Org, if they're hacking on it, etc. Cheers, Bill [1] https://masteringemacs.org/article/whats-new-in-emacs-25-1 --

Re: [O] How to use org mode shell with ssh?

2016-09-21 Thread William Denton
On 22 September 2016, Xi Shen wrote: #+BEGIN_SRC sh :dir /sshx:openwrt:/mnt/sda1 ls -al #+END_SRC Just use ssh, not sshx, and it should work. Bill -- William Denton :: Toronto, Canada :: https://www.miskatonic.org/ Caveat lector.

[O] Bug? org-export-babel-evaluate setting breaks :exports results

2016-09-29 Thread William Denton
I'm not sure what's happening, but it seems like a bug. (This is on Emacs with Org compiled from source today, up to Nicolas's 2b22d503e1ee83f3a2681964f9de8405438a6385 commit yesterday). Bill -- William Denton :: Toronto, Canada :: https://www.miskatonic.org/ Caveat lector.

Re: [O] Bug? org-export-babel-evaluate setting breaks :exports results

2016-10-03 Thread William Denton
7;s always something new to learn in Org---and something new to be learned from this mailing list. Bill -- William Denton :: Toronto, Canada :: https://www.miskatonic.org/ Caveat lector.

Re: [O] [RFC] Change visibility for bracket links

2016-10-06 Thread William Denton
On 6 October 2016, Eric S Fraga wrote: In any case, Nicolas, I am fully in favour of your proposed change. Editing links has always been very frustrating for me and your suggestion would make it much easier. +1 from me too. Bil -- William Denton :: Toronto, Canada :: https

Re: [O] [RFC] Change visibility for bracket links

2016-10-13 Thread William Denton
le. Bill -- William Denton :: Toronto, Canada :: https://www.miskatonic.org/ Caveat lector.

Re: [O] Orgmode for managing OS configuration

2016-11-03 Thread William Denton
be configuring a new (Ubuntu) machine or two soon so I'll be adding to it with packages and some system configuration information. Bill -- William Denton :: Toronto, Canada :: https://www.miskatonic.org/ Caveat lector.

Re: [O] Release 9.0

2016-11-03 Thread William Denton
On 2 November 2016, Bastien Guerry wrote: Org 9.0 is out! Wonderful news, and I give my sincere thanks to everyone who helped. Org is a great system. I use it every day and am very happy it exists. Bill -- William Denton :: Toronto, Canada :: https://www.miskatonic.org/ Caveat lector.

[O] Make fails on Git (c130b2e)

2016-12-20 Thread William Denton
c' mk/targets.mk:126: recipe for target 'info' failed make: *** [info] Error 2 Bill -- William Denton :: Toronto, Canada :: https://www.miskatonic.org/ Caveat lector.

Re: [O] How do you store web pages for reference?

2017-01-16 Thread William Denton
asily search it and pull links into Org: http://www.mkbehr.com/posts/a-research-workflow-with-zotero-and-org-mode/ Bill -- William Denton :: Toronto, Canada :: https://www.miskatonic.org/ Caveat lector.

[O] How to have a sideways longtable?

2017-01-20 Thread William Denton
x27;s just this without any sidewaystable: \begin{longtable}{rrll} Is this a bug? I assumed they'd work together out of the box, but maybe I need to do something special. Bill -- William Denton :: Toronto, Canada :: https://www.miskatonic.org/ Caveat lector.

Re: [O] How to have a sideways longtable?

2017-01-26 Thread William Denton
Bill -- William Denton :: Toronto, Canada :: https://www.miskatonic.org/ Caveat lector.

Re: [O] Feature request: lists with letters

2017-02-03 Thread William Denton
ant as the structure. In a nutshell: I agree with Titus' point and also would love to have alphabetical bullets. I'm all in favour too, and hope that someone might implement this. Bill -- William Denton :: Toronto, Canada :: https://www.miskatonic.org/ Caveat lector.

[O] Hanging indents in paragraphs just appeared

2017-06-19 Thread William Denton
mally the line length would be much longer. I think this was introduced earlier today or yesterday in this commit: 002e2a072cc org-indent: Fix line and wrap prefixes I can't figure out how to make it look like it used to. How could I do this? Thanks, Bill -- William Denton :: Toron

Re: [O] mimetype for orgmode files

2017-06-21 Thread William Denton
e the magic to identify Org files. $ file work-notes.org work-notes.org: UTF-8 Unicode text, with very long lines Writing a pattern to make this work could be an interesting project if someone has some spare time some day ... Bill [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File_%28command%29

[O] Table columns not aligning when width set

2017-08-08 Thread William Denton
| This cell has under forty characters.| More than ten over here. | # -- -- William Denton :: Toronto, Canada --- Listening to Art: https://listeningtoart.org/ https://www.miskatonic.org/ --- GHG.EARTH: http://ghg.earth/ Caveat lector. --- STAPLR: http://staplr.org/

Re: [O] Table columns not aligning when width set

2017-08-14 Thread William Denton
-string-width' * lisp/org.el (org-string-width): Better handle various invisible characters. I'm not sure what's going on ... is anyone else seeing this problem with tables? Bill On 8 August 2017, William Denton wrote: I noticed this last week, but I'm on vacation

Re: [O] R source code block :session

2018-09-30 Thread William Denton
ound it (though it's been a while and I can't remember for sure). It also saves time when rerunning code because I don't reload stuff over and over. Bill -- William Denton :: Toronto, Canada --- Listening to Art: https://listeningtoart.org/ https

Re: [O] An Org-based productivity tool

2018-10-10 Thread William Denton
and some R: https://www.miskatonic.org/2017/11/16/clocktableii/ I need to do one more post about that to wrap it up. It's working well for me, but warnings about not being clocked in to something, and better understanding of what I'm doing based on headings or tags, would be useful. Bi

[O] In LaTeX export, can I control what heading type a headline goes to?

2018-11-28 Thread William Denton
level Org headline turn into a chapter? Is there a built-in way, or do I need to make my own class in org-latex-classes that has the structure I want? (In LaTeX the problem doesn't arise, of course: don't use \part{} and just start with \chapter{}.) Bill -- William Denton :: Toronto,

Re: [O] the 'new' template system some questions

2018-12-13 Thread William Denton
On 13 December 2018, Uwe Brauer wrote: And I used both quite a bit, it seems that the new syntax has a begin and end mandatory. So what I can I with this sort of templates? yasnippet? I think that's what a lot of people moved to. Bill -- William Denton :: Toronto, Canada --- List

[O] Shift-RETURN in table doesn't copy the value of the cell above

2019-01-23 Thread William Denton
|A|B| This set of keystrokes makes: | A | B | | | | | | | But it used to make: | A | B | | A | | Shift-RETURN doesn't copy the value of the cell above. This changed a little while ago (in the main development tree) but I don't know exactly when. Bill -- Will

[O] Very nice how pointer stays in place when moving from source code block to major mode edit buffer

2019-03-08 Thread William Denton
how I just always asssumed I'd end up at the start of the new buffer. Bill -- William Denton :: Toronto, Canada --- Listening to Art: https://listeningtoart.org/ https://www.miskatonic.org/ --- GHG.EARTH: https://ghg.earth/ Caveat lector. --- STAPLR: http://staplr.org/

[O] "File mode specification error: (user-error Empty table - created default table)"

2019-03-21 Thread William Denton
one else seeing this? Bill -- William Denton :: Toronto, Canada --- Listening to Art: https://listeningtoart.org/ https://www.miskatonic.org/ --- GHG.EARTH: https://ghg.earth/ Caveat lector. --- STAPLR: http://staplr.org/

[O] Recent troubles with org-bullets?

2019-04-23 Thread William Denton
"⋱" "⋱" "⋱")) :init (add-hook 'org-mode-hook (lambda () (org-bullets-mode 1))) ) Bill -- William Denton :: Toronto, Canada --- Listening to Art: https://listeningtoart.org/ https://www.miskatonic.org/ --- GHG.EARTH: https://ghg.earth/ Caveat lector. --- STAPLR: http://staplr.org/

Re: [O] Resize an org-table

2019-05-01 Thread William Denton
' the table to fit the smaller screen. With a bit of experimenting you might find some column widths, like <40>, that work to make it fit, as explained here: https://orgmode.org/org.html#Column-Width-and-Alignment Bill -- William Denton :: Toronto, Canada --- Listenin

Re: [O] LaTeX export section level cutoff?

2019-05-06 Thread William Denton
xport settings (or org-export-headline-levels) can change that: https://orgmode.org/org.html#Export-Settings Bill -- William Denton :: Toronto, Canada --- Listening to Art: https://listeningtoart.org/ https://www.miskatonic.org/ --- GHG.EARTH: https://ghg.earth/ Caveat l

[O] What happened to ATTR_ORG?

2019-05-24 Thread William Denton
s gone! I grepped the source code, ORG-NEWS and the git log, but didn't see any mention of it. What happened? Did it go in version 9? Am I overlooking something? I feel like I've stepped into some parallel universe where everything is the same except this one Org command. Bi

[O] Compile failure

2019-06-24 Thread William Denton
cal/src/org-mode/lisp' mk/targets.mk:95: recipe for target 'compile' failed make: *** [compile] Error 2 -- William Denton :: Toronto, Canada --- Listening to Art: https://listeningtoart.org/ https://www.miskatonic.org/ --- GHG.EARTH: https://ghg.earth/ Caveat lector. --- STAPLR: http://staplr.org/

Re: [O] Compile failure

2019-06-24 Thread William Denton
have realized it wasn't an Org problem. It's often fun to keep on top of the current Emacs development tree, but then things like this happen. Ah well! Bill -- William Denton :: Toronto, Canada --- Listening to Art: https://listeningtoart.org/ https://www.miskatonic.org/

[O] R-generated images not showing

2019-09-11 Thread William Denton
em is. Bill [1] https://github.com/wdenton/.emacs.d/blob/master/setup/setup-orgmode.el -- William Denton :: Toronto, Canada --- Listening to Art: https://listeningtoart.org/ https://www.miskatonic.org/ --- GHG.EARTH: http://ghg.earth/ Caveat lector. --- STAPLR: http://staplr.org/

Re: [O] R-generated images not showing

2019-09-13 Thread William Denton
mpiling it. I tried it without that option, and now the problem has gone away and images are displaying as they should. The details of how Org and images and ImageMagick work together are beyond me, but I hope noting this is useful. Bill -- William Denton :: Toronto, Canada --- Listen

Re: [O] R-generated images not showing

2019-09-13 Thread William Denton
On 13 September 2019, William Denton wrote: It turns out I found the cause by accident! I've been using ./configure --with-imagemagick to configure Emacs before compiling it. I tried it without that option, and now the problem has gone away and images are displaying as they should.

Re: Good way to pre/view LaTeX-lines?

2019-10-27 Thread William Denton
On 27 October 2019, Dmitrii Korobeinikov wrote: I am looking for a comfortable way to view LaTeX (for math formulas) in org-mode. This shows how: https://orgmode.org/org.html#Previewing-LaTeX-fragments I don't use it often, but it works very nicely. Bill -- William Denton :: To

Re: [Idea] Org Collections

2019-12-16 Thread William Denton
t's a good idea, and I hope your work on it goes well. Bill -- William Denton :: Toronto, Canada --- Listening to Art: https://listeningtoart.org/ https://www.miskatonic.org/ --- GHG.EARTH: https://ghg.earth/ Caveat lector. --- STAPLR: https://staplr.org/

Re: R code block produces no output

2019-12-17 Thread William Denton
ot;. Bill -- William Denton :: Toronto, Canada --- Listening to Art: https://listeningtoart.org/ https://www.miskatonic.org/ --- GHG.EARTH: https://ghg.earth/ Caveat lector. --- STAPLR: https://staplr.org/

Re: Bug: R src blocks fail to produce link to graphics file [9.3 org-plus-contrib-20200127]

2020-01-27 Thread William Denton
On 27 January 2020, Tyler Smith wrote: #+begin_src R :results graphics :file test.jpg plot (1:10) #+end_src ":results file graphics" should do it. Bill -- William Denton :: Toronto, Canada --- Listening to Art: https://listeningtoart.org/ https://www.misk

Re: C-c C-c to close the buffer in *Org Src ...* buffers

2020-01-31 Thread William Denton
e and close the buffer, which is easy to remember, but C-c C-c is natural and very Orgish. Bill -- William Denton :: Toronto, Canada --- Listening to Art: https://listeningtoart.org/ https://www.miskatonic.org/ --- GHG.EARTH: https://ghg.earth/ Caveat l

How to collapse all LOGBOOKS at once?

2020-02-26 Thread William Denton
I sync a file across two machines, I often end up with a lot of LOGBOOK drawers open but they're just taking up screen space. Using TAB to close them one by one is good for a bit of tidying, but I'd like to do them all at once. Thanks, Bill -- William Denton :: Toronto, Canada --

Re: How to collapse all LOGBOOKS at once?

2020-02-26 Thread William Denton
On 27 February 2020, Kyle Meyer wrote: William Denton writes: The only thing I really use drawers for is with clock tracking, so for me this is just about :LOGBOOK: but it could be about other types of drawers, or all drawers: is there a way to collapse them all at once? I'm not awa

[O] Ag (the Silver Searcher) knows about Org files now

2017-08-31 Thread William Denton
ws. Bill -- William Denton :: Toronto, Canada --- Listening to Art: https://listeningtoart.org/ https://www.miskatonic.org/ --- GHG.EARTH: http://ghg.earth/ Caveat lector. --- STAPLR: http://staplr.org/

[O] Table aligning and editing in 9.2

2017-09-07 Thread William Denton
to cell without letting me edit it. I hope this isn't permanent. :( Bill -- William Denton :: Toronto, Canada --- Listening to Art: https://listeningtoart.org/ https://www.miskatonic.org/ --- GHG.EARTH: http://ghg.earth/ Caveat lector. --- STAPLR: http://staplr.org/

Re: [O] Table aligning and editing in 9.2

2017-09-07 Thread William Denton
On 7 September 2017, William Denton wrote: I can't find the "Dynamically narrow table columns" documentation, though. Where is it? Aha, checking the Git commit I see it (in doc/org.texi). (The title doesn't match, which threw me off.) "To see the full text, hold

Re: [O] Table aligning and editing in 9.2

2017-09-08 Thread William Denton
f the magic that makes Org tables so wonderful is now gone. :( Bill -- William Denton :: Toronto, Canada --- Listening to Art: https://listeningtoart.org/ https://www.miskatonic.org/ --- GHG.EARTH: http://ghg.earth/ Caveat lector. --- STAPLR: http://staplr.org/

Re: [O] function for inserting a block

2017-11-08 Thread William Denton
nes in Org (and in Emacs core) for it, than to ask users to install something that does a lot more that they don't need. I just realized that feature. I hope it comes back so that a little bit of the helpful Org magic is built right in. Bill -- William Denton :: Toronto, Canada --- L

Re: [O] R output with session polluted with ascii color codes

2018-03-16 Thread William Denton
w I figured I'd just mention this. Bill -- William Denton :: Toronto, Canada --- Listening to Art: https://listeningtoart.org/ https://www.miskatonic.org/ --- GHG.EARTH: http://ghg.earth/ Caveat lector. --- STAPLR: http://staplr.org/

Re: [O] R output with session polluted with ascii color codes

2018-03-16 Thread William Denton
#x27;m running R 3.4.2, compiled from source, on Ubuntu 17.10. Is there an R user on the list who sees the coloured text in the R console and can try the example in Org? #+BEGIN_SRC R :results output :session RSESSION library(tidyr) library(dplyr) as_tibble(iris) #+END_SRC Bill -- William Den

Re: [O] Support showing stars as pretty bullets

2018-04-02 Thread William Denton
ince it's only a few lines of code. Wherever it goes, it would be great if it's integrated into the code base. It's a very nice visual improvement. Bill -- William Denton :: Toronto, Canada --- Listening to Art: https://listeningtoart.org/ https://www.miskatonic.org/

Re: [O] statistics with R, convert the result into an org table

2018-04-11 Thread William Denton
| 1st Qu. | 4.650 | 1st Qu. | 1.4 | | | Median | 5.700 | Median | 5.6 | | | Mean| 5.643 | Mean| 4.7 | | | 3rd Qu. | 7.100 | 3rd Qu. | 5.9 | | | Max.| 8.300 | Max.| 9.3 | | Uwe Brauer -- William Denton :: Toronto, Canada --- Listening to Art: https://listeningtoar

[O] Does anyone else have this table problem?

2018-04-19 Thread William Denton
.miskatonic.org/tmp/table-2.org and then run C-u C-c TAB, I see this: https://www.miskatonic.org/tmp/org-table.png Does anyone else have this? Bill -- William Denton :: Toronto, Canada --- Listening to Art: https://listeningtoart.org/ https://www.miskatonic.org/ --- GHG.EARTH:

[O] Multiple tags on a heading?

2018-04-25 Thread William Denton
it in by hand---am I overlooking something? Bill -- William Denton :: Toronto, Canada --- Listening to Art: https://listeningtoart.org/ https://www.miskatonic.org/ --- GHG.EARTH: http://ghg.earth/ Caveat lector. --- STAPLR: http://staplr.org/

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