Bastien writes:
I hope you will have time to move forward with sending patches
so that we can discuss the feature proposals against something
we can actually test.
Well, I'm currently having a look at patching this, so this looks
hopeful :)
I think I've got a mostly-functional `org-edi
>From 379e23545d7e55766e48b50514bd797bdf691a40 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: TEC
Date: Sun, 24 May 2020 23:35:33 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] Extend org-edit-special to editing LaTeX-fragments
lisp/org-src.el | 19 +++
lisp/org.el | 1 +
2 files changed, 20 inserti
Nicolas Goaziou writes:
Timothy writes:
Well that didn't quite work as intended. Here's a take two.
This doesn't look bad. Thank you.
In the commit message, you need to list functions being
modified. See other commits messages for some examples.
I'll patch my patch :P
Nicolas Goaziou writes:
You also need to put read-only property on fragment markers, and
remove any blank line as the final step. See
I'm trying to work out what it is that should be happening with
this. Looking at `org-edit-footnote-reference', as you poin
>From 748c20d65df9cd0ae9f9f80c2bb5ee87aea101e4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: TEC
Date: Sun, 24 May 2020 23:35:33 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] Extend org-edit-special to editing LaTeX-fragments Defines a
new function, `org-edit-latex-fragment' which is hooked into
`org-edit-special', m
One other quick comment
Nicolas Goaziou writes:
LaTeX fragments should not break paragraphs, or tables. So you
need to
prevent inserting blank lines, or even newlines characters in
the case
of tables.
I don't think we need to worry about newlines, particularly as
this only applies
to elem
I've had another thought :)
Nicolas Goaziou writes:
The equivalent code will prevent a user from changing, deleting
the LaTeX markers, or writing past them : this is not the
purpose of the functionality.
That's most helpful, thanks :)
I'l have a look at that now, in the mean time here's w
Nicolas Goaziou writes:
I don’t think we need to worry about newlines,
We need to.
| some | table| | LaTeX | $1 + 1$ |
Oh dear, I haden't considered that. This is beginning to sound
complicated :sweat_smile:
Just saying 'no' to new lines seems like a possible solution, but
Nicolas Goaziou writes:
It seems you're mixing inline source blocks and LaTeX fragment.
modified the former, but not the latter.
Ooops, I'll fix that.
+ (lambda () ; trim content
+ (goto-char (point-min))
This is not needed. The function is always called at
Nicolas Goaziou writes:
Just saying 'no' to new lines seems like a possible solution,
but long equations can often be deperate for newlines when it
comes to readability.
Saying no to new lines is only necessary in tables. Outside, we
only need to say no to blank lines.
This is what I
Nicolas Goaziou writes:
This is the following part, in `org-edit-footnote-reference':
Thanks. Sorry I'm having you repeat yourself.
Replacing "\n" with "", as above, is too strong BTW. It would be
better to replace it with " ". I'll fix the footnote-reference
Sounds sensible.
Nicolas Goaziou writes:
That would be undesirable. LaTeX fragments (inline type) and
LaTeX environments (block type) are different beasts. This is
clearly outside the scope of `org-edit-special' to move from one
type to the other.
Inline LaTeX, and Environments are indeed different. I fa
>From fc91322e9f8e47484767b66fb9f438d3326ccc08 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: TEC
Date: Sun, 24 May 2020 23:35:33 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] Extend org-edit-special to editing LaTeX-fragments Defines a
new function, `org-edit-latex-fragment' which is hooked into
`org-edit-special', m
Nicolas Goaziou writes:
I don't understand what would be the best of HTML email in that
case. You're neither inlining any image, nor using any fancy
presentation. Yet, your email is twice as big as it could be.
HTML is often prettier :P it's also nice to get code blocks with
syntax highl
Nicolas Goaziou writes:
Without hesitation, the first form is nicer. The second one is
just abusing let-binding. I die a little just by looking at it.
I'll make an attempt to avoid killing you then :P
See `rx' macro. S-exp regexps are usually easier to read (after
an initial struggle), a
Let me know if this is good, or if you'd like any changes.
>From 31aa97c7f0cc9bf7272f4e781192b1458ee98525 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: TEC
Date: Sun, 24 May 2020 23:35:33 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] Extend org-edit-special to editing LaTeX-fragments Defines a
new function, `org-edit-latex-fr
Hi Bastien,
I was reminded by your reply to "No Wayman" of the list of
contributors with FSF
signed papers. I anticipate submitting patches to org-mode in the
future, and
signed the FSF papers for my org-edit-special inline LaTeX patch.
I think it may be convenient for the future if I were re
Eric S Fraga writes:
Sometimes, or often, a translator is too constraining. I find
easier/faster to write my own gnuplot code directly as it gives
me the
fine control I need for publication quality figures.
The great thing about gnuplot is that *everything* can be
tweaked. The
bad thi
Ivan Yonchovski writes:
> Hi all,
> lsp-mode -> org-mode integration allows using Language Server Protocol
> features (e. g. completion, on-the-fly diagnostics, references,
> refactoring, etc.) in org-mode source blocks.
That sounds great! Just to check, in the demo you have :tangle "demo2.cp
Ivan Yonchovski writes:
That sounds great! Just to check, in the demo you have :tangle
"demo2.cpp", this would also work with :tangle yes, yes?
lsp-mode will need actual file path to work. I am not sure what
"yes" will mean in this context.
This is fairly simple, it means inherit the fi
Hi All,
Just a quick note: I'm yet to resolve this, so any further
comments/help on this would be much appreciated :)
Hi All,
I recently visited and thought it
did a rather nice job of introducing markdown. Taking a look at for comparison, it does a perfectly
servicable job of presenting org-mode ... but could benefit from
looking more circa. 2020 than circ
>From a7af0ff66917f92c735735d88eeccb5019937273 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: TEC
Date: Thu, 9 Jul 2020 05:21:44 +0800
Subject: [PATCH 8/8] Org-plot: add radar plot type.
lisp/org-plot.el | 138 ++-
1 file changed, 137 insertions(+), 1 delet
:ID: 1161308a-ef0c-4490-bb36-13634f8de727
User-agent: mu4e 1.4.10; emacs 26.3
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed
Received-SPF: pass client-ip=2607:f8b0:4864:20::102b;; helo=mail-
Hi All,
Noticed some autoformatting happened on send. This is how the cons
paragraph /should/ read (with a minor correction as well).
*In last email*
Cons: - Inceased chance of ID collisions across files Longer IDs
I - think this could make a nice option for export settings.
I'm - aware
Alexander Adolf writes:
Hello Timothy,
Hi :)
Interesting. Just a thought: have you considered computing a
SHA-2 hash...
I have not. Simply put, I fail to see any advantage.
This would have the advantage of solving both, your "noise
issue" and at the same time removing the threat of id
I now have a more complete patch set if any maintainers would be
ready to receive and review it.
TEC writes:
Hi All,
I’ve just finished re-working my modifications to org-plot into what I hope is a
form that may (in 9.5?) be merged at some point.
I stayed up later that I wanted getting
Hello again,
I thought I'd just bump this in the hope of a response, since in
the six weeks since my original email I haven't heard anything.
Just to re-iterate the central question:
Bastien, would you be open to a website revamp? What are your
As before, generally interested in
Hello Russell, Amin,
Thanks for giving me your thoughts on the idea :)
Your responses have lead me to think that this may lead somewhere.
Russell Adams writes:
My feedback is that personally I don't care about trendy web
pages. I agree with you that adding JS to simple pages makes
them ho
Ok, I had a bit of time so I had a quick look and got started.
I decided to start off with the big flashy stuff --- navbar and
I need to think about how I'm doing the styling more. To fit with
the default org-export I need to work out what sort of CSS hackery
I want to go with, at t
The effort continues!
To give an idea of what's changed, here's a commit log:
Unmerged into origin/master (19)
- master Replace header generic org description with quote -
Remove jQuery, do smooth scrolling with CSS - Add open grabh meta
tags - Don't eval src blocks on export, by default - Or
Another update :)
- For inspection, the WIP-code can now be found on github:
- The site is now more mobile friendly, the navbar now has a
burger state - The features page has seen a revamp in style and
content Please check it out and give me feedbac
Colin Baxter writes:
>> TEC writes:
>> - The site is now more mobile friendly, the navbar now has a
> Why? How many users are installing org-mode on their 'phones - smart or
> otherwise?
Zero, I expect :P
However, I don't think that's the question w
Colin Baxter writes:
It seems to have the usual vertical monotone blocks, commonly
seen in mobile sites. These may be necessary for the small
screen but represent to me a retrograde development in web-site
Ah yes, the big banner on the index page. I think I can see your
point of
Good to hear from you!
Eric S Fraga writes:
I do like the animated images in the features page!
Glad you like them! I recently converted the static images to SVGs
with the help of someone using Emacs27 w/ Cairo, would be nice go
do something like an animated SVG in the future, but that'
Thanks for the feedback!
Maxim Nikulin writes:
03.08.2020 12:11, TEC wrote:
To see how currently appears, see
Sorry for negative (and maybe discouraging) feedback. I would
not mind if you just skip my complains since I am not a
Bruce D'Arcus writes:
> On Tue, Aug 4, 2020 at 11:50 AM Maxim Nikulin wrote:
>> It seems that new variant is too mobile-centric. On a 24in monitor I
>> expect something more than just a banner.
> I agree; it looked odd when I opened it on this 27-inch monitor.
Hmm. Sounds like this design
Bruce D'Arcus writes:
> On a large monitor, there's so much space that I think the features
> content would best fit underneath a small banner.
Shrink the banner. Right - that sounds like something to try!
I messed with the CSS a little using browser devtools (with one or two
unintended side-
I feel like this may be where I need to jump in with:
*cough, off-topic
Bo Grimes writes:
> On 8/5/20 6:26 AM, Eric S Fraga wrote:
>>Org mode on the move is brilliant to have.
> Agree! However, because I too find screen keyboards "very annoying" and small
> screens even more so, m
Thanks for stepping through your thoughts in such detail.
I really appreciate it :)
Maxim Nikulin writes:
> On a phone I would expect to see something like
> Org mode for GNU Emacs
> - Keeping notes
> - maintaining TODO lists
> - planning projects
> - authoring documents
> with a fast an
Maxim Nikulin writes: -- lots of stuff --
Since we're talking about newcomers now, I think there are 2c I
can share.
- I started sliding down the Emacs slope early this year My
- initial use case was Org, as a replacement of Jupyter (I want an
- editor,
not a fancy web page)
- I use Doo
Once again, thanks for the detailed response :)
Maxim Nikulin writes:
- innovative :: does 'new' and exciting things that similar
products don't
This is the most "offensive" word for me. Minor issue is that
2003 means 17 years ago, not new, but really I consider the age
as an advan
Hi Everyone,
I've just pushed the initial version of a package I think is pretty nifty (no
bias here ;) and thought it might me nice to mention it to the mailing list.
This leverages Pandoc to reduce my interaction with other formats. Hopefully
ian martins writes:
I'll have to take a closer look, but at a glance I think I'll be
using this every day from now on. I interact with three wiki
formats frequently at work. I'd written a few helpers to convert
tables back and forth but mostly resort to writing in those
markups or exporti
Julius Dittmar writes:
as far as I know this is no bug. Reason: How could org tell
where the old results end? There's no end marker. Thus instead
of removing everything that follows, it refrains from removing
This is my understanding. It's also why I tend to use
:results raw d
Nick Dokos writes:
TEC writes:
:results raw drawer
You mean `:results drawer'? There is no reason to include `raw'.
Ah yes, I mean instead of "raw" use ":results drawer" 😛
Hi Maintainers,
Are we still in a feature freeze? At the start of June Bastien
announced a feature freeze (Release 9.3.7). As we are now moving
into September, I'm wondering if this is still in effect? I can't
see any recent emails from Bastien either so I'm guessing he's
just been snowed u
Not much has changed since my last message, other than me becoming
fairly busy :(
I have performed debuzzwordification on the header, and
implemented the compacted design prototyped previously. I expect
Maxim will likely still think the font-size is too big, but I
somewhat like it as
Maxim Nikulin writes:
I have tried adaptive design tool in firefox. Currently I would
rather complain concerning the size of the unicorn logo. It
consumes whole screen when emulation of a phone and landscape
orientation is selected. I expect more informative greeting.
Oh my. I just check
TEC writes:
Oh my. I just checked that out and it looks ridiculous. I seem
to have accidentally messed with the mobile styling at some
point, should be easy to get it to behave sensibly again though.
Please give this another look now, it should be better.
There is something wrong with
Maxim Nikulin writes:
I do not know how much work is required to update animated
Maybe someone will give better ideas, so do not hurry.
I'll store a link to this email for when I have time to revisit
this :)
- Publishing. Something wrong with HTML export of the LaTeX
macro, bac
Hello everyone :)
The end is now in sight! Other than the somewhat bare index page, I feel
that we're nearing complete coverage of the current site (at least all
the 'main' pages).
If you haven't already please give my revamp project a look:, and let me know if you'v
Hi Tom,
Thanks for your emails, they're most helpful!
I'll respond to them one at a time.
Tom Gillespie writes:
> When the dimensions of the browser window become too narrow the links in
> the header move to the hamburger menu. This seems like it is quite bad
> for discoverability. Is there a
Tom Gillespie writes:
> Oop, one other thing. There is no obvious way back when clicking view
> source, and the button disappears out from under the mouse which is
> quite annoying. Is it possible to retain the header so that one can
> toggle the view of the main page and the source simply by r
Hi Bastien!
Great to see you back on the lists again :)
Bastien writes:
> Good guess :) I'm rolling up my sleeves to get to 9.4 ASAP so that
> we can commit features in the master branch again soonish.
> Still, you can share patches on the list, that's useful to discuss
> and improve them
Hello Bastien,
Below I've included some quick (hopefully useful) notes on the
I've made.
Bastien writes:
p.s. If you'd like a TLDR on that website thread I started I'd
attempt one. I just hope you don't find me too presumptions
going as far
as I have without having heard
Bastien writes:
thanks for reporting this. I think the echo area should display
the outline path using Emacs default font, removing both height
and colors. That's fixed in maint now as a3576543f.
If someone want to remove the height while preserving colors,
let's consider this option too.
Hi everyone,
Prompted by the fact that Markdown is registered as a MIME type
(RFC7763) and perusing the MIME registration procedure (RFC6838),
I wonder if it may be possible to register Org as a MIME type?
There are a few parts of RFC6838 in particular which give me hope,
[§4.9] uni
Just a quick note from me.
Bastien writes:
Let's discuss this with care, and consider all possible
This is /exactly/ what I was hoping to prompt with this email.
I think it would be a nice idea (assuming feasibility), but it's
certainly not something to rush.
All the best,
Bastien writes:
> When you upgrade Org, please report whether your code still works so
> that we can discussing its integration as a feature in Org, if that's
> useful to others as well.
For what it's worth, I'm just a few commits behind head and this:
Bastien writes:
> Please share it on the list if you feel it's ready for a review.
Well, I'm pretty sure it needs further tweaks, but I think that the bulk
of the work would benefit from review at this point --- should I send it
> Also, Mario has been working on org-plot.el too
Ah yes, w
Bastien writes:
> Sure, please go ahead.
Will do! :)
> Great -- because I know Mario shared a lot of proposals, many of which
> where probably ignored or dismissed because the patches did not follow
> our conventions closely enough (despite his notable efforts).
> It is of foremost importan
lpful, please give me your thoughts on the attached patches :)
<#part type="text/x-patch"
<#part type=&qu
I'm with you on this - the behaviour we've seen is clearly inhuman.
Oh the other hand, this 'imposter' does seem to be doing good work
... I wonder if we can keep it when we re-capture the real Bastien?
Yours in conspiracy,
Colin Baxter writes:
This look really nice - simple but comprehensive and very
Thank you for your kind words :)
There is a slight issue with your link
"javascript:show_org_source()" in
that it wont load of course in non-js browsers such as eww and
Ah, yes. This is
Hi all,
I've taken a little look at improving how Org is seen/searched around
the web. We currently have open graph and twitter meta tags, and I've
now see that we should be able to improve our search result too.
Looking at this ma
Mario Frasca writes:
> Hi all. Temporarily with hardly any connection. I dropped attempting
> to have my patches accepted after a couple of RFCs were met with
> silence. My understanding is that org-plot is abandoned, in favour of
> babel blocks, and I have too little interest in learning that.
Tom Gillespie writes:
> Hi Timothy,
> Based on the available relationships Org mode is almost certainly
> a that is a
> of as well is in
> There a
Bastien writes:
> (In general, it would be good if downstream enhancements like these
> could be shared upstream, we are generally quite grateful for help!)
>From memory, Doom actually has a number of rather nice Org patches that
it hoards :P IIRC simply to avoid the effort of going through th
Bastien writes:
>> Thanks! I agree it would be nice to have a comprehensive list of org
>> exporters in worg - although usually a search for "org export
>> " points in the correct direction :)
> Indeed, such a list would be helpful.
> Is anyone interested in working on this?
I'd happily ad
Bastien writes:
> I think it would be best to store this information on Worg rather than
> on the website: the website should be for quasi-immutable things (with
> only a few people having write access), while worg is a perfect place
> for things that can be collaboratively updated.
My mental
Bastien writes:
> this is more like: the main website should contain as little as
> possible while worg, being collaborative, should contain as much
> as possible.
Ok. I'll keep this in mind in future efforts. Sounds like the current
tools page should be shifted over, I'll try to do this in th
> Is anyone willing to help with (1) and/or (2)?
I'm willing to give (2), and potentially (1) a shot :)
have happened. Unfortunately, I have yet to find
> a good way of attaching files in mu4e.
> Those should have been converted into attachments in a plaintext
> email, but that didn't work.
> Let me know if this attempt works as intended,
> Timothy.
>From c62e817b04dfb
Emanuel Berg via General discussions about Org-mode.
> user-error: Unknown LaTeX class ‘korma-article’
This is just because the class has to be defined in =org-latex-classes=
(see the doctring for info).
By default it contains:
- beamer
- article
- report
- book
>> #+latex_header
Emanuel Berg writes:
> TEC wrote:
> I know this commands well from my LaTeX projects,
> but I'm gonna use LaTeX anyway, what's the use of
> using org-mode?
You see, strangely enough - if you want to tweak the result of Org
exporting to LaTeX, you have to write LaT
pssst. I think you're a bit off. See my reply ;)
All the best,
I'm still hoping for that discussion :P
To the Org community, if you have thoughts on this - please share them
Me earlier:
> Bastien writes:
>> Let's discuss this with care, and consider all possible outcomes.
> This is /exactly/ what I was hoping to prompt with this email.
> I
Hi All,
This just replaces the current `org-html--build-meta-info' with a
cleaner, more
extensible (I also added a new variable) version. Please give it a look
and let
me know what you think!
<#part type="text/x-patch"
TEC writes:
> <#part type=“text/x-patch”
> filename=“home/tec.emacs.d/.local/straight/repos/org-mode/0001-lisp-ox-html.el-make-html-meta-func-nicer.patch”
> disposition=inline>
> <#/part>
I have no idea what I need to do to get Mu4e to attach files, but I'm
> Best wishes
> Jens
Thanks for your feedback!
Updated patch:
>From 3a02e4d3bce5f7f0cbdb34c98f4267cea40eec3e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: TEC
Subject: [PATCH] lisp/ox-html.el: make html meta func nicer
* lisp/ox-html.el (org-html--build-meta-info): Multi-line repeated
Palak Mathur writes:
> I liked 3.1, 1.2 and 2.2 in that order. The reason for 3.1 it gives
> contrast between the navigation panel, banner and highlights the
> request for Donations.
FWI I'm putting positions on
Much appreciated,
Nicolas Goaziou writes:
> Nitpick: It's Org mode (or Org Mode though I prefer the former), but not
> Org-Mode (or Org-mode).
Fixed (Sentence Case).
> I'm not sure the subtitles behind "Features", "Install", ..., are
> useful. Worse, I have some feeling they could give a wrong impression
> abo
Hi Devin, thanks for checking up on this!
Devin Prater writes:
> [no alt texts for images]
This should be fixed now!
> Also, I cannot find the area to view the Org-mode source of a page.
Ah, yes. This was removed at the request of
An update.
1. We have a volunteer for a Japanese translator (yay!),
still looking for a french one
2. Following the community opinions and feedback on the designs
presented, further iteration has occurred and 20 concepts have been
reduced to the three most promising candidates.
I now
Updated patch below:
>From da3878493a8c7097bf44add925696ede86ede661 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: TEC
Subject: [PATCH] lisp/ox-html.el: make html meta func nicer
* lisp/ox-html.el (org-html--build-meta-info): Multi-line repeated
structure extracted to new function `org-html--build-meta-entry'.
Hello everyone. Just in case this has slipped through the cracks /
fallen under the radar --- here's a little bump.
TEC writes:
> Oooops, I've just noticed my patch attachment re-send was only addressed
> to Bastien (maybe this is why I haven't heard anything?).
you call
org-html-encode-plain-text with two arguments, but it just
? No I don't.
Best wishes
Hope that clarifies things a bit,
Moved the keyword in with the rest.
From 889ae918aed267417825d565df9135221dae16b1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00
From: TEC
Jens Lechtenboerger writes:
On 2020-09-28, TEC wrote:
Jens Lechtenboerger writes:
Also, in org-html--build-meta-info you call
org-html-encode-plain-text with two arguments, but it just
? No I don't.
Your patch contains this:
+ (let* ((title (org-html-encode-
Kyle Meyer writes:
That sounds reasonable to me, and the change looks fine to me.
My only
thought is that perhaps the line number would be friendlier to
but I don't feel strongly about that.
+1 for line numbers
Assuming the current format is something like:
"Do you want to eval
Samuel Wales writes:
a long time ago i discovered that drawers were the bottleneck.
removed a lot of them and got much faster loading speeds. idk
if that
is still true.
There's a thread about improving this, see:
Just in case that's o
Bastien writes:
If there is absolutely zero burden put on the shoulders of Org's
maintainers, then I'm all for it.
From the look of things, there's just effort in the initial
I think it would serve well the proliferation and
popularization of org-mode.
This is the
Bastien writes:
You register once and for all? Is there some red tape involved
maintaining the registration?
Assuming I haven't misread/missed anything, the only thing that we
cause a change is if the specification changes - but since it
looks like
we can just link to our speci
Wes Hardaker writes:
IETF person here. If you want help or a co-author, I can help
if needed.
[not a mime expert, but I've been involved with the IETF for ~25
Fantastic! I've never summited an RFC or interacted with the IETF
in my life, so that sounds great to me :)
Wes Hardaker writes:
Ok, I'll try to create a template we can fill out in github next
(I'm swamped this week with a deadline).
Sounds good :) I'm fairly busy for the next ~month and a half
anyway so
I'm happy to accommodate delays.
Would it be a good idea to use the markdown RFC as
Hi Greg,
Just one little thing that occurs to me, for accepting PRs if you
the header arg (globally would probably be best) :comments link
That with M-x org-babel-detangle should help with accepting PRs.
Hope that helps,
Greg Minshall writes:
hi. i apologize if this has bee
Hello all,
I'm still hoping that someone might get back to me ... eventually,
so here's another bump.
TEC writes:
Hello everyone. Just in case this has slipped through the cracks
fallen under the radar --- here's a little bump.
TEC writes:
Hi Mirko
Mirko Vukovic writes:
Instead specifying the width, I'd like to use the parameter
Have you tried #+attr_latex: :scale SCALE ?
Not sure how you'd put this in a header though I'm afraid - you'll
likely want to change a variable or add an export filter.
Hope something there
Hi everyone,
In developing my take on the Org website and my coFig file, it has
to my attention that there seem to be a few W3C violations in the
I always export with these settings,
which may affect some of the items below.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(setq org-html-doctype "htm
working as expected)
>From 3743e507775b446f5f8188958c20f65861fac3fb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: TEC
Date: Wed, 8 Jul 2020 18:34:46 +0800
Subject: [PATCH 01/15] org-plot.el: make indentation method consistent
* lisp/org-plot.el (org-plot/gnuplot): Make indentation consistent, by
replacing a few spaces
1 - 100 of 196 matches
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