export to HTML by simply loading 1
file (org.el), so I think it's useful.
-- Daniel
El Wed, 8 Sep 2010 03:39:20 +0530 Noorul Islam va escriure:
> On Wed, Sep 8, 2010 at 12:49 AM, Daniel Clemente wrote:
> >
> > Hi.
> > This change in org.el (commit fd16515b4a88
Do you have your .org files inside a version control system like git or bzr?
In that case, it's vc-mode who is delaying too much.
See the thread
http://www.mail-archive.com/emacs-orgmode@gnu.org/msg25902.html for a dirty
workaround (disabling vc-mode).
In my system I have now 200 agenda
Before commit bbac53d7fe1cab14bc70e152092cf7a538a6a810, org-publish made this
change to my HTML, which was wrong:
-Precisamente una idea loca que tengo es integrar la World Wide Web en org-mode…
+Precisamente una idea loca que tengo es integrar la World Wide Web en org-mode…
After that co
Bug report+testcase
Hi, I found a bug related to lists within footnotes [1]. org-mode from
git (release_6.31.27.g407b).
[1] To reproduce it:
- open this test case
- C-c C-e b
- notice that this list doesn't appear under the „footnotes“ section,
but *mixed with the „end list“ at the end*
Note tha
Some idea about remember variations:
> +1, can we keep/have:
> - the templates,
> - possibility to 'pick file/topic first then remember'
Actually what I would find useful is a task dispatcher for Emacs: a way to go
to common tasks with a few keys.
For instance: C-c C-x C-g would open your c
Just another off-topic but however related...:
> C-u C-c C-x C-i i
What if C-u C-c C-x C-i could show, in addition to the recently
clocked tasks, some fixed tasks from a user-defined list?
The dialog would be:
Common tasks:
[1] answer phone
[b] breakfast
[p] procrastinate!
[n] think abou
> To cater more to the OP's needs, consider using a special tag for such
> common tasks, like :COMMON:
> The create a special agenda view hat just shows this tag.
This is a very nice solution. I thought of the agenda view as a way
to view your agenda, but now I see that it can actually serv
On Thu, Nov 12, 2009 at 1:36 AM, Samuel Wales wrote:
> In the agenda, it is difficult to find where you are in
> the hierarchy. I find that I have to switch to the outline,
> then scroll up, if I want to know what the parent headline
> is, or any ancestor.
Just a note: pressing E in the agenda
> Speed commands at the start of a headline
> ==
> If you set the variable `org-use-speed-commands', the cursor
> position at the beginning of a headline (i.e. before the first
> star) becomes special. Single keys execute special commands in
> this place
El mié, nov 18 2009 a les 13:12, Scot Becker va escriure:
> (e) above is a bit of another matter, and I'm not sure how to
> accomplish it in orgmode, which only has native capacity to supress
> whole nodes, not just the headers,
This is very interesting. I assume you want to wrap some paragraph
org-clock-modeline-total now accepts following values: current, today,
repeat, all, auto.
It would be useful to allow it to accept either a custom function or a format
string which composes a text string like:
"0:10 (tot: 1:10/2:00)"
meaning: „clocking 10 minutes in this session, but t
> Is there a way to export headlines without the tags.
I think you can put this at the top of your file:
#+OPTIONS: tags:nil
It is explained in the manual:
> I somehow missed the important disclaimer at the top of
> http://orgmode.org/worg/org-tutorials/org-R/org-R.php and spent some
> time learning how to use an obsolete Org add-on.
On the other hand, I was glad now that I managed to get org-R running
for my needs, and now it is removed!
It is wort
Hi, I found an HTML export bug with org-mode 6.34c-140-g44c8 and older. I
* only one section
We need:
,* pears
,* lettuce
,* watermelons
Very important!
El dom, mar 07 2010 a les 11:38, Sébastien Vauban va escriure:
> Though, the only *remaining nice feature* would maybe be the following: add a
> letter indicating what's the meaning of the total. For example, we could see
> `T 02:51 (Reading Emails)'
> for a total limited to *today* and
in recent org-modes a new behaviour was added: when doing C-c C-x
C-i on the current task, it isn't clocked out first. It shows the
message „Clock continues in "[task]"“ and adds a new line for the
clock in.
This creates a clock section like:
*** after pressing many success
El vie, mar 19 2010 a les 18:36, Carsten Dominik va escriure:
> Hi,
> strangely enough, this does not happen for me. Maybe you
> have some setup for clock resolution that I do not have?
No. Just Emacs:
GNU Emacs (i686-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 2.18.6) of 2010-03-13
I used this .em
I'd like to present a task list and a visualization tool, esquemadorg.
The task list is my published todo list, in Spanish, where I track work on
some programs, topics, bugs and ideas. It's at [1]. There's a section for
org-mode bugs too, under Emacs, concretely at: [2]
The tool is t
I also think that interface is difficult to understand. Maybe we
should detail the texts for an easy one.
It should express the actions in words that match the user's
intention. For instance,
- account some minutes to that task
- set end time for that task
- discard that partial clocking
- do nothi
Hi, I started to write a long time ago a Muse exporter which outputs Org
syntax. I'm now publishing it even if it's not finished, because I have not
much free time to deal with a particular problem with list exportation. It
needs heavy restructuration.
Here it is:
Hi, with latest org use this buffer:
<2010-04-23 vie>
* two
and press C-c a L
You get:
Debugger entered--Lisp error: (error "Before first headline at position 6 in
buffer c.org")
signal(error ("Before first headline at position 6 in buffer c.org"))
error("Before first headline
El dom, may 09 2010 a les 00:03, Scott Randby va escriure:
>> Carsten Dominik schrieb:
>>> I am wondering:
>>> How many of your are using these keys
>>> C-c C-f
>>> C-c C-b
>>> C-c C-n
>>> C-c C-p
>> Never. I always use the speed commands since they became available.
> The problem I ha
I think this key reminder table should be somehow displayed or offered under
a C-c C-v prefix, in the same way as C-c a, C-c C-a, C-c e.
Or at least under C-c C-v ? or C-c C-v h
-- Daniel
On Thu, May 13, 2010 at 7:57 AM, Eric Schulte wrote:
> Org-babel is now making use of the newly available C-
I have a shell script which exports my agenda to a file. It's pretty
slow: about 90 seconds. There are many files (200 .org files, 76k
lines, 3'6 Mb, 1600 open tasks) but the performance should be better.
I found a way to bring it down to 11 seconds: temporarily disable
the version control
Org-publish: correctly find files in projects which didn't define a
Previously, (org-publish-get-project-from-filename "~/org/file.org") would
return nil because the constructed regular expression
"^/home/dc/org/.+\\.\\(\\)$" required a dot at the end.
diff --git
Hi, here is a bug related to this syntax:
To reproduce this you need latest Emacs (e.g. from Bazaar), latest org-mode,
and 3 files in ~/org-linktest/ (remove the BEGIN_QUOTE etc):
1) ~/org-linktest/has_ids.org:
*** TODO first section
This change in org.el (commit fd16515b4a88d48362223b19c511c4973cdbc84c,
2010-08-07 18:31:54):
'("^[ \t]*\\([-+*]\\|[0-9]+[.)][ \t]+\\(?:\...@start:[0-9]+\\][
\t]*\\)?\\)\\(\\[[- X]\\]\\)"
2 'org-checkbox prepend)
-(if org-provide-checkbox-statistics
Commit bd1b57f92a33485c90db1efc407c8b7c7450993a (Thu Sep 2 11:35:43 2010 +)
did something like this in org-html.el:
((str (org-export-html-format-href thefile)))
- (if (and type (not (string= "file" type))
- (org-string-match-p "^//" str))
> >> Now that org has odt-export and of course HTML, etc. I'm re-thinking using
> >> .org
> >> for resume writing.
> >>
> >> Anyone else?
> >
> > I have recently started using Org-mode for my Resume. I have
> > created a custom LaTeX stylesheet, that I use, for the LaTeX export.
> >
Apart from e
El Wed, 27 Jul 2011 22:30:19 +0200 Sebastien Vauban va escriure:
> if they seem to make sense... So, here's my idea: having some automagic style
> (background) applied on the cells to distinguish:
> - the input cells (the ones you cannot delete... without troubles): they don't
> have any formu
If you only want to expand/collapse headers in a web page, you may use jQuery
to handle each click.
I did it with this code:
Demo: http://www.danielclemente.com/hacer/emacs.html
El Fri, 26 Aug 2011 09:41:38 -0400 Matt Price va escriure:
> On Fri, Aug 26, 2011 at 4:58 AM, Daniel Clemente wrote:
> > I did it with this code:
> > http://www.danielclemente.com/pagina/esquemadorg.js
> > http://www.danielclemente.com/pagina/esquemador
with org-mode from today I created a file miso.org with this content:
* aaa
** TODO ccc
Then I used an ~/.emacs which said:
I would find very useful your improvements to appt.
I also think that appt needs to be a bit more intrusive. I once missed an
appointment because appt didn't notify me about it (or notified me but didn't
ask for my acknowledgement).
Something I missed was a clear interface which said
with latest org, the header at the end of this mail cannot be exported due to
this error:
signal(error ("reference '_' not found in this buffer"))
error("reference '%s' not found in this buffer" "_")
#[(el) A:\203A\2
I have many open tasks in a file, and I want to work a bit on each, one after
another, without neglecting any. That would be a round-robin approach.
But how can I find the oldest clocked-out open task in a file?
Can I order the agenda by recentness?
I found org-clock-history but it can'
El Mon, 12 Dec 2011 09:56:15 +0100 Detlef Steuer va escriure:
> Suddenly I have some lines with colored backgrounds, some dark
> blue, some light blue in my agenda view?! (invoked using C-c a a)
> There are _no_ entries in my .emacs telling anything about colors at
> all. (AFAICT.)
With C
Hi, I cannot export custom time stamps anymore. Maybe it's due to BIND, maybe
due to some other change. I attach some tests and instructions in case someone
has a similar problem.
#+TITLE: Custom time stamps don't work
#+DATE: seen today
:27 +0100 Daniel Clemente va escriure:
> Hi, I cannot export custom time stamps anymore. Maybe it's due to BIND, maybe
> due to some other change. I attach some tests and instructions in case
> someone has a similar problem.
> Than
Thanks, this solves the timestamp exporting issue.
-- Greetings,
org-revert-all-org-buffers loads all buffers from disk even if they didn't
change. This can be very slow if you have hundreds of org files. The code below
adds an extra check to only revert files which changed (according to
It may be better to have only one
El Thu, 28 Apr 2011 08:02:33 -0400 Matt Price va escriure:
> debug(error (wrong-type-argument window-live-p nil))
> select-window(nil)
> org-eval-in-calendar(nil t)
I often experience a similar bug but with frames instead of windows:
;Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument
El Thu, 28 Apr 2011 18:01:04 -0500 Jason Dunsmore va escriure:
> > org-revert-all-org-buffers loads all buffers from disk even if they
> > didn't change.
> FYI, there's also a package called revbufs:
> http://www.neilvandyke.org/revbufs/revbufs.el
That's very useful, thanks.
I think
El Thu, 28 Apr 2011 09:53:17 +0200 Sébastien Vauban va escriure:
> Another suggestion: a variable to choose between a word-count and a
> line-count?
Or page-count. With a rough estimator that can predict how many pages each
section would take. (Maybe even invoking LaTeX?)
This feature is t
Commit 438536f6157794101ce0957e39cad6bf70580751 („Change underscores to
hyphens in section labels“) broke the export of CUSTOM_IDs.
Take for instance this file:
#+TITLE: Cosas por hacer
* Programas
:CUSTOM_ID: programas
** emacs
With your patch I could export correctly to HTML a big collection of data,
with the same results as before (except for the changed _ to -, of course).
Links work.
El Sat, 11 Jun 2011 23:12:26 -0400 Nick Dokos va escriure:
> I was afraid that other exporters might break be
Could you check this patch in?
El Sat, 11 Jun 2011 23:12:26 -0400 Nick Dokos va escriure:
> I have a minimal patch that I think fixes this problem, but there are
> other underscores used in various places in org-html.el so there might
> be additional problems. I'd appreciate it if
The latest commit I can find after cloning git://repo.or.cz/org-mode.git to a
new directory is this:
| commit 90f6765cdf77c1414726d899f00c77da43f45758
| Author: Eric Schulte
| Date: Mon Jun 13 14:58:56 2011 -0700
| ob-tangle: no longer inserting newlines between appended code b
When I used %l in org-agenda-prefix-format, my agenda failed with:
Debugger entered--Lisp error: (args-out-of-range 0 0)
get-text-property(0 extra-space nil)
(concat level "" (get-text-property 0 (quote extra-space) level))
(if (equal level "") "" (concat level "" (get-text-property 0 (quot
in the latest org-mode and emacs (both compiled today), global radio targets
<<>> are colored as such and work, but <<>>, because there's a comma after the >
I used bisect to find where it stopped working and got to:
ce8819f18d9d2be000fb70fc4d74b5d96fe07a83 is the first bad commit
Hi, I send a patch which allows org-complete to complete if you do „J o h n
TAB“ even if your contact was written as <<>> (now you would have to type
< < < J TAB).
It can be extended to remove emphasis, strongs, etc. if someone needs it.
diff --git a/contrib/lisp/org-contacts.el b/co
I use Wanderlust and can make links from org just fine.
I used gnus from 2008 to 2010 but could not make it work as I wanted. It
seemed to value some things that I didn't (e.g. scoring, splitting, NNTP-style
everywhere) whereas it didn't shine in other areas I needed (e.g. multiple SMTP
El Tue, 01 Jan 2013 23:57:27 +0100 Bastien va escriure:
> The function you introduced is used within `org-contacts-format-email',
> where using a bare name makes more sense IMHO.
Exactly. It says:
(concat name " <" email ">")
But name is <<>> and you will get: <<>>
With the patch y
El Tue, 01 Jan 2013 23:14:19 + Richard Riley va escriure:
> > (gnus)
> Multiple smtp servers are well supported for quite a while now.
Yes, I used it, but it was not an elegant solution. Just look at how much
information you need to make it work; it's frightening:
El Sun, 30 Dec 2012 19:04:25 +0100 Karl Voit va escriure:
> I plan to implement a new weblog system that parses Org-mode files
> and generates (static) HTML output. Yes, I am aware that there are
> other solutions out there but I do not like them for various
> reasons.[1]
Nice! I also don't l
El Wed, 02 Jan 2013 13:07:20 -0600 Robert Goldman va escriure:
> Thunderbird, which I have been using, doesn't support links to messages.
> OTOH, it has the best IMAP client I have found, so I keep coming back
> to it.
> Gnus: I regret to say that despite having tried it at least three
> ti
El Mon, 7 Jan 2013 21:03:24 +0100 Gour va escriure:
> of bbdb-to-org-contacts converter wrote: "Once I point org-contacts at
> my newly generated file containing 831 records it make org-contacts
> really really slow down. I wouldn't care about the normal record
> searching process for just lo
I would like to easily view which table cells are calculated, that is, which
values would be overwritten if I updated the table (C-u C-u C-u C-c C-c)
We can use a different cell background color (maybe with overlays?) for the
automatic cells, and the normal one for „manual entry“ cells
I use radio headers in my contacts data base, like:
* <<>>
* <<>> (Alice's brother)
org-contacts was presenting the names with <<< before, so you needed to type
<<< to match them. I attach a patch to remove this particular formatting before
presenting the completions; in this way you can matc
org-babel works well with sqlite3 if you add this (which I propose for
diff --git a/lisp/ob-sql.el b/lisp/ob-sql.el
index 3f7882c..a59db7a 100644
--- a/lisp/ob-sql.el
+++ b/lisp/ob-sql.el
@@ -82,6 +82,10 @@ This function is called by `org-babel-execut
El Wed, 15 Feb 2012 13:33:49 +0530 Rustom Mody va escriure:
> Now I am exploring how I could 'zip' the two together. My requirements are
> like this:
> Any thoughts/suggestions?
I made a small markup language which lets you write it in this way:
/dev/null". That makes it NOT load my ~/.sqliterc (where I have a very verbose
".tables"). ob-sqlite does not have ":init" and therefore always stuffs that
output into the results.
> Daniel Clemente writes:
> > Hi,
> >org-babel w
Carsten Dominik writes:
> While I think it is not too much to ask to set the clock
> drawer variable I mentioned earlier in order to get reliable
> behavior for your application, I guess it does not hurt to
> check for smaller indentation than the clock line itself. OK.
Thanks, this makes
Daniel Clemente writes:
> Shouldn't that be
> :base-extension 'none
> with a symbol instead of a keyword? I think : is for KEYwords, symbols that
> are going to be used as keys in a hash table.
Actually... d
Richard KLINDA writes:
> ,
> |'("test" . (:base-directory "~/test/"
> |:base-extension :none ;; < new :none keyword
Shouldn't that be
:base-extension 'none
with a symbol instead of a keyword? I think : is for KEYwords, symbols that
are going to be used a
Hi, I would like to contribute 1 byte to org-mode; it's an "a":
--- a/lisp/org-agenda.el
+++ b/lisp/org-agenda.el
@@ -4407,7 +4407,7 @@ to switch to narrowing."
(lambda (x) (if (cdr x) (char-to-string (cdr x)) ""))
alist ""))
(efforts (org-split-
Mmm... this also fails when editing the value of a property in column mode in
agenda (C-c a a … C-c C-x C-c …e):
Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument stringp ("0 0:10 0:30 1:00
2:00 3:00 4:00 5:00 6:00 12:00 18:00 24:00 30:00"))
string-match("\\S-" ("0 0:10 0:30 1:00 2
El dc, feb 25 2009, Carsten Dominik va escriure:
> On Feb 24, 2009, at 3:52 PM, Daniel Clemente wrote:
>> Hi, I would like to contribute 1 byte to org-mode; it's an "a":
>> --- a/lisp/org-agenda.el
>> +++ b/lisp/org-
El dc, feb 25 2009, Carsten Dominik va escriure:
> the cdr returns the cdr of a list. That is ofte a list, but it cal also be an
> atom.
> For example:
> (cdr '(a . b))
>=> a
Yes, you're right; I forgot the theory about conses.
'(a b) is this:
| a | X-+--
El sáb, feb 28 2009, Alan E. Davis va escriure:
> Meanwhile, I remembered a little help popup I made to remember all my
> keybindings, long years ago. Here's a quick popup to get a transient display
This is also done by Icicles (http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/Icicles).
In any moment you can
Hi. I have this scenario: I track several projects in a single file, each in
its own level-1 section, but each week I'm working only on one project.
In my agenda (C-a a) I'm currently seeing scheduled tasks from all projects,
and I would like to exclude all projects but one.
I recently add
> Assign a FLUFF tag to your tasks then run the agenda normally and remove
> the fluff with
Thanks, this works. I will use tags instead of categories.
> or if you do that often set up org-tags-alist with F for FLUFF and just
> / - F
In fact I would like to use of
I don't know if it's just my setup, but I see many problems when using column
view (C-c C-x C-c) on org6.23trans+Emacs23(Bazaar), specially with lots of
properties in long lines (more than 1 visual line) or folded contents (where
the ellipsis ... is visible). For instance:
1. The cursor
I'm starting to use column mode (C-c C-x C-c) and I'm surprised I can't do some
tasks from within, like for instance:
- move headings up/down with M-up M-down
- clock in/out tasks (C-c C-x C-i and … C-o)
- schedule tasks, etc. I always get: if: Text is read-only: "Type `e' to edit
El dc, mar 04 2009, Carsten Dominik va escriure:
> (org-agenda-filter-preset '("-FLUFF" "-BLUFF"))
Thank you very much for this addition; not only it allows you to filter out a
tag, but also many tags; that is what I needed in the first place.
El dj, mar 05 2009, Carsten Dominik va escriure:
>> 1. The cursor isn't visible sometimes when it is over a header which has the
>> ellipsis (...) at the end.
> I have never seen this one.
Of course, because it's invisible! :-)
I think it has to do with the colors for the ellipsis or cur
El vie, mar 13 2009, Martin Pohlack va escriure:
> Hi All,
> I tend to use a right arrow (→, U2192) from time to time in plain
> lists to separate normal item from conclusions / next actions etc.:
Hey, me too! I use exactly → to hightlight items, but also to mark
implications (I use ∴ for con
El dt, mar 10 2009, Carsten Dominik va escriure:
> On Mar 9, 2009, at 8:23 PM, Daniel Clemente wrote:
>> (setq org-startup-truncated nil)
> Ah, an important piece of information.
> I believe this is fixed now. Thanks.
Thanks. There are still many minor movemen
El dc, mar 18 2009, Charles Cave va escriure:
> (defun prefix-region (prefix)
> "Add a prefix string to each line between mark and point."
> …
To do this I use:
1. Put mark at the first line's beginning and point at the last line's beginning
2. C-x r t
3. Type your prefix, ENTER
| C-
El dl, mar 23 2009, Baoqiu Cui va escriure:
> Am I missing anything (or do I have to customize variable
> org-emphasis-regexp-components to support this)? I tried to search the
> mailing list archive about this, but could not find anything.
I asked a similar thing but for quotations:
Hi, this may have been reported before; however I didn't find it in the FAQ.
I would like to choose which ID each heading will have when they are exported
to HTML. For instance, I want the table of contents to link to the anchor
#tutorials instead of #sec-1.4.1. In this way, external links wo
El dv, mar 27 2009, Sebastian Rose va escriure:
> What we have now, just as Carstens said:
> # <>
> * Section B
> Creates this headline in HTML:
> 2 Section B
> This is enough for all the use cases I can think of.
Yes, this is enough except for two things:
1. The TOC still
El dl, mar 30 2009, Carsten Dominik va escriure:
> I simply cannot believe that after all those years, we might be
> able to close this task.
Wow, that's wonderful! Thanks for a so easy solution.
I was needing this functionality since a long time.
About org-inlinetask-export:
| Do
Hi. Since I edit my files from different computers, each with different
locales, I end up with dates like:
CLOCK: [2009-04-01 mié 14:15]--[2009-04-01 mié 14:22] => 0:07
SCHEDULED: <2009-03-26 dj 18:00>
CLOSED: [2007-11-25 So 19:05]
… <2007-08-31 Fri 17:25>
Emacs and I can
El mar, abr 07 2009, Francesco Pizzolante va escriure:
> Consider the following example:
> | Description | Time1 | Time2 | Time3 |
> |-+---+---+|
> | * Test | 3:30 | 3:00 | #ERROR |
> | *** Item 1 | -1:30 | 1:00 | #ERROR |
> | *** Item 2 | 4:00 | 2:00 | #E
El jue, abr 09 2009, Carsten Dominik va escriure:
>> Can I format timestamps on export?
> You can customize them for display, which will also
> transfer to exported files.
> Check out the variables `org-display-custom-times' and
> `org-time-stamp-custom-formats'.
Thanks; I didn't know that
With org-mode 6.25trans from git from right now, I get this output:
A *bold link*, a bold word.
From this input:
A *[[destination][bold link]]*, a *bold word*.
Both links are however correctly hightlighted with a bold face.
At the moment I don't know if this is a regression or did
> You can see the point sometimes trapped in the beginning of the
> description, or not able to move it.
I can also see this bug; org-mode 6.25trans. The cursor is in fact moving
through the invisible syntax, which at the beginning is
[[http://www.google.com/][ (so after 26 , you see it m
Hi, this is a minor issue. I'd like three sections and a footer:
* Section 1
* Section 2
* Section 3
However, the footer appears as part of section 3, and it is hidden in the
outline view (you don't know there will be a footer until you expand section 3).
If I
El dt, abr 14 2009, Wes Hardaker va escriure:
>>>>>> On Tue, 14 Apr 2009 00:54:46 +0200, Daniel Clemente
>>>>>> said:
> DC> Is there some trick to add a footer at the end?
> I all the #+ or other text in another header at the bottom called
just like [TABLE-OF-CONTENTS] inserts the table of contents, are there other
variables which will be translated on export? For instance [EXPORT-DATE] to get
the export date, [VERSION] for the Org version, [FILE-NAME] for this file's
name, …
Otherwise, dynamic blocks with LISP code can
Hi; with latest org-mode and emacs -Q, I pressed:
1. C-c C-l
2. file:/
3. TAB
I get [No match]. I expected that I could complete file names as in C-x C-f,
without changing any setting. Is this a bug?
-- Daniel
Emacs-orgmode mailing list
El mié, abr 15 2009, Matthew Lundin va escriure:
> To get completion, you need to call org-insert-link with a prefix
> argument:
> C-u C-c C-l
> See this FAQ:
> http://http://orgmode.org/worg/org-faq.php#completion-of-file-links
I saw as a bug not completing by default, but now
El dc, abr 15 2009, Carsten Dominik va escriure:
>> just like [TABLE-OF-CONTENTS] inserts the table of contents, are there other
>> variables which will be translated on export? For instance [EXPORT-DATE] to
>> get the export date, [VERSION] for the Org version, [FILE-NAME] for this
>> file's na
I have seen that all texts you include with #+TEXT are added after the title:
This is the #+TITLE
I added this with #+TEXT
I have a script.js with a header which would be much better /before/ the
. I know Org-mode doesn't need in general so much flexibility in exporting,
but do y
El dom, may 10 2009, Daniel Clemente va escriure:
>some trick to insert code just after the or after ?
Sorry, I forgot about org-publish. It can use the parameter :preamble to do
exactly that. Furthermore:
| org-export-html-preamble is a variable defined in `org-html.el'.
| I
Hi; with org 6.26trans:
1. Publish a project you have configured with org-publish, concretely one that
places the .html files locally beside the .org files.
2. While exporting, Org creates its own data in ~/.org-timestamps to cache
3. Delete the new .html which have been created
4. Try t
Org 6.26trans.
Imagine that a.org is part of a project which does #+SETUPFILE: options.org
If you modify only options.org and republish the project, the exporter will not
notice the change and will refuse to export a.org, even when a.html could have
It says: Skipping unmodified file /
I suppose you talk about estimated efforts. I also have noticed that I work
better if I have defined them, but it is very easy to miss them and work on a
task more time than planned.
An easy improvement would be to show at the mode line not only how much time
you have worked on the curr
I would like to know how others have solved following questions about their
- How many hours did I work today? (of course, only time clocked with org does
- What have I worked on exactly today? (or any other day)
I have been trying „column mode“ in agenda view (with Effor
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