Re: Help: How to change faces of words between parenthesis

2024-02-24 Thread Kepa
Thanks, William I'm not writing citation. I am studying a text, and it has citations. To delete them all, generates friction, while to let them all be, generates distraction. So with the help of Ihor (and chatgpt) I have added this code to my init file, so they are shadowed: (defun yant/appl

Org-attach risks

2024-03-14 Thread Kepa
Hi Each time I change the DIR property for attachments, I have to answer correctly two questions: if I want to move every file to the new path, and if I want to delete the old folder. Is it possible to not receive these questions? For me, it's a big risk I don't want to take every time. Best r

Re: Org-attach risks

2024-03-17 Thread Kepa
Kepa writes: >/Each time I change the DIR property for attachments, I have to answer / >/correctly two questions: if I want to move every file to the new path, and if / >/I want to delete the old folder./ > >/Is it possible to not receive these questions?/ >/For me, it&#x

I can't make a custom face to take effect

2024-03-30 Thread Kepa
Hi I have added a custom face, but it doesn't work unless I do "M-x org-mode-restart". The custom face: (defun yant/apply-custom-faces ()   (add-to-list 'org-font-lock-extra-keywords '("(\\([^)]*?[A-Z]+[^)]+?[0-9]\\{3,4\\}[^)]*\\))" . (0 'shadow prepend)) 'append)) (add-hook 'org-font-loc

[FR] Add customization for default answers to `org-attach-set/unset-directory' prompt (was: Org-attach risks)

2024-03-30 Thread Kepa
Hi Ihor In addition to the sequence of prompts when changing the attachment directory: 1. Copy over attachments from old attachment directory to new one? 2. Delete old attachment directory? we can introduce a custom variable `org-attach-move-attachments' with the following values: 1. 'ask (d

Re: I can't make a custom face to take effect

2024-03-30 Thread Kepa
You're right, I moved it near the top of my init file, and it works Solved! Thanks On 30/03/2024 12:43, yantar92 at wrote: Kepa writes: I have added a custom face, but it doesn't work unless I do "M-x org-mode-restart". The custom face: (defun yan

Possible bug in sparse trees Todo keywords

2024-05-20 Thread Kepa
Sparse tree doesn't seem to work if the Todo states finishes with a dot. For example "PROJ." Best regards

Error message after upgrading to devel version: const:tag

2024-05-25 Thread Kepa
Hi After updating org-mode to org-9.7pre0.20240524.175607 I get this warning message: ■ Warning (emacs): Value 't' does not match type (choice (const :tag nofold: show all nofold) (const :tag fold: overview fold) (const :tag fold: show two levels show2levels) (const :tag fold: show three level

Possible bug: Adding a new item to a list "a)"

2024-06-01 Thread Kepa
I have a weird behavior when trying to add a new item to an ordered list. Version: Org mode version 9.7-pre (release_N/A-N/A-a3c1a8502 @ c:/.../elpa/org-9.7pre0.20240524.175607/) Instructions for the example: Point: placed after "[...]" instead of "(point)". Send: M-ENTER Result: First line "a)..

Doubt about writing before PROPERTIES

2024-06-06 Thread Kepa
Hi I would like to know if this "syntax" is ok or if I shouldn't write anything in the first line after a headline: EXAMPLE 1: ** PROY CLIENT DEADLINE: <2024-07-03 mi.> (26 weeks excluding week 52, ready) :PROPERTIES: :DIR: c:/CLIENT :END: ETC *** ETC EXAMPLE 2: ** PROY CLIENT DEADLINE:

[BUG] org-appear error after uninstalled [9.8-pre (release_N/A-N/A-c426f4)

2024-07-15 Thread Kepa
Hi, I have uninstalled org-appear several days ago, and I am constantly receiving this error: Error in post-command-hook (org-appear--post-cmd): (wrong-type-argument number-or-marker-p nil) I tried listing the hooks: M-x describe-variable RET post-command-hook RET But nothing related to org-a

Issue opening files with accented words, using org-attach-open

2024-08-04 Thread Kepa
Hi I'm encountering an issue when trying to open a file using org-attach-open from org-attach. The problem occurs when the file name, or file path, contain words with accents. Windows OS sends me this error: Error code: 0x80070002 The system cannot find the file specified. I have not this probl

Re: Issue opening files with accented words, using org-attach-open

2024-08-05 Thread Kepa
Hi Accentuated characters are in the path and in the file name. It seems windows can't find the file, because emacs sends the accentuated characters substituted. As said before, this doesn't happen with Dired. Kind regards From: tomas at To: emacs-orgmode at

RE: Issue opening files with accented words, using org-attach-open

2024-08-05 Thread Kepa
network drive. Best regards -Original Message- From: yantar92 at Sent: Monday, August 5, 2024 8:53 PM To: Kepa Cc: emacs-orgmode at Subject: Re: Issue opening files with accented words, using org-attach-open Kepa writes: > Hi > > I'm encountering a

Re: Issue opening files with accented words, using org-attach-open

2024-08-05 Thread Kepa
Funny: the path was p:/170 Buzon/oq.pdf, where the "o" was accentuated: From: To: yantar92 at ; Kepa CC: emacs-orgmode at Date: 2024-08-05T20:24:50Z Subject: RE: Issue opening files with acce

RE: Issue opening files with accented words, using org-attach-open

2024-08-06 Thread Kepa
rg-open-at-point'.\nHowever, it will not happen if point is in a table or on a \"dead\"\nobject (e.g., within a comment). In these case, you need to use\n`org-open-at-point' directly." (interactive "i\nP\np") #) (nil nil 1)) org-return(nil nil 1) funcall

RE: Issue opening files with accented words, using org-attach-open

2024-08-10 Thread Kepa
> -Original Message- > From: yantar92 at > > Sent: Saturday, August 10, 2024 3:53 PM > To: Kepa > Cc: emacs-orgmode at> > Subject: RE: Issue opening files with accented words, using org-attach-open >

[SOLVED]: Issue opening files with accented words, using org-attach-open

2024-08-18 Thread Kepa
Thanks, Ihor. That change worked. (when (eq system-type 'windows-nt) (setq org-file-apps '((\\.\\(docx\\|doc\\)\\' . system) (\\.\\(xlsx\\|xls\\)\\' . system) (\\.\\(pdf\\)\\' . system) (\\.\\(pptx\\|ppt\\)\\' . system) (auto-mode . emacs

Orgmode keybindings in Dired?

2024-08-22 Thread Kepa
Hi I'm starting to use Dired and I like it. I would like to know your opinion, fellow orgmode users about keybindings in Dired: Is it worth modifying Dired's keybindings to match those of Org-mode? Could it have any side effect? Any specific advice? Has this configuration already been shared? I

RE: Orgmode keybindings in Dired?

2024-08-23 Thread Kepa
Hi Marcin! Below I shared some ideas > -Original Message- > From: mbork at > > Sent: Friday, August 23, 2024 7:21 AM > To: Kepa > Subject: Re: Orgmode keybindings in Dired? > > On 2024-08-22, at 18:27, Kepa wrote: > > > Hi > > >

M-RET ok, C-RET wrong?

2024-08-23 Thread Kepa
Hello, I'm experiencing strange behavior when setting a keybinding. C-RET keybinding does not work for me, and I have had to use C-, although M-RET does work: This doesn't work: (define-key dired-mode-map (kbd "C-RET") 'dired-w32explore) I receive this message: C- is undefined This works, tho

[CLOSED] M-RET ok, C-RET wrong?

2024-08-23 Thread Kepa
Sorry, this message is not for this list. I will share it with emacs help list. Best regards

Re: Orgmode keybindings in Dired?

2024-08-24 Thread Kepa
From: Fraga, Eric Subject: Re: Orgmode keybindings in Dired? Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2024 12:51:32 + User-agent: gnus (Emacs 31.0.50) Response below/inline for email Kepa wrote: > (original email sent 22 Aug 2024 at 18:27) > I'm starting to use Dired and I like it.

Ideas to generate unique search context for id:links

2024-08-25 Thread Kepa
Hi I'm exploring the new option implemented in org 9.7: "id: links support search options like [[id:my-id::*child heading]]: Any valid fuzzy location will work as a search option." Do you use any way to generate UNIQUE search contexts? I was thinking about submitting this feature request,

Re: Ideas to generate unique search context for id:links

2024-08-25 Thread Kepa
Ideas to generate unique search context for id:links From: Kepa Subject: Ideas to generate unique search context for id:links Date: Sun, 25 Aug 2024 13:07:01 +0200 Hi I'm exploring the new option implemented in org 9.7: "id: links support search options like [[id:my-

[BUG] Speed command for rot13-region

2024-09-06 Thread Kepa
Hi, Something strange happens when trying to set the following as a speed command: ("c" . rot13-region) In my customized Emacs, a warning appears. In Emacs -q, first it doesn't do anything if no region is active. Then, it affects a headline where there is not the point, and this happens without

Inconsistent org-sort numeric

2024-09-06 Thread Kepa
Hi It seems inconsistent, org-sort numeric. If org-sort numeric is applied to each of these one level headlines, the order is different in both (tested with emacs -q): * Inconsistent org-sort. M-x org-sort numeric ** !Cuatro ** ~Cinco ** Tres ** 1 ** 2 * Inconsistent org-sort. M-x org-sort num

Doubt. Differences between id search and target links.

2024-09-07 Thread Kepa
Hi I have a doubt about two kind of links, that are very similar in functionality: id links with search options and <> links What would be the best option? In terms of performance, id links could be better, since the search is narrowed to the contents of a headline, while <> link has to search

Re: [BUG] Speed command for rot13-region

2024-09-10 Thread Kepa
From: Ihor Radchenko Subject: Re: [BUG] Speed command for rot13-region Date: Mon, 09 Sep 2024 18:12:44 + If you can reproduce from emacs -Q, may your please share more detailed instructions on how to trigger the problem you are seeing? Emacs -Q Create org file with: * 1 aaa * 2

Re: Inconsistent org-sort numeric

2024-09-10 Thread Kepa
I thought it would be similar to alphabetical sort, where numbers are ordered although they are not part of the alphabet. If it's as intended, ok.

RE: Link Abbreviations with Org-Attach

2024-10-12 Thread Kepa
Hi Ihor, I've moved on, and I probably won't need that feature. > -Original Message- > From: yantar92 at > > Sent: Saturday, October 12, 2024 8:06 PM > To: Kepa > Cc: emacs-orgmode at> &g

[SOLVED] How to use italics in headlines

2024-10-08 Thread Kepa
I think it's solved: just don't set the height in the italics definition, so it can take the context height. ---- From: Kepa Subject: How to use italics in headlines Date: Sun, 6 Oct 2024 10:22:56 + What would be the correct way to customize i

Re: Problems inserting accentuated dates

2024-10-08 Thread Kepa
On 08/10/2024 6:33, tomas at wrote: On Mon, Oct 07, 2024 at 08:42:24PM +, Kepa wrote: Hi, Ihor Sorry I don't know how mail lists work, so sometimes my answers don't go to the correct place. This seems to work fine :) If I answer to the recived e-mail, it usually wor

[SOLVED]: org-levels customization

2024-10-05 Thread Kepa
Got it: '(org-n-level-faces 1) 8-) Best regards From: idlip at Sent: Saturday, October 5, 2024 6:36 PM Cc: Subject: Re: HELP: org-levels customization (set-face-attribute 'org-level-1 nil :height 1.5 :foreground "#b4befe") (set-face-attribute 'org-

How to use italics in headlines

2024-10-06 Thread Kepa
Hi I'm trying to have control over the appearance of faces, but it seems to be unmanageable for me. For example: Is it possible to use italics in headlines, matching the size of the headline? Or is the italic face determined by itself, meaning it will always have a fixed size regardless of whe

Re: HELP: org-levels customization

2024-10-05 Thread Kepa
On 05/10/2024 18:35, idlip at wrote: > In Emacs -Q there is not this issue. This indicates the issue is with your config. Yes, that's for sure. I suspect it can be from theme. When I make a search for "theme" word in my init.el file, I get just one result:  '(custom-safe-t

RE: Problems inserting accentuated dates

2024-10-07 Thread Kepa
/msg00313.html Best regards > -Original Message- > From: yantar92 at > > Sent: Monday, October 7, 2024 9:18 PM > To: Kepa > Cc: emacs-orgmode at> > Subject: Re: Problems inserting accentuated dates > &g

Help. SPC in speed commands

2024-10-18 Thread Kepa
Hello, This speed commands keybinding is not working for me. Should it be done differently to use SPC? ("SPC" . org-todo) Best regards

[Help] Handling links

2024-10-20 Thread Kepa
Section 4.5 [Handling Links], page 42 says: "For Org files, if there is a '<>' at point, the link points to the target. If there is a named block (using '#+name:') at point, the link points to that name. Otherwise it points to the current headline, which is also the description." I don't unders

HELP: org-levels customization

2024-10-05 Thread Kepa
Hi I am encountering an issue while trying to customize the headlines in Org-mode. I have taken the customization lines, corresponding to org-levels, from custom-set-faces to the body of my init file. So I have now this: (set-face-attribute 'org-default nil :inherit 'default :family "Atkinson H

[Help] How to show contents of just the filtered headlines

2024-10-23 Thread Kepa
Hi I would like to generate a buffer with the agenda entries with a specified tag, including their contents, not only headlines. The ideal way would be to unfold directly in the agenda, is it possible? What would be the easiest way to get a buffer with JUST filtered headlines and their contents

RE: [Solved] How to show contents of just the filtered headlines

2024-11-03 Thread Kepa
Hi Ihor, that is great. I am sorry I didn't know org-agenda-entry-text-mode, nor org-agenda-write. Great, really. Thanks! > -Original Message- > From: yantar92 at > > Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2024 8:10 PM > To: Kepa > Cc: e

RE: Help. SPC in speed commands

2024-10-26 Thread Kepa
It works on emacs -Q. But with my config it is not working, it just shows breadcrumbs in the mini buffer, showing some upper level headline. Best regards > -Original Message- > From: yantar92 at > > Sent: Saturday, October 26, 2024 11:55 AM > To: Kepa >

Link Abbreviations with Org-Attach

2024-09-23 Thread Kepa
Hello, Is it possible to use org-attachments with link abbreviation definitions? I'm testing it, and it seems not to work. I'm referring to elements like these: * 1 Link Abbreviation Definition #+LINK: shortcut /path/to/folder/ * 2 Attachment Directory Property doesn't work :PROPERTIES: :DIR: s

Problems inserting accentuated dates

2024-09-28 Thread Kepa
I have a problem some time ago. I don't know the cause: I can't insert dates accentuated, for example Saturday (in Spanish it is Sábado). If I do it, I get: <2024-09-28 s \341.> Instead of <2024-09-28 sá .> And if I try to save the buffer, the minibuffer is open with "Select coding system" messa

[SOLVED] Problems inserting accentuated dates

2024-09-29 Thread Kepa
Kind of solved (thanks to bug-hunter). The cause was this line: (setq locale-coding-system 'utf-8) But I don't know why, and I would like to know. Best regards

VISIBILITY property: Is it mixed children and content?

2024-09-30 Thread Kepa
Hi Using :VISIBILITY: in a headline PROPERTIES drawer: It seems ":visibility: children" shows the headline content and children. While ":visibility: content" shows just headline's children Intuitively I'd say it should be the opposite way. Org mode version 9.8-pre-28b631 Best regards

Re: Help with my first elisp

2022-05-24 Thread Kepa Diez
maybe use something like >/> (define-key mh-letter-mode-map/ >/> (kbd "C-c s")/ >/> 'ggm-mh-sentaddrs-completion)/ but, using whatever the name of the logos-focus mode map, pointing at your functions? Hi Greg I think "logos" doesn't have a map, is it possible? On Mon, May 23, 2022 at 09: