I believe a change to the last line of org--file-default-apps introduced
in 9.5.3 is a bug. For example, the change prevents shell scripts from
being recognized correctly, since the mailcap logic in org-file-apps-gnu
is no longer included in org--file-default-apps.
Best wishes,
-Craig Stcr1
org.el 9.5.2
(defun org--file-default-apps ()
"Return the default applications for this operating system."
(pcase system-type
(`darwin org-file-apps-macos)
(`windows-nt org-file-apps-windowsnt)
org.el 9.5.3
(defun org--file-default-apps ()
"Return the default applications for this operating system."
(pcase system-type
(`darwin org-file-apps-macos)
(`windows-nt org-file-apps-windowsnt)
(_ org-file-apps-gnu)))
< ('org-file-apps-gnu)))
> (_ org-file-apps-gnu)))