Do you have your .org files inside a version control system like git or bzr?
  In that case, it's vc-mode who is delaying too much.
  See the thread for a dirty 
workaround (disabling vc-mode).

  In my system I have now 200 agenda files (120k lines, 5'6 Mb) and I must wait 
1 minute on a fast computer (1'45" on a slower one) to run org-agenda-list.
  I timed it closing all *.org and running:   time emacsclient -n --eval 

  The problem is in vc-mode, not org. It is too slow. And what is exactly 
doing? I attach it at the end of this mail. Sometimes it's ls-files, other 

-- Daniel

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (quit)
  call-process("git" nil (t nil) nil "ls-files" "-c" "-z" "--" 
  apply(call-process "git" nil (t nil) nil ("ls-files" "-c" "-z" "--" 
  process-file("git" nil (t nil) nil "ls-files" "-c" "-z" "--" 
  apply(process-file "git" nil (t nil) nil "ls-files" ("-c" "-z" "--" 
  vc-git--call((t nil) "ls-files" "-c" "-z" "--" "wiki/")
  apply(vc-git--call (t nil) "ls-files" ("-c" "-z" "--" "wiki/"))
  vc-git--out-ok("ls-files" "-c" "-z" "--" "wiki/")
  apply(vc-git-registered "/home/dc/.mirp/wiki/")
  vc-call-backend(Git registered "/home/dc/.mirp/wiki/")
  mapc(#[(b) "…" [b file vc-call-backend registered vc-file-setprop vc-backend 
throw found t] 4] (RCS CVS SVN SCCS Bzr Git Hg Mtn Arch))
  after-find-file(nil t)
  find-file-noselect-1(#<buffer> "~/wiki/" nil nil 
"~/wiki/" (5929158 19))
  find-file-noselect("/home/dc/.mirp/wiki/" nil nil nil)


El Thu, 30 Sep 2010 19:08:02 +0200 Sébastien Vauban va escriure:
> Hi Nick,
> Nick Dokos wrote:
> > Sébastien Vauban <> wrote:
> >>>>> Also, you might consider to remove (org-agenda-list) from .emacs. I
> >>>>> think it is pretty much always a bad idea to put a command like this
> >>>>> into your startup. Just make it a habit to call it early after starting
> >>>>> Emacs.
> >>>>
> >>>> Honestly, that would not change that much. Having to wait 92 seconds at
> >>>> startup, or a long time just a few minutes later has the same impact for
> >>>> me.
> >
> > Maybe you should try adding  a call to the profiler to your .emacs
> > and try to measure e.g. how much the font locking costs. Off the top of
> > my head and entirely untested, adding
> >
> > ,----
> > | (require 'elp)
> > | (elp-instrument-package "font-lock")
> > | 
> > | ;; rest of your .emacs
> > | 
> > | (elp-results)
> > `----
> >
> > might be enough.
> Here are the results.
> --8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
> font-lock-fontify-buffer                                   96          
> 15.383627999  0.1602461249
> font-lock-default-fontify-buffer                           96          
> 15.378296000  0.1601905833
> font-lock-fontify-region                                   96          
> 15.284044000  0.1592087916
> font-lock-default-fontify-region                           96          
> 15.282674000  0.1591945208
> font-lock-fontify-keywords-region                          96          
> 15.184516     0.1581720416
> font-lock-prepend-text-property                            8608        
> 0.2712220000  3.150...e-05
> font-lock-unfontify-region                                 96          
> 0.0859729999  0.0008955520
> font-lock-add-keywords                                     166         
> 0.0800819999  0.0004824216
> font-lock-compile-keywords                                 138         
> 0.0671930000  0.0004869057
> font-lock-default-unfontify-region                         96          
> 0.0378660000  0.0003944375
> font-lock-mode                                             142         
> 0.0344680000  0.0002427323
> font-lock-default-function                                 142         
> 0.028445      0.0002003169
> font-lock-mode-internal                                    73          
> 0.0272529999  0.0003733287
> font-lock-turn-on-thing-lock                               73          
> 0.0238939999  0.0003273150
> font-lock-compile-keyword                                  5505        
> 0.0225559999  4.097...e-06
> font-lock-set-defaults                                     525         
> 0.0174539999  3.324...e-05
> font-lock-remove-keywords                                  130         
> 0.0018569999  1.428...e-05
> font-lock-change-mode                                      33          
> 0.0016060000  4.866...e-05
> font-lock-eval-keywords                                    81          
> 0.0012500000  1.543...e-05
> font-lock-value-in-major-mode                              187         
> 0.0003879999  2.074...e-06
> font-lock-extend-region-wholelines                         96          
> 0.000309      3.21875e-06
> font-lock-extend-region-multiline                          96          
> 0.0002549999  2.656...e-06
> font-lock-extend-jit-lock-region-after-change              28          
> 0.0002529999  9.035...e-06
> font-lock-after-fontify-buffer                             96          
> 0.0002499999  2.604...e-06
> font-lock-choose-keywords                                  41          
> 8.899...e-05  2.170...e-06
> font-lock-update-removed-keyword-alist                     36          
> 6.8e-05       1.888...e-06
> --8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---
> with 94 files in my =org-agenda-files=. Yes, 94, not 96?
> You can effectively see that =font-lock-*= is taking me 15s during my Emacs
> startup.
> Though, I don't know what's the next action to be taken from this observation.
> Can you guide me?
> Best regards,
>   Seb
> -- 
> Sébastien Vauban
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