
I am interested in changing the appearance of =code= (or ~verbatim~ for
that matter) in HTML export.  In exporting the previous sentence with
default =C-c C-e b=, the words code and verbatim are much larger than
neighboring text.  Worg pages look much nicer (see examples on
http://orgmode.org/worg/), as do Wiki pages generated on Github with Gollum
(using org-mode as markup, see my simple example at
https://github.com/jdcorless/research-tools-notes/wiki/Emacs).  I would
like to get the same appearance in my regular HTML exports.
GNU Emacs 24.1.1
Org-mode version 7.8.11

I have tried searching org-mode manual, searching email archive, and
stackoverflow but have not been successful with this rather specific issue.

Thank you,

John D. Corless

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