[O] In HTML export =code= appears too large compared to regular text

2013-01-12 Thread John Corless
Hello, I am interested in changing the appearance of =code= (or ~verbatim~ for that matter) in HTML export. In exporting the previous sentence with default =C-c C-e b=, the words code and verbatim are much larger than neighboring text. Worg pages look much nicer (see examples on http://orgmode.o

Re: babel output seems to drop anything before % (in session)

2021-05-05 Thread John Corless
Confirmed Daniele, I was able to reproduce the behavior you described. Using the test case... #+BEGIN_SRC shell script :results output ping -c 1 #+END_SRC ... the results output matches what I get in a bash shell. But if you add the :session to the header args like this... #+BEGIN_

Re: TMIO Pre-release, request for feedback

2021-05-31 Thread John Corless
Timothy, Thanks for your work on this. I think it is an excellent resource. Best regards, John On Sun, May 30, 2021 at 12:36 PM Timothy wrote: > Hi Everyone, > > As we arrive at the end of May, I'm about to publish the 3rd issue of > /This Month in Org/. I thought I'd share the current draf