
I don't know if this would be the best default behavior.  As I
think about it I would rather have a simple default behavior that I
can customize to my heart's content.  Simple, predictable behavior
makes it easier to customize.

My $0.02 worth, anyway.


On 2/6/2010 12:18 AM, Daniel Martins wrote:
This behaviour and/or hook could not be the default?


2010/2/4 Eric S Fraga <ucec...@ucl.ac.uk <mailto:ucec...@ucl.ac.uk>>

    At Wed, 03 Feb 2010 18:24:02 -0800,
    Mark Elston wrote:

     > P.S.  If anyone is interested here is the embarrassingly simple hook
     > function I came up with.  I show it not because I think anyone else
     > will find this thing useful but as an example of how simple it
     > really is to write this kind of thing.

    very useful, actually.  i use org-mode for my cv.  in my enumerated
    list of my publications, say, I often want to add some notes that
    don't appear in any exported version.  but I also don't want the
    enumeration interrupted.  There are other possible solutions but this
    simple function could prove quite useful indeed.


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