Vicente Vera <> writes:

> Hello. I'm quite confused with the installation options.
> Recently started out a Debian base system and compiled Emacs from the
> bzr repository. That came out fine, so I ran 'make install' and now
> Emacs 24.4.50 sits in /usr/local/bin, /usr/local/share, etc.
> I want to install the master branch of org-mode.

I have both emacs and org-mode from git. For emacs:
#+BEGIN_SRC shell
  git clone git://
  make distclean

You do not need the "make install", I leave the emacs files where I want
them on my home folder (also useful if I do not have root access in a
server), and create two symbolic links to emacs/lib-src/emacsclient and
emacs/src/emacs in ~/bin/

For org, I once read a discussion in this list about not doing this but
that a lot of people do it, it keeps working for me, so I keep doing it.
I clone the repository:

#+BEGIN_SRC shell
  git clone git://
Then I remove the directory emacs/lisp/org and create a direct link to
org-mode/lisp instead. Also I remove emacs/etc/org (or maybe this
doesn't cause conflicts?)

Also, since the git repository of org has the etc files in a different
location, emacs cannot find them; the following takes care of that:

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
  (setq org-odt-data-dir "path_to_org-mode_git_directory/etc/")

Finally, this takes care of the documentation:

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
  (eval-after-load 'info
    '(progn (info-initialize)
            (add-to-list 'Info-directory-list 



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