Sorry, I forgot to reply to the list.
Roi Martin writes:
> Hi Bruno,
> Bruno Barbier writes:
>> According to the current source code, you should be able to pick the
>> scheme implementation using the :scheme argument (either per block, per
>> heading, or p
Bruno Barbier writes:
> I've installed chez and racket. Indeed, the argument :session
> if half-ignored.
> I've attached a quick ugly hack; with that change, it is now working
> for me.
> #+begin_src scheme :scheme racket
> (banner)
> #+end_src
> : Welcom
Bruno Barbier writes:
> The HTML fontification is launching REPLs, and *may* prompts
> for the implementation to use. I'm able to work around this with this
> setting:
> (setq geiser-mode-auto-p nil)
> I'm not sure what the real solution should be though.
Thanks a lot for the workaround!
I have an org document with the following structure:
Racket code block:
#+begin_src scheme
#lang racket
(+ 1 2)
Chez Scheme code block:
#+begin_src scheme
(+ 3 4)
It includes several code blocks with different scheme implementations
(e.g. Racket and Ch
Bruno Barbier writes:
> My patch fixes a real bug though. Are you sure org is using the correct
> scheme implementation when doing "C-c C-c" ?
I think it works fine if you set the `org-babel-load-languages' variable
in the elisp code block:
(org-babel-do-load-languages 'org-babel-load-