I believe a change to the last line of org--file-default-apps introduced
in 9.5.3 is a bug. For example, the change prevents shell scripts from
being recognized correctly, since the mailcap logic in org-file-apps-gnu
is no longer included in org--file-default-apps.
Best wishes,
-Craig Stcr1
I know your time is valuable. No need for you to spend a lot of time on
this if I am the only one having this problem. It could be some random
artifact in my installation, maybe something in my ~/.emacs. My
~/.emacs has a lot in it. And I have a work-around, since I can use #5.
Best wish
On 5/16/22 11:14 AM, Max Nikulin wrote:
However I just have tried a [[file:~/path/to/script]] link running Org
main HEAD and the file is opened in emacs (26.3) other window.
Hmmm. That's interesting. I upgraded from Emacs 26.x to 27.x at some
point in the not-too-distant past. Maybe that
On 5/16/22 11:14 AM, Max Nikulin wrote:
Sounds reasonable. However I just have tried a
[[file:~/path/to/script]] link running Org main HEAD and the file is
opened in emacs (26.3) other window.
Hmmm. That's interesting. I upgraded from Emacs 26.x to 27.x at some
point in the not-too-dista
Thanks all for your help!
On 5/20/22 9:44 PM, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
Dear Craig, ... or provide plain/text handler in ~/.mailcap.
OK, I did a first-try on this and was unsuccessful, but I'm sure it's
user error. I need to refresh my knowledge on how to customize
user-local mime database, and
asn't expecting
is that running '>$ update-mime -- local' gives me: "Error:
'/home/user/.mailcap' is not in required format -- not updated". Not
sure why I'm getting that when I cut-and-pasted from /etc/mailcap.
No worries. I'll look in more depth lat
nd I'm really confused.
On 5/23/22 8:59 AM, Craig STCR wrote:
I guess maybe I should have given a little better description of what
I tried that did NOT work? But it's a little off-topic for this
mailing list. Nevertheless, here it is...
I created a ~/.mailcap file and put this in it,
On 5/23/22 10:14 AM, Craig STCR wrote:
>$ run-mailcap myscript
it invokes emacs. Yay! It works!
Double DOH! Forget what I said. It invokes vim, lol. That *is* what I
would expect. Sorry for the noise. I need to think a little more
before I hit .
Yeah I was wondering about that 'test' line. I was wondering if, like
you say, it gets ignored. Or if the true / false value gets passed to
some other logic that would, for example, add a '-nw' to the emacs
command line. I have no idea.
On 5/25/22 2:24 AM, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
Max Nikulin