ould never be a thankless one. Thank you so much for all
you do for our community.
babel yet so I don't know all its ins and outs
but I expect that there are ways of passing additional information to
the language doing the heavy lifting so we could add various output
On 9/26/2010 11:27 PM, Gary wrote:
Rainer M Krug wrote:
I really like the idea of this
ately, since it also makes use of additional entries in
org-export-latex-classes, but since I have it working it meets
my needs. YMMV.
On 10/19/2010 9:03 AM, Jay Snoddy wrote:
I am attempting to make a presentation and lecture notes out of org,
similar to what I have done before in normal late
On Sat, Oct 30, 2010 at 1:25 AM, Nick Dokos wrote:
> Noorul Islam wrote:
> > On Sat, Oct 30, 2010 at 4:23 AM, wrote:
> > > I updated to 7.02 today and now am unable to publish a project to
> > > html. This is the error reported in *Messages*
> > >
in my notes without having
to adjust their heading levels or pasting them directly into my notes.
On 11/10/2010 3:09 AM, Scot Becker wrote:
I've never heard of any way to do that with an #+INCLUDE. There are
variables that automatically demote subtrees that you yank in wit
This guarantees I have the same org-mode setup interactively
as well as in batch mode so there are no surprises on generation.
Of course, SCons already knows how to build pdf files from latex so
it is trivial from there to do the remaining generation...
Have you looked at sl4a (formerly ase)? With it you can
start Intents and perform clipboard operations plus file
manipulations using a standard scripting language like
perl, python, or ruby (among others). This might be
very useful.
On 11/28/2010 11:10 AM, Sven Bretfeld wrote:
if you don't want to install Sigil, but I have
found Sigil to be an easy to use program for making the ePub.
I have used Calibre to convert directly from HTML to ePub. What
advantage is there in using Sigil first?
I don't know about the current state of MobileOrg and its
implementation details but I would look at the two sl4a
startActivity, and
Playing with these two methods should get you most of the
way there, I would think.
2010 5:25 PM, Sven Bretfeld
On 12/2/2010 12:02 AM, Sven Bretfeld wrote:
Mark Elston writes:
I don't know about the current state of MobileOrg and its
implementation details but I would look at the two sl4a
startActivity, and
Yea, I've tried that already.
Looking forward to it Matthew. Thanks for the hard work.
On 12/2/2010 12:41 PM, Matthew Jones wrote:
Mark, you are exactly right about this... I made some good progress on
it last night, I will reply to this thread once I have something
concrete. Would love to get you guys to test and
this the voice capture dialog comes up and
the script exits without an exception but the Capture
activity doesn't come up and nothing is added to the
MobileOrg data. What do you have that is different?
On 12/3/2010 5:45 AM, Sven Bretfeld wrote:
Hi Matthew
Matthew Jones writes:
s empty, etc
Thanks again, Matt. Great work.
On 12/3/2010 12:51 PM, Mark Elston wrote:
I have tried this according to what you suggested earlier
but haven't had any luck yet. My script is:
# Capture.py
import android
droid = android.Android()
addition to what has already been stated the makefile has a
target for 'orgcard_letter.pdf' which is built from
'orgcard_letter.tex' (which is actually built from orgcard.tex).
If you want to make it you can 'make doc' from the top level and it wil
ing some text for 'limited' export.
Using a special notation is not a problem if it gives me the ability to
maintain a single document that I can export to two different LaTeX/PDF
Emacs-orgmode mailing list
Please u
Thomas S. Dye wrote:
Hi Mark,
On Dec 10, 2009, at 10:49 AM, Mark Elston wrote:
I have been following this discussion with some interest as it may
provide the basis for something I am interested in doing as well.
I hope my discussion doesn't muddy the waters too much...
Nick Dokos
Nick Dokos wrote:
IIUC, another way to go (possibly much simpler than org-babel[1]) is to use
selective export:
#+EXPORT_SELECT_TAGS: Tags that select a tree for export
#+EXPORT_EXCLUDE_TAGS: Tags that exclude a tree from export
Mark the handout and notes sections with different
are a couple of other items but I want to take this a step at a
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Nick Dokos wrote:
Mark Elston wrote:
I have a standard format I like to use in creating some class notes
in latex. I use memoir and have a boilerplate that only differs
in the title from notes to notes. I have decided to try to manage
my documentation for my notes in org to see if it is
\author{Mark Elston}
\date{16 December 2009}
\title{ABC Class Notes\}
Notice the title line in the generated latex code. It looks like:
\title{ABC Class Notes\}
The closing brace is escaped.
Carsten Dominik wrote:
Hi Mark,
what is the error you are getting?
- Carsten
On Dec 17, 2009, at 1:05 AM, Mark Elston
Thank you very much, Carsten. I can confirm it works perfectly now.
Carsten Dominik wrote:
Hi Mark,
On Dec 18, 2009, at 12:16 AM, Mark Elston wrote:
Notice the title line in the generated latex code. It looks like:
\title{ABC Class Notes
the resulting .pdf file
between the 'common' text and the note- or handout-specific text. This
is *definitely* not what I had in mind.
Is there any way of working around this or correcting this behavior?
Description: TeX document
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So, no Christmas present for me? :)
Merry Christmas everyone. Thanks for all the hard work and
the help over the last year. Congratulations for working
together to produce such a fantastic tool.
Mark Elston wrote:
I have been making progress on my use of org-mode to manage both
or an
empty list. After defining one custom agenda command, all works as
Mark Scala
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This was fixed a week ago or two. I don't remember the checkin but I
saw it in the log and verified the fix works.
I remember looking at the diffs and it had to do with preprocessing the
TEXT section as well
Carsten Dominik wrote:
Is this already fixe
Carsten Dominik wrote:
On Dec 22, 2009, at 7:24 AM, Mark Elston wrote:
I have been making progress on my use of org-mode to manage both
my teaching notes and handouts in a single document. However, there
is something I still have not been able to make happen. That is
selective exporting of
Any examples of a hook function for these would help a lot. In
particular, what are the parameters, is the point "looking at"
anything in particu
the answer
(if any).
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. Sorry for the noise.
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On 1/24/2010 9:24 PM, Nick Dokos wrote:
Mark Elston wrote:
I am trying to make use of some of the hooks for exporting and haven't
found any docs about what they take or how to make use of them (elisp
is *not* my native language).
The Emacs Lisp Reference manual has a section (23.1:
gs in each file should be demoted
one level when exporting the entire collection as a single volume.
Is something like this possible without going in and manually editing
each file's contents?
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here anything I can do here?
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Hi Carsten,
Thanks for the reply. My responses are below:
On 2/3/2010 2:34 AM, Carsten Dominik wrote:
Hi Mark,
On Feb 2, 2010, at 11:08 PM, Mark Elston wrote:
A year ago Flavio de Souza asked a question about latex enumerations
that is similar to a problem I now have. The answer given then
blank headers that way. That solved the problem before it even starts.
I probably don't have to do any perl post-processing at all, now.
Thanks for all the help.
P.S. If anyone is interested here is the embarrassingly simple hook
function I came up with. I show it not because I think a
OK. I guess I was wrong. For some reason this hook doesn't seem
to work. I masked the issue a different way and it made me *think*
this was working.
Any ideas why this hook function would not remove header lines with
only tags and no header text?
On 2/3/2010 6:24 PM, Mark Elston
Found it. Apparently org-export-preprocess-hook was the wrong hook.
When I used org-export-preprocess-final-hook instead it works as
On 2/3/2010 7:12 PM, Mark Elston wrote:
OK. I guess I was wrong. For some reason this hook doesn't seem
to work. I masked the issue a diff
I don't know if this would be the best default behavior. As I
think about it I would rather have a simple default behavior that I
can customize to my heart's content. Simple, predictable behavior
makes it easier to customize.
My $0.02 worth, anyway.
On 2/6/2010 12:18
When I export your file to html I get proper numbering. I'm
not sure why you don't.
You are using an older version of org-mode. I have 6.34 and
it works as expected.
On 2/16/2010 11:03 PM, Livin Stephen Sharma wrote:
I'm pasting content from an org file, and the
On 2/17/2010 7:23 AM, Livin Stephen Sharma wrote:
If it works for you, then I can't complain!
Well, you *could*, but it would be better to upgrade first...
Thank you so much... I'll play with the settings, or move to the new
On 17 February 2010 19:57, M
Hi All
I fail to align table which has Chinese, while English characters work very
Below is the sample. Is there any setting can save me out of this annoying
| 编号 | 姓名 | 分数 |
|1 | 张三 | 80 |
|2 | 欧阳友人 | 90 |
|3 | 李四 | 75 |
Thanks very much for your at
Thanks, Giovanni.
You're right, I have just asked a duplicate question.
I am very sorry about that. And I will pay attention to this next time.
On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 12:04 AM, Giovanni Ridolfi wrote:
> filebat Mark writes:
> please, search the list before pos
tagged with this tag from being
On 3/7/2010 2:10 PM, Graham Smith wrote:
Using babel I have the data used for the analysis (in R) under a top
level heading just called data. I want to keep this in the org file
but not in the compiled pdf.
I have had a look at the selective export in
Hi All
I am wondering whether we have a handy way to fill table's cell with the
values nearby.
Like in office excel:
- C-d: Fill current cell with the value of the upper cell
- C-r: Fill current cell with the value of the left cell.
Thanks & Regards
Denny Zhang
Many thanks, Chris and Carsten!
I got your points. It show me a way which solves my problem gracefully.
On 3/22/10, Carsten Dominik wrote:
> On Mar 21, 2010, at 12:22 PM, filebat Mark wrote:
> Hi All
>> I am wondering whether we have a han
Hi All
>From the following page, we can align column to the left/right by putting
/ at the header of a table.
My question is how we align a column to the center?
Thanks in advance.
Thanks & Regards
these classes will be defined in
The problem is mainly nomenclature, I guess, but my LaTeX_CLASS
definitions are usually a *lot* more than a list of packages.
It seems a little odd, but OK.
have written that the generated LaTeX code
will be something like:
Is this correct?
On 3/31/2010 11:59 PM, Carsten Dominik wrote:
Hi Mark,
OK, it seems that I have really overstated this change. You are of
course right that your header for a document type can be very long,
It appears that the cadr -> cdr change is also necessary in org-latex.el
(at least for Emacs 22.3).
On 4/1/2010 6:29 PM, Eric Schulte wrote:
After updating to the current git head, I have to make the following
changes for latex image generation to work.
diff --git a/lisp/org.el b/l
that symbol but it interferes
with latex processing to have them both defined)
I suppose a way to remove one or more packages in *specific*
export classes would be ideal...
On 4/2/2010 12:55 AM, Carsten Dominik wrote:
On Apr 2, 2010, at 3:17 AM, Mark Elston wrote:
Thanks for
On 4/3/2010 3:57 PM, Carsten Dominik wrote:
On Apr 3, 2010, at 8:49 PM, Mark Elston wrote:
Is there a way to *remove* one or more of the packages in
org-export-latex-default-packages-alist? I find that marvosym
is conflicting with one of the packages I use in my notes and
org-export-latex-packages-alist just after the documentclass line.
Does that sound right?
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down to some simple mechanisms as you
have shown.
On 4/5/2010 6:13 AM, Carsten Dominik wrote:
Dear all,
I need some feedback.
Here is new new section from the list of changes, about the LaTeX setup.
I would like to hear honest answers if I have gone completely crazy, of
if this actually
ser of latex so I don't really know what the
comment above about scalable fonts is getting at. Perhaps I can set
my docs up to do something different in terms of fonts to make this
just work.
Any ideas?
Emacs-orgmode mailing list
On 4/10/2010 1:01 PM, Thomas S. Dye wrote:
On Apr 10, 2010, at 7:30 AM, Mark Elston wrote:
I am having problems with microtype, here. I don't know if it is
happening in all my docs or just the ones I am working with now but
pdf generation fails with the following in th
site. Why can't MobileOrg support FTP for those who don't want to
go to the trouble of buying an extra WebDAV account?
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ried mydrive.ch and box.net both and can get a
web-based connection but cannot get scp or any other mechanism to work.
I have Windows Vista and the latest Cygwin tools installed.
Until I can figure out how to make this work I'm afraid that MobileOrg
is not going t
Hi GTDers,
I am a big fun of org-mode, and right now I'd like to get the statistics for
the time allocation in my daily life.
Apparently, not all things are important, so some entries may not have the
timestamp like <2010-04-15 19:48>.
Thus agenda view can't help for my question, it seems can't sh
09-11-23 星期一 17:12]
This is an sample.
On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 8:14 PM, Matt Lundin wrote:
> filebat Mark writes:
> > I am a big fun of org-mode, and right now I'd like to get the
> > statistics for the time allocation in my daily life.
> > Apparently, not
Vista, there doesn't seem to be a way to
map to a drive. I get an entry in the Network Places but mapping
to a drive fails no matter what I try (at least with mydrive.ch and
Without the drive mapping I am at a loss.
Nick mentioned cadaver (and a cygwin port). I will look into that.
this all works manually, when running it as:
cadaver < response.file
it barfs on accepting the certificate. Sigh. Time to get the sources
and try compiling a local version that doesn't ask to accept the
cert and just goes on with the rest.
On 4/15/2010 12:31 PM, Nick Dokos wro
The problem is that I am not even getting that far. I cannot get an
automated mechanism to copy the files. As I pointed out below the
cadaver tool is failing, when using the script, to even connect to
the server.
On 4/15/2010 1:16 PM, Matthew Jones wrote:
Make sure you check
What do you have in your .netrc (besides passwords and such)...
On 4/15/2010 12:57 PM, Nick Dokos wrote:
Mark Elston wrote:
Thanks. I'm already trying the script approach. I have the
following in a script:
open https://webdav.mydrive.ch
cd org
I have gotten cadaver running and can use it to connect to mydrive.ch.
How do I integrate this in with MobileOrg?
On 4/14/2010 9:08 PM, Nick Dokos wrote:
Mark Elston wrote:
I am having trouble getting a command-line connection to *any* of these
services. I have tried
Thanks. I had read on the mydrive website that we needed to use
https instead of http. When I switched to http it works fine...
The cert problem should have led me in that direction anyway...
Now to finish my installation...
On 4/15/2010 1:46 PM, Nick Dokos wrote:
Mark Elston
Once I installed beamer I was able to run pdflatex to produce the
presentation without error. What do you get when you run either
latex or pdflatex?
On 4/23/2010 9:12 AM, Buck Brody wrote:
I have pasted the tex file below. Thanks for your help.
% Created 2010-04-23
Hi friends
I am bumped to be asked: how to change font size and colors for specified
content, in order to higlight them, like MSword.
This question may be not specified to org-mode, but emacs itself.
However, requirement for this is mainly from the use of org-mode. So I refer
to my super stars in
·Get prepared for discussions and meetings
·Be careful and patient for the tasks
On 4/26/10, Jan Böcker wrote:
> On 26.04.2010 07:21, filebat Mark wr
could define
'markers' in comments delimiting the relevant sections of code and
org could search these out easily enough.
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On 4/26/2010 7:19 PM, Dan Davison wrote:
Mark Elston writes:
The use of line numbers seems a little error prone since line numbers
can change dramatically by simply editing the file. If you edit one
section of a file, even if you update the line numbers for that
section, you will need
. But I would prefer doing it
"right." :)
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I have been playing with this today as well and can't get DEADLINES
to work. How did you do it? When I set a deadline in org and sync
it doesn't show up in Toodledo.
In fact, I set a Start Date in Toodledo and did an update and
my Scheduled date in org went away.
On 5
s git repository.
See the results at http://vimeo.com/11889681
Awesome! Even though I look like a hyperactive kid with a laser gun :-)
- Carsten
More like a hyperactive bee pollinating flowers...
Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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I just noticed, however, that setting a Deadline in Toodledo
does set the DEADLINE in org.
Guess I need to start diving into the code.
On 5/20/2010 2:42 PM, Mark Elston wrote:
I have been playing with this today as well and can't get DEADLINES
to work. How did you do it? W
can support *all* aspects of org and not just TODO's.
For the time being, though, TODOs are sufficient for me.
I hope to have time this summer to work on both projects.
I am pretty swamped for the next couple of weeks though.
On 5/22/2010 7:29 AM, Sven Bretfeld wrote:
Hi Mark
noticeably with
the introduction of new, correct code into the .emacs?
Well, in an organization I used to work at we called it 'bit rot'
though it wasn't necessarily about Emacs ... :)
Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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would then translate into:
\begin{refquote}{Albert Einstein}
Make things as simple as possible, but no simpler.
This is exactly what I was looking for.
On 6/1/2010 8:02 AM, Chris Gray wrote:
Chris Gray wrote:
I actually needed this yesterday, so I'll m
problem might be so if
you were so inclined you could start there and look for an answer...
On 6/17/2010 6:32 PM, Daniel Mahler wrote:
On Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 2:30 AM, Daniel Mahler wrote:
I have 2 issues with exporting
1. I would like html export to activate plain links
Ignore this
Nowhere do I find any information about setting that variable. Any ideas?
(I'm using the latest development version of Org, compiled from git sources
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he sorting
;; If we have added a table line, maybe recompute?
(when (and (eq (org-capture-get :type 'local) 'table-line)
Mark Scala
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put still looks like this:
* Headline :tag:
stuff here
Tags align normally for only after adding that line to org-capture.
On Thu, Aug 12, 2010 at 3:53 AM, Bastien wrote:
> Hi Mark,
> Mark Scala writes:
> > When capture templates with tags are finalized, thos
"* %^{Description} %^G \n%? \n %U" :prepend)
Hope this is helpful and not just distracting.
On Thu, Aug 12, 2010 at 9:02 AM, Bastien wrote:
> Hi Mark,
> Mark Scala writes:
> > Thanks, I hadn't checked the value of org-auto-
Some old some new
** The Queen's old armchair
:BEAMER_env: block
:BEAMER_envargs: <1->
- Princess Anne
- Prince Charles
- corgis
On Thu, Aug 26, 2010 at 2:19 AM, Glyn Millington
> Good Morning :-)
It appears this request has been closed as a duplicate of the
emacs.stackexchange.com project which is currently in progress.
On 7/20/2011 11:12 PM, Thomas Renkert wrote:
Hello list,
after reading the responses to my initial suggestion yesterday
those) interruptions that are finished by the time I file them,
I'd like them to have the keyword DONE automatically. Has anyone
encountered this case and found a solution?
hi emacsers
Exporting org-mode's entries to html is a fantastic way for knowledge sharing!
Usually entries of "TODO" "HALF" "DELEGATE" "CANCELED" "DEFERRED" are
incomplete/immature knowledge.
Thus, I don't want to export them. Furthermore, after they are marked
as "DONE", I'd like to export them.
On Fri, Nov 18, 2011 at 9:46 AM, Bernt Hansen wrote:
> filebat Mark writes:
> > Exporting org-mode's entries to html is a fantastic way for knowledge
> > sharing!
> >
> > Usually entries of "TODO" "HALF" "
for specific events...
While using googlecl might be interesting it would probably be simpler
to come up with a specific library for doing the things that need to
be done directly with gdata (which is what googlecl uses anyway) and
calling scripts that make use
esulting information after all my org file manipulations
are done so my students can see the results.
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ever notes
I have in org related to it. That is where I keep the details, notes,
private stuff that I keep off the calendar. It keeps the calendar
clean and simple but I get all my notes as necessary.
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On 1/29/2011 12:44 PM, Greg Troxel wrote:
Mark Elston writes:
[google calendar]
I wasn't all that keen on it at first but I really got to like it when
I was able to update my calendar from my phone or my laptop or my
desktop at work and all three would see it.
When I found I
On 1/30/2011 5:28 AM, Greg Troxel wrote:
Mark Elston writes:
On 1/29/2011 12:44 PM, Greg Troxel wrote:
I have never made use of any .ical/.ics files so this hasn't been an
issue for me. The only UUIDs I am dealing with are google calendar's
own internal UUIDs. I don
elisp... :)
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On 2/4/2011 11:16 AM, Eric Schulte wrote:
Mark Elston writes:
On 2/3/2011 8:03 PM, Torsten Wagner wrote:
Hi Marcelo,
Emacs can run as a dameon and as that you could access it via
emacsclient. What is needed is a nice interface to allow to send simple
requests to insert and fetch data from
week. Some weeks are skipped. It seems hit and miss. I haven't
been able to establish the exact pattern, but it appears that I can not
depend on recurring items to show up in the timeline.
Has anyone else seen this? Is there a way to make all activities show up
in the tim
Hi Chris,
Are there any other dates in your calendar? Have you tried it with +90d?
Emacs 23.2.1 | Win XP | Org-mode 7.5
On Mon, 14 Mar 2011 11:02:14 -0800, Mark S wrote:
--- On Mon, 3/14/11, Chris Randle wrote:
From: Chris Randle
Subject: Re: [O
in June, even though it
would not fall inside of a date range.
** TODO Pay Cell Phone Bill TriMonthly <2011-01-15 Sat +90d>
** TODO [#A] Bath for dog <2011-03-10 Thu +1w> :PM:
** Books due at LIB1 <2011-03-24 Thu>
Hi Chris,
You say "showed up using C-a a"
Yes, but what about the Timeline?
C-a L
The problem with the C-a a view is that you have to walk through the
calendar week by week. The timeline would be better for scheduling events
far out in the future -- if it worked.
Thanks a
I've tested this now in Linux, and it fails there too. Remember, we're
talking about the timeline, typically accessed by "C-a L"
Is this something I should report to a bug log?
On Mon, 14 Mar 2011 14:55:56 -0800, Mark S wrote:
t; item does not show up in June, even
though it would not fall inside of a date range.
If there's some magic incantation that will make this data work, it would
be nice to know ;-)
--- Data
** TODO Pay Cell Phone
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