:35 AM, Bastien wrote:
> Hi Jorge,
> "Jorge A. Alfaro Murillo" writes:
>> Hi, I am having trouble with org-mobile-push, it fails and gives the
>> following error:
>> org-mobile-create-index-file: Symbol's function definition is void:
>> org-p
I think I figured it out. I think it was a problem of having "upgraded" org
from the package manager once, when I had another version of emacs. I
removed the package, reinstall emacs-snapshot and now it is working again.
On Oct 25, 2012 4:02 AM, "Bastien" wrote:
Grant Rettke writes:
> How do people choose today?
> Why choose bibtex over biblatex?
For journal submission. With BibTeX you only have to copy paste at the
end of your LaTeX file the contents of the generated .bbl file.
Moreover, journals provide a default style for BibTeX, not biblatex. And
"Doyley, Marvin M." writes:
> Hi Everybody,
> Is there a way to sync org-agenda with google calendar so that I can
> exploit googles calendar reminder.
> I wish there was a way to send calendar reminders (pop-up, emails,
> text message ) from org-mode rather than going through google.
Parnell Springmeyer writes:
> MobileOrg is the best solution so far. But there's no
> bi-directionality, which is annoying, the sync options in MobileOrg
> are pretty solid but getting MobileOrg first setup was enormously
> confusing for me. I've used dropbox and btsync to sync and they aren't
David Masterson writes:
> 2. I removed org-agenda-files from the custom-set-variables section of
> my .emacs.
> 3. I set org-agenda-files in the standard way (C-c [).
> 4. I notices that org-agenda-files was back in the custom-set-variables
> section of my .emacs.
> Is that supposed to happen?
Vicente Vera writes:
> Hello. I'm quite confused with the installation options.
> Recently started out a Debian base system and compiled Emacs from the
> bzr repository. That came out fine, so I ran 'make install' and now
> Emacs 24.4.50 sits in /usr/local/bin, /usr/local/share, etc.
> I want
Achim Gratz writes:
> It doesn't work, you just haven't run into a problem that you can
> positively identify with that habit yet. You'd need to re-build Emacs
> each time you update Org if you wanted it to work.
Why? emacs/lisp points to org-mode/lisp, if I update org it updates in
its org-mo
Grant Rettke writes:
> Octave is an option, too: https://www.gnu.org/software/octave/
Since people are championing python, and R and Octave have been
mentioned, let me throw this one into the discussion:
"Sage is a free open-source mathematics software system licensed u
Xebar Saram writes:
> i keep once and a while screwing up my notes with unintended editing
> (erroneous key presses etc) and was wondering if any one knew of a way
> to to switch orgmode notes between read-only/editing?
Hi Xebar. Use C-x C-q. This works for every file, I use it in particular
Sharon Kimble writes:
> How then do I get to use the "8.3 beta" please?
Hi Sharon,
Use the git version, it has had the tag 8.3 beta for about a month.
Follow the instructions in
Sharon Kimble writes:
Miguel Ruiz writes:
master branch =
make cleanall #git pull #optional git reset --hard
origin/master # warning: removes local changes #make test
#optional make #not necessary if make test
maint branch =
make cleanall #gi
Thanks John,
The links to the other videos are broken. I think that the
addresses have %3D instead of an equal sign (=).
Grant Rettke writes:
el-get might be a nice option for you.
There is also doc-present, but you would need to export to beamer
first: https://github.com/dengste/doc-present/
Some people create there own, for example watch the first 3min of:
Try putting (package-initialize) as the first line of your .emacs,
that should do the trick.
hymie! writes:
Greetings. I'm new to OrgMode, and I'm still working my way
through. It has a lot of the old functionality and features of
the PalmPilot "Bonsai" program, which I miss terribly, and I
hope you take that as a compliment.
I have a TODO that looks like this (I had t
David Masterson writes:
Anyone using MobileOrg?
I use it all the time, but the Android version. I do not think
that it is a dead project, at the end of last year there were
quite a few updates.
I generally use it to read my org agenda and TODO list in my
phone, to automatically transfer
Also there is a more or less active Google+ page:
David Masterson writes:
Not looking for complete org functionality in my phone -- just a
reasonable ability to edit org outlines while I'm on the road.
Well you can do that with MobileOrg... sort of. Once you edit and
save a change, synchronize in your phone and then pull from your
David Masterson writes:
Hmmm. Simple question (I think). Can you edit outlines (at
least somewhat) from MobileOrg? For instance, can you add
outline headers to your Org outline in MobileOrg? Or is
MobileOrg only useful for viewing Org outlines and capturing
items to add to your outlines l
Ken Mankoff writes:
On iPhone, you cannot add sub-headings.
Another good reason to ditch your iPhone and buy a Nexus =)
Even when the Android and iPhone applications are different, the
good thing is that the org side (org-mobile.el) is not specific
for the iPhone or Android (or any external
Dear Mat, Henning, Richard and Sean
In case you are not subscribed to email list of orgmode, the
following thread might be of interest to you.
Matthew Jones and Henning Weiss, and Richard Moreland and Sean
Escriva are the top contributors for MobileOrg for Android and
iPhone, respectively.
Isaac writes:
Similar to this previous post, I am trying to file orgmode items
to files/buffers currently opened. Being elisp rookie, I tried
and came up with the following:
(defun opened-buffer-files ()
"Return the list of files currently opened in emacs" (delq nil
(mapcar (function
Eric Abrahamsen writes:
Henning Weiss writes:
I have been working over the last couple of months on a private
prototype. I'm currently using it in my daily life and it works
for me. It uses Git (and only Git) for synchronization and
doesn't use org-mobile at all. The idea is that you keep al
Hi Nicolas,
Are there any news on this? I was just trying to accomplish the
same thing (get \midrule instead of \hline in a LaTeX orgtbl), but
adding :booktabs t seems to not be enough.
On [2013-12-01 Sun 10:18], Nicolas Goaziou wrote:
AW writes:
Well for now and until :booktabs t is incorporated this is what I
am using:
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defun orgtbl-to-latex-booktabs (table params)
"Convert the Orgtbl mode TABLE to LaTeX using booktabs
package." (let* ((alignment (mapconcat (lambda (x) (if x "r"
Ups... it should be midrule not midline.
Some development in the password manager.
* contrib/lisp/org-passwords.el (org-passwords-default-password-size,
org-passwords-default-random-words-number): New variables.
(org-passwords-copy-username, org-passwords-copy-password): Use
org-entry-get to obtain the property value.
David Arroyo Menendez writes:
I've a recurrent little problem, with a light TODO.org
org-agenda is fast, but every year or so, I need create a new
TODO.org, because is so slow. More people with this problem?
Some solution?
I keep an archive file, so I get things out of my agenda files
Fletcher Charest writes:
Have you made any progress? I am also interested.
Me too.
On 18 August 2014 02:52, Noah Slater wrote:
I have a number of habits set up that I regularly fill in the
day after the activity was done. Is there a way to mark an item
as done (in a way that hooks into th
Jonathan Leech-Pepin writes:
Patch attached and inlined (to ensure gmail does not mangle)
* org-passwords.el
(org-passwords-generate-password-with-symbols): Do not insert
password, this matches how
`org-passwords-generate-password-without-symbols` behaves.
Thanks, I had forgotten to remo
_SRC emacs-lisp
(add-hook 'org-agenda-finalize-hook (lambda ()
(org-agenda-to-appt '(16
-- Jorge.
>From 2a5bf43b8ce112eab30df55f25e1744a7b388d64 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Jorge A. Alfaro Murillo"
Date: Sat, 6 Sep 2014 18:01:20 -0400
Thomas S. Dye writes:
I don't manage my bibliography references in Org mode. I am
used to managing a bibtex database and have never found the need
to move everything to Org.
Same here.
Bibtex mode has functions for automatic reference key
Christoph Groth writes:
My motivation for keeping bibliography in org was to keep all
local information about a paper (including notes and comments)
in one place. This should make it easier to find it.
In BibTeX if any field contains an entry that is not part of the
required or optional en
Darlan Cavalcante Moreira writes:
In my case I only have one file where I use org-crypt and I
define the function below
here---start->8--- (defun
my-find-senhas-org-heading nil
(interactive) (require 'org-crypt) (find-file
Christoph Groth writes:
But not all is good:
- Scaling: Some simple tests seem to indicate that org mode
becomes too sluggish with files of about 50k lines. This is a
dimension that could be easily reached over 10 years if the
file grows by 20 lines per day on average. This is not
Marcin Borkowski writes:
Hi list,
my question is as in subject. It is done by org-open-at-point
(somehow), but the logic seems to be buried in that function.
What I'd like to have is a function that would just extract the
link portion (which is normally invisible) and displayed it in
the e
Rasmus writes:
If point is on a link you can
(org-element-property :raw-link (org-element-context))
That's way easier =)
Grant Rettke writes:
My goal was to set a new keybinding for two keys like this:
╭ │ (local-set-key (kbd "C-,") (lambda () (interactive)
(insert " \\larr "))) │ (local-set-key (kbd "C-.") (lambda ()
(interactive) (insert " \\rarr "))) ╰
The second works fine. The first does not; it
Grant Rettke writes:
On Fri, Sep 26, 2014 at 12:17 PM, Jorge A. Alfaro-Murillo
For me `org-cycle-agenda-files' is bound to C-', not C-, maybe
you have something that sets C-' to C-, globally?
Definitely, here in my .emacs.el:
╭ │ (global-set-key (kbd "C
Jorge A. Alfaro-Murillo writes:
Grant Rettke writes:
On Fri, Sep 26, 2014 at 12:17 PM, Jorge A. Alfaro-Murillo
For me `org-cycle-agenda-files' is bound to C-', not C-, maybe
you have something that sets C-' to C-, globally?
Definitely, here in my .emacs.el:
hymie! writes:
I would suggest, rather than adapting more editors to support
Org, creating a stand-alone program that "compiles" and manages
Org functions separate from the act of editing them.
Perhaps the easiest thing would be an emacs configuration that
makes emacs just an org editor for
Hi Giuseppe.
Giuseppe Lipari writes:
The big problem I have is that I do not know how to put
equations in cells. [...] the underlines are translated as
underlines, and not as subscript command.
Try adding ":no-escape t" to the #+ORGTBL line
Bastien writes:
Can you resend the patch as an attachment?
Sure, it is attached.
If you have commit access, feel free to push your commit
I do not have commit access.
-- Jorge.
>From 4b1b7f291af29b94919620f9a824c2da1ce09458 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "
Daya Atapattu writes:
Is there a way to create a habit that picks-up the description
from a list?
I like to schedule studying a book: It would be scheduled as
"Read pages 100-125." Then the next day it should read "Read
pages 126-150." The description of the habit varies; org-mode
picks th
Hi, Karl.
Karl Voit writes:
For other events, I do have one single "* Volleyball" heading
and multiple time-stamps for each occurrence in its body.
(method B)
Unfortunately in the agenda view, both entries are visualized
the same way. This is causing issues in certain cases.
For example,
Hi list,
I am planning to collaborate on a project with another org-mode
user (such a joy). For each org file we want to keep an archive as
well in the git repository. With this work flow it does not make
sense to keep track of the file property in
`org-archive-save-context-info', since it wi
Kyle Meyer writes:
The buffer-local value doesn't continue to shadow the global
value when org-archive-subtree sets the buffer to the archive
Thanks, Kyle! That is the reason. Setting the local variable in
the archive file as well does the trick.
Andreas Leha writes:
On 2014-11-26, at 20:00, Jacob Gerlach wrote:
Just my 2 cents: I'd go for LaTeX if heavy math typesetting is
involved (then amsmath!), maybe for Org otherwise, check
whether the template imposes a many-file structure (which it
probably doesn't), and keep everything in o
Marcin Borkowski writes:
I mostly agree, but the above is not true: see TeX-pin-region
and TeX-command-region. Bottom line: IMHO no point in dividing
into many files.
You are right, you can compile a region in AUCTeX, or export just
a region in org, but the problem (besides having to select
Calvin Young writes:
* If the cursor is at the end of a list item, then "Return"
insert a new list item (i.e., automatically perform
M- does this. You do not want to do that because
you when you want to finish the list finishes it.
* If the cursor is at the b
Jorge A. Alfaro-Murillo writes:
Calvin Young writes:
* It'd be nice of these rules could be applied to checkboxes as
M-S- inserts a check box.
I forgot to mention that the S- behavior also works
with check boxes.
t sublists are separated by indentation,
and learn that M- is for lists, and M-S- is for
check boxes.
Jorge A. Alfaro-Murillo says:
I guess you could remap to a function that checks
if you are at the beginning of the list and when that is true
it does what you want, otherwise it just call
Hi Tory,
Tory S. Anderson writes:
Does anyone know a solution for the surely common case of
needing to insert a cell (not a column or row) into an orgmode
table? Spreadsheet programs allow the option of pushing the
column down or pushing the cells right in this case. How can
this be achieved
Marco Wahl writes:
This could be the day of org-table-transpose-table-at-point.
Argh! Thanks, so simple. I seems like I never took Linear Algebra:
anything that you can do with rows you can do with columns, by
transposing, doing, and transposing.
I think entries of the form
%%(org-class 2013 1 7 2013 4 27 2) 12:00pm-01:15pm TITLE
show up on MobileOrg.
I have org-mobile-agendas set up to 'default and they do for me.
Also the synchronization with Google Calendar is quite good in Android, you
can let then Google Calendar handles the remainde
I once tried to do something similar in org mode, at the end I thought I
was doing twice the work, so I ended up with just one big .bib file.
I copy the bib info from the website and then I have a function to yank it
a little bit cleaner into my bib file, something like this:
(defun bibtex-yank
Hi Claude.
Claude Fuhrer writes:
I'm trying to add recurring events, but only for a given period
of time.
You should probably use org-class. See below.
For example, I would like to write:
Project meeting, every monday between 10:00 and 12:00 from
1. October until 1. December 2015
Xebar Saram writes:
i was wondering if anyone was syncing orgmode calendar with
google cal, and if so how? i tried this
which gave errors all the time and thus stopped being usable
im looking for a robust solution. any ideas?
I export the agen
Ken Mankoff writes:
I'm using the examples from
(setq org-agenda-custom-commands [...]
But the HTML, PS, and ICS files are not being created. If I'm
visiting an Org file and run (org-icale
Matt Lundin writes:
Jorge A. Alfaro-Murillo writes:
Ken Mankoff writes:
I'm using the examples from
(setq org-agenda-custom-commands [...]
But the HTML, PS, and ICS files ar
Kaushal Modi writes:
What are your favorite org contrib/ packages that you simply
can't live without, and consider them to be a part of your
org-mode core?
org-contacts and org-passwords, definitely. Sometimes I use
Jonas Bernoulli writes:
`orgstruct-mode' sounds like it could be really useful too, but
as I mentioned it doesn't work for me at all. So for now I
would like to stick to just `outline-minor-mode'.
Ps: I am still not sure whether I am just doing something stupid
or why el
Xebar Saram writes:
So my question is (sorry for the long intro :)) what do orgmode
users (who also are heavy mobile users) do? do they give up on
contacts and calendaring on the mobile? maintain 2 separate
databases? what tools do people use to overcome this issue?
I have a computer always
Marcin Borkowski writes:
On 2016-01-23, at 19:28, Xebar Saram wrote:
Thanks for the feedback guys!
Marcin: do you know of good packages or methods to auto
push/pull from emacs each time you save a file (preferably ones
that dont require coding skills :-))
Sadly, no. But this shouldn't
Hi Xebar,
Xebar Saram writes:
im having difficulty understanding how the complex date input
works and would appreciate any help. What i want is to schedule
a class i teach on a sunday from 09:00 to 11:00 between 3/6/2016
to 1/7/2016
%%(org-class 2016 6 3 2016 7 1 0) 9:00-11:00 You should b
Xebar Saram writes:
i added this to my meet.org file :
** 3D class %%(org-class 2016 6 3 2016 7 1 0) 9:00-11:00 You
should be sleeping
yet in my agenda on 3/6/2016 there is no meeting present. what
am i missing here?
I do not know. That works for me. You mean June 3rd right? Another
hymie! writes:
I'd like to be able to have a series of commands in my raw org
file that I can copy-n-paste into my shell window. But I also
like to export my org files to HTML so that I can make ePubs and
keep them in my iPad.
And this
hymie! writes:
I think you are making the incorrect assumption that the machine
on which I maintain my Org files is the same machine that I wish
to execute commands on.
Yes, or that you can ssh to it.
If my commnds were all 8 characters long or less, it would be
fine. Some of my commands l
John Kitchin writes:
Citations in org are /far/ more than just references in the text
for me. They are functional links, gateways to a lot of
information connected to the citation. My org-files are much
more useful than the PDF manuscripts that get exported.
I completely agree.
I also
John Kitchin writes:
Stefan Nobis writes:
Hmmm... nowadays one uses biblatex[fn:1] (with its companion
biber) which makes hacking bibliography styles quite easy (in
LaTeX; compared to customizing bst files). I do not think that
the current discussion will lead to writing bib-styles in Lisp
Stefan Nobis writes:
jorge.alfaro-muri...@yale.edu (Jorge A. Alfaro-Murillo) writes:
From what I read in this and the previous thread, the new
proposal tries more or less to reimplement BibTeX in org.
No, that's wrong, not the database should be replaced. The goal
is to make citati
Hi, Grant.
Grant Rettke writes:
It would be simpler to say "this whole document will be R source
blocks, unless I specify other wise". I looked at [the spec]. I
wanted to obtain this behavior. I couldn't figure out how. Is it
The problem is that if there is nothing after #+BEGIN_S
Claudius Mueller writes:
if I load a theme (such as zenburn) and then rebuild my agenda -
the time table has changed: (i) the sorting of time is reversed,
and (ii) tasks that were inline before are now sorted out of the
time table (see arrow in both pictures).
I do not use zenburn very often
Thomas S. Dye writes:
AFAIK, the only software that has proposed a solution to the
problem of maintaining a citation database that can support the
universe of citation styles developed "in the wild" is BibLaTeX.
Well with BibTeX alone you can maintain a citation database and to
support any
Alexis writes:
When i scroll down to look at the current value of
`calendar-holidays`, however, i see that neither the current
value nor the original value makes any reference to the
`holiday-local-holidays` variable. And indeed, when i examine my
agenda for next Monday, which is a local holi
Hi Melleus.
Melleus writes:
Does %%(org-calendar-holiday) know about holiday-local-holidays?
I'm not programmer, sorry. I've set up those local holidays but
cannot see them in my agenda.
They should show up after you restart emacs.
Melleus writes:
Alexis writes:
see that local holiday. To fix this, i use M-: to evaluate:
(setq calendar-holidays (append calendar-holidays
Works perfectly this way, thank you.
jorge.alfaro-muri...@yale.edu (Jorge A. Alfaro-Murillo) writes:
They should
J. David Boyd writes:
I have 4 files I use for work in my main org folder. And I have
a personal.org in another folder, that is inside of Dropbox.
I created a symlink to personal.org in my main org folder. When
I start emacs and load the agenda, it asks me
Symbolic link to Git-controlled s
J. David Boyd writes:
I don't need the level of versioning that git provides for the
few config files and org files that I have there.
Have you check this: https://git-annex.branchable.com/assistant/ ?
It is as easy as dropbox, it just keeps directories synchronized,
but it has all the power
Rainer M Krug writes:
I would like to open pdfs in emacs (using pdf-viewer) but there
is only a shortcut (C-c C-o) to open a pdf externally, and no
shortcut for the menu item below "Open in Emacs" in the context
How can I define a shortcut for this command (or re-use C-c
If yo
Xavier Maillard writes:
What is emacsclient.desktop exactly ? On my slackware, there is
nothing named like this.
Inside a desktop environment (e.g. GNOME, KDE, Xfce), xdg-open
passes the arguments to that desktop environment's file-opener
application (gvfs-open, kde-open, or exo-open, respect
Xavier Maillard writes:
Thank you very much for these clarifications. Should I expect
anything from xdg-* when not using a desktop environment at all?
(I am using something home-brewed where I could add support for
something like this but that's not for now).
I am not sure. You could try xdg
Nikolaus Rath writes:
However, there's one thing where I feel lost. I don't expect to
be editing my orgmode files on a daily basis (at least not yet),
so how can I make sure that I don't miss an important deadline?
It seems to me that it doesn't help much if instead of worrying
to forget a de
Nikolaus Rath writes:
On Apr 06 2015, jorge.alfaro-muri...@yale.edu (Jorge A.
Alfaro-Murillo) wrote:
Nikolaus Rath writes:
However, there's one thing where I feel lost. I don't expect
to be editing my orgmode files on a daily basis (at least not
yet), so how can I make sure th
John Kitchin writes:
I like this kind of keyboard shortcut:
For python:
For emacs-lisp
I agree, this is the best method. Although probably you mean C-y
instead of C-w.
For the record, this requires you to set up
`org-structure-template-alist' to include python and emacs-lisp.
For exa
Hi, Nikolaus.
Nikolaus Rath writes:
I'm starting to like orgmode more and more. Thanks for working
on this!
However, for me the global todo list in the Agenda very hard to
digest (even when excluding sublevels), so I'd rather have a
view that conserves the document structure.
Nikolaus Rath writes:
Jorge A. Alfaro-Murillo writes:
If you want to restrict to your current document before
building the agenda use '<', so if 'C-c a' calls your agenda
(suggested org key), then you can do 'C-c a < a' to get the
agenda restricted to the
Nikolaus Rath writes:
Jorge A. Alfaro-Murillo writes:
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(setq org-agenda-prefix-format
'((agenda . " %i %-12:c%?-12t% s")
(timeline . " % s") (todo . " %i %-12:c%-24:b")
(tags . " %i %-12:c&q
Nikolaus Rath writes:
On Apr 21 2015, Nikolaus Rath wrote:
On Apr 21 2015, jorge.alfaro-muri...@yale.edu (Jorge A.
Alfaro-Murillo) wrote:
Now, if you want to narrow the agenda (C-c a) or
org-sparse-tree (C-c /) to show TODO items not SCHEDULED or
DEADLINE'd use the key '
Fabrice Niessen writes:
I've just published a new theme, called ReadTheOrg, on
Thank you very much! I just tried it and it is very nice.
Nicolas Goaziou writes:
jorge.alfaro-muri...@yale.edu (Jorge A. Alfaro-Murillo) writes:
Nikolaus Rath writes:
Actually, it seems it does not work for some cases. If I have
a file with
* TODO Item 1 * TODO Item 2 SCHEDULED: <2015-04-24 Fri> *
Heading ** TODO Subitem 1 ** TODO Sub
Hi Igor.
Igor Sosa Mayor writes:
I'm using very often the sort function of lists. Unfortunately
it is bound to a key combination (C-c ^) which is rather uneasy.
I would like to change it to C-c ñ. Which is the best method to
redefine it?
Doesn't the standard
(eval-after-load "org" '(define
Marcin Borkowski writes:
But one problem remains: the info manual is still taken from
Emacs, not from the newest Org.
Did you try to do 'make install-info'?
Rasmus writes:
In any case, I have moved ALL sending configuration to
gnus-posting-style and it's brilliant. Before I was messing
with hooks to change variables before dispatching.
I agree, gnus-posting-styles is the way to go. Check:
(info "(gnus) Posting Styles")
Matt Price writes:
Also, I'm wondering what the best way is to deal with contacts.
Can I import my existing contacts into org-contacts?
Where do you have your contacts right now?
And if so, do I get tab completion in a message-mode buffer for
those contacts?
Yes, at least I'm sure about i
Xebar Saram writes:
Thats exactly what i was looking for. does anyone know or show
me an example of how to create a org-agenda-custom-commands with
the 'S' from above where i would go C-a 'x' and it would auto
search all TODO headers for a custom string?
Probably you mean C-c a. If you have
Tim O'Callaghan writes:
Does anyone else out there generate todo.txt files[1] from
org/org-agenda? If you do, how do you do it. Or if not, do you
have a good idea about how if it can be approximated in an
agenda configuration?
You could write your own export back-end
Xebar Saram writes:
What i want is basically pretty simple. an easy to setup email
for emacs, but one that would work tightly with gmail since i do
a lot of mail checking on the road via my cellphone.
any advise. recommendations or setups that maybe people are
willing to share?
The setup o
Peter Davis writes:
I'd like to store information in an org page that gets
automatically encrypted when I save it, and decrypted when I
open it. Is there some built-in functionality or hooks for this?
You could save the file as .gpg, and put as its first line
# -*- mode: org-mode -*-
By the
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