On 03/20/2013 06:00 PM, 42 147 wrote:
Apologies on behalf of my inferior cognitive faculty, but I do not see a
solution to my problem in those options (perhaps merely a means to it).
save and reopen the buffer in its curre
Thorsten Jolitz gmail.com> writes:
> Christoph Held GMX gmx.net> writes:
> > How do I check the syntax of the underlying link of which I currently
> > only see the pretty face? So far I have used Emacs really only to run
> > org mode. This is probabl
How to reproduce: Start Emacs -q and load an org-mode file. Try to open
a file link in that org file like file:abc.odt or file:abc.pdf with
Expected behavior: Emacs opens the file in the external application,
i.e. Libre Office or a pdf viewer like evince.
What happens: E
Short description: When called first imenu does not correctly process an
org-mode file. With the file's buffer killed and reloaded or with any
other org-mode-file after the first take, imenu works correctly.
How to reproduce: Start emacs -q and load an org-mode file (example file
below but any
solution seems fine, however it would break compatibility with the
old format of org-bbdb-anniversary-format-alist, as this assumes that a
numerical value of `years' is always defined.
Before writing a patch, I would like to ask for opinions o
ing for me. It's only with
emacs that I have this problem (both emacs 22 and emacs
(i486-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 2.16.0). I'm using Kubuntu 9.04
I was unable to find a solution, so I'm hoping that someone perhaps
knows a way to solve this.
So, is there a way to make a custom-agenda with the effect of:
C-c a a / TAB work RET
thank you in advance,
Emacs-orgmode mailing list
Remember: use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.
I found a solution to my problem:
Christoph Groth writes:
> I'm using org 6.29c. To view all items tagged with :work: in my
> agenda I can type
> C-c a a (to view the current agenda)
> / TAB work RET (to restrict the display)
> Now I would lik
lisp/org-agenda.el |2 +-
1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)
diff --git a/lisp/org-agenda.el b/lisp/org-agenda.el
index 846e4b0..cf748f0 100644
--- a/lisp/org-agenda.el
+++ b/lisp/org-agenda.el
@@ -5130,7 +5130,7 @@ to switch to narrowing."
(effort-prompt "")
I think this is a bug. It is certainly present in org 6.32b:
* Run org-remember
* Enter more then one item, e.g. two TODOs
* Refile somewhere using C-1 C-c C-c
result: only the first item ends up at the intended destination, the
others are lost.
Carsten Dominik writes:
> On Nov 25, 2009, at 11:36 PM, Christoph Groth wrote:
>> I think this is a bug. It is certainly present in org 6.32b:
>> * Run org-remember
>> * Enter more then one item, e.g. two TODOs
>> * Refile somewhere using C-1 C-c C-c
inserting a \\ there. Therefore, I suggest to use some other
magic string. What about an unquoted ampersand ("&")? This character is
already used in LaTeX to split things and its unquoted use in a
frame title is actually an error.
--text follows this line--
Remember to cover the basics, that is, what you expected to happen and
what in fact did happen. You don't know how to make a good report? See
Your bug report will be posted to the Org-mode mailing list.
2010-01-29 16:48 Giovanni Ridolfi :
> Christoph LANGE writes:
> > At the end of the week, I would like to get an overview of how much time
> > I spent on normal/important/very important tasks. The total time
> > (throughout the whole file) is all I need, but why not also
sp-link-function 'yes-or-no-p
org-occur-hook '(org-first-headline-recenter)
org-export-latex-final-hook '(org-beamer-amend-header org-beamer-fix-toc
idea of what to put into the BIRTHDAY field of an org-contact. It must
be something like
:BIRTHDAY: %%(…)
but what expression do I have to use? I tried something like
%%(org-date 2011 08 22), but that does not work (same error: "Bad
Cheers, and thanks in advance for any
rg-contacts-anniversaries field format)))
In the contacts org file:
I guess that this could be handled more elegantly with an advice around
org-contacts-anniversaries, but I'm not yet an expert and couldn't
figure out how to do it.
which treats outline headlines and tags as two completely different things.
Cheers, and thanks in advance for any help,
Christoph Lange, http://www.facebook.com/ch.lange, Skype duke4701
of _external_ files, most commonly HTML files that I'd like to open
outside of Emacs in a browser.
Christoph Lange, http://www.facebook.com/ch.lange, Skype duke4701
ds me of purple numbers
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Purple_Numbers), which I have seen in some
wikis. But they don't scale as well as your ID markers.
Christoph Lange, http://www.facebook.com/ch.lange, Skype duke4701
TAL: today
:Effort: 0:15
There is no immediate equivalent for a week (or for any other timespan).
But is there possibly some workaround?
Cheers, and thanks,
Christoph Lange, http://www.facebook.com/ch.lange, Skype duke4701
Hi Christian,
2011-11-18 17:32 Christian Egli:
Christoph LANGE writes:
is there any way of estimating effort by week?
Have a look at the doc string of org-effort-durations.
Conversion factor to minutes for an effort modifier.
Thanks for your pointer, but (if I got you
quot; after marking it
DONE. I think a separate sequence of states would make more sense;
When you clock the task in again the modeline shows 0:00 and counts up
to the effort limit again.
Christoph Lange, http://www.facebook.com/ch.lange, Skype duke4701
If you are lucky enough to _notice_ that, you have to manually
work around by scrolling the page a few lines up again. – But I have no
idea for fixing, other than un-fixing the head bar – which you may find
undesirable for other reasons.
Christoph Lange, http://www.facebook.com/ch.lange, Skype duke4701
-entry-get (point) "EMAIL+" t) → "b...@baz.org"
Cheers, and thanks for any help,
PS: org-contacts may not be the best tool to use anyway. I like it so
far, but if you know a better alternative that satisfies my
requirements, I'd appreciate hints. My require
Dear org-mode developers,
please find attached a patch for org-beamer.el that also recognizes
\lstinline and \verb as commands that make a frame fragile.
Cheers, and thanks,
Christoph Lange, http://www.facebook.com/ch.lange, Skype duke4701
diff --git a/lisp/org-beamer.el b/lisp
Anniversaries in BBDB can be now also specified in the format MM-DD
next to -MM-DD.
doc/org.texi | 11 ++-
lisp/org-bbdb.el | 27 ++-
2 files changed, 24 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)
diff --git a/doc/org.texi b/doc/org.texi
index b406d29..bfcef06
Thomas Baumann writes:
> Christoph Groth writes:
>> Anniversaries in BBDB can be now also specified in the format MM-DD
>> next to -MM-DD.
> The ChangeLog should mention that any customized
> "org-bbdb-anniversary-format-alist" has to be updated, otherwi
Eric Abrahamsen writes:
> On Thu, Jun 14 2012, Christoph Groth wrote:
>> How to ensure that the buffer which was active when org-capture was
>> executed remains visible during date entry?
> I've had the same annoyance. The attached patch is *not* a real
> solution t
Samuel Wales writes:
> On 7/7/12, Christoph Groth wrote:
>> I would say that a proper solution would be to reserve
>> delete-other-windows for interactive use and to replace it by
>> something more sensible which ensures that a given window is well
>> visibl
left-justified –
for example:
** Foo
I think the :END: should also respect the current indentation.
Cheers, and thanks,
Christoph Lange, http://www.facebook.com/ch.lange, Skype duke4701
he agenda view for the "sticking" date.
I think that if opening a link takes me to a date D that is outside of
where the agenda is currently "stuck", the agenda should be rebuilt for
the desired date D.
Christoph Lange, http://www.facebook.com/ch.lange, Skype duke4701
Today I discovered a really practical add-on for Thunderbird that solved
my problem of how to linking to a mail in Thunderbird:
(It requires some modification of the mimetypes on your system as
described in the documentation.)
On 12/08/2012 12:41 AM, Christoph Herzog wrote:
Today I discovered a really practical add-on for Thunderbird that solved
my problem of how to linking to a mail in Thunderbird:
(It requires some modification of the mimetypes on your
Hi Seb,
thanks for your help!
2011-12-26 15:50 Sebastien Vauban:
Christoph LANGE writes:
2. accumulation doesn't work within the same entry; details follow:
So when I changed the above contact entry to
* Contact Name
:EMAIL+: b...@ba
C-l) and insert
square brackets into the link description, they are rewritten to {...},
which I do not consider acceptable. If there is any escape syntax, they
should rather be rewritten using that escape syntax.
Thanks in advance for any pointers,
Christoph Lange, http://www.facebook.com/ch.lange, Skype duke4701
C-l) and insert
square brackets into the link description, they are rewritten to {...},
which I do not consider acceptable. If there is any escape syntax, they
should rather be rewritten using that escape syntax.
Thanks in advance for any pointers,
Christoph Lange, http://www.facebook.com/ch.lange, Skype duke4701
:BEAMER_envargs: [label=abc]<1>
I am [fragile]
>From a4624f52055667ed8c5220ca49f459274bfc7f45 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Christoph Dittmann
Date: Tue, 7 Feb 2012 14:43:26 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Make [frag
:BEAMER_envargs: [label=abc]<1>
I am [fragile]
>From a4624f52055667ed8c5220ca49f459274bfc7f45 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Christoph Dittmann
Date: Tue, 7 Feb 2012 14:43:26 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Make [frag
cuted remains visible during date entry?
-compatible files?
Emacs-orgmode mailing list
Remember: use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.
ways have a mark. This topic has
been discussed in the past:
Perhaps this issue should be put on the todo-list?
Emacs-orgmode mailing list
Remember: use `Reply All' to sen
ONE words are bold green (as I would like them to be).
However, when an task is switched from TODO to DONE by pressing `t' it stays
Emacs-orgmode mailing list
Remember: use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.
to ignore my own configuration.
(3) Opened test.org (here DONE appears bold green)
(4) C-c [
(5) M-x org-agenda a
The result is: DONE appears in bold red (the rest of the line is normal green)
Maybe the Debian package is to blame?
any thanks in advance,
Emacs : GNU Emacs 24.3.1 (i386-mingw-nt6.2.9200)
of 2013-03-17 on MARVIN
Package: Org-mode version 8.2.7c (8.2.7c-51-g896fa6-elpaplus @
Christoph Lange, Enterprise Information Systems Departme
st length is 35, but I could be wrong.
I think you are right about this, given the initial code in
org-clock-history-push, and the limit to 9 digits (why actually not use
"0" for the most recent one?) and 26 alphabetic letters.
Christoph Lange, Enterprise Inform
I’d like to keep my library of scientific articles in orgmode, along
with notes, links to external files (mostly PDF), etc. This has been
discussed repeatedly on this list, for example in the recent thread
Most solutions seem to be based
: drawer.
Any comments?
Thorsten Jolitz wrote:
> do you have a function that automatically fetches bibtex entries for
> books from the web, given some info (title, year, author or so)?
I haven’t yet started to manage literature with org mode, so I do not
have anything so far.
It’s usually easy to find BibTeX records on
Jorge A. Alfaro-Murillo wrote:
> Thomas S. Dye writes:
>> I don't manage my bibliography references in Org mode. I am used to
>> managing a bibtex database and have never found the need to move
>> everything to Org.
> Same here.
My motivation for keeping bibliography in org was to keep all
If at least one of your computers can be reached from all the others via
ssh, or you can reach all the other computers from one (i.e. there’s a
star topology), you could use unison to synchronize all kinds of files.
This works very reliably and handles modifications in both directions.
I use git f
Jorge A. Alfaro-Murillo wrote:
Perhaps I am biased because I learned LaTeX and BibTeX before
Org, but I think that for references BibTeX (plus a little bit
of emacs configuration) has everything I could need. I guess if
you are more used to Org, it might be worth to invest time and
come up wi
same problems appear as
described in the other posting (namely scaling and searching).
I know that there have been discussions about this in the past,
and I know that there’s org-annotate-file. Is there anyone who
uses a scheme like this (for >1000 items, say) in practice?
Darlan Cavalcante Moreira wrote:
> See the custom commands for the agenda in the manual. You can create a
> command to do a search in specific files.
Indeed! That’s great, I didn’t know that this is possible. The custom
agenda commands of type “search” also support more complex searches like
manually maintained entries like
this in my contacts.org:
%%(org-anniversary YYYY MM DD) Name (%d years)
Cheers, and thanks in advance for any helpful advice,
Christoph Lange, Enterprise Information Systems Department
Applied Computer Science @ University of Bonn; Fraunhofe
Dear Org community,
I thought I'd let you know how I clock my Org tasks while I'm on the
move. In a really poor man's way, without MobileOrg.
Christoph Lange, Enterprise Info
table code calls the calendar-absolute-from-iso
function, which seems to have been abolished in preparation of Emacs 25.
The following workaround helps:
(defalias 'calendar-absolute-from-iso 'calendar-iso-to-absolute)
o.org/show_bug.cgi?id=466720 to
track the progress).
Thanks to Bastien et al. for version 8!
Christoph Lange, http://www.facebook.com/ch.lange, Skype duke4701
until I learned how to write Gentoo
ebuilds. With another Emacs package (evil), I also recently switched
from git to ebuilds (maintained by someone else), because I found the
package to be sufficiently feature-complete with version 1.0.
Christoph Lange, http://www.facebook.com/ch.lange, Skype duke4701
ntrib". So
in this case the user has explicitly decided "I want the contributed
> (it also shouldn't exist as a subdirectory under ${PN}).
Where should it go instead, if anywhere?
Cheers, and thanks in advance,
Christoph Lange, http://www.facebook.com/ch.lange, Skype duke4701
> and my
reply. I just wanted to let everyone know, but I am currently unable to
work on this.
Christoph Lange, http://www.facebook.com/ch.lange, Skype duke4701
d now use #+BEGIN_SRC and that then everything will be
handled automatically. However the language of my listings is a
non-standard one, which requires a lot of custom options to the
lstlisting environment.
Could anyone kindly point me to an example?
Cheers, and thanks in advance,
a arguments into
the {lstlisting} environment that is created from #+BEGIN_SRC?
Cheers, and thanks in advance,
Christoph Lange, School of Computer Science, University of Birmingham
http://cs.bham.ac.uk/~langec/, Skype duke4701
→ Mathematics in Computer Science Special Issue on “Enab
er way.
Cheers, and thanks in advance,
Christoph Lange, School of Computer Science, University of Birmingham
http://cs.bham.ac.uk/~langec/, Skype duke4701
→ Mathematics in Computer Science Special Issue on “Enabling Domain
Experts to use Formalised Reasoning”; submission until 31 O
d now use #+BEGIN_SRC and that then everything will be
handled automatically. However the language of my listings is a
non-standard one, which requires a lot of custom options to the
lstlisting environment.
Could anyone kindly point me to an example?
Cheers, and thanks in advance,
manually (or automatically, with some scripting or macro-recording)
convert tree entries to plain lists. This is what I will now do with my
Beamer presentations.
Christoph Lange, School of Computer Science, University of Birmingham
http://cs.bham.ac.uk/~langec/, Skyp
ks for writing up these FAQ. They look very helpful to me.
Christoph Lange, School of Computer Science, University of Birmingham
http://cs.bham.ac.uk/~langec/, Skype duke4701
→ Mathematics in Computer Science Special Issue on “Enabling Domain
Experts to use Formalised Reas
In this directory, I created a symlink to the Org 8.2 info:
$ ls -l ~/.emacs.d/info
total 0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 clange clange 19 Sep 14 15:20 org -> /usr/share/info/org
Christoph Lange, School of Computer Science, University of Birmingham
quot;/usr/share/emacs/24.3.50/lisp/org/org-remember.el") to my .emacs ...
I just wanted to submit a bug report via org-submit-bug-report, but it
said "Cannot open load file: org-remember". Indeed org.el of version
8.2 still makes some references to org-remember.
-c it doesn't tick the check box but says "C-c
C-c can do nothing useful at this location".
Christoph Lange, School of Computer Science, University of Birmingham
http://cs.bham.ac.uk/~langec/, Skype duke4701
→ Mathematics in Computer Science Special Issue on “Enabl
Hi Nicolas,
I'm sorry I hadn't got back to this email – didn't notice it because of
a filtering mistake on my side.
2013-09-14 15:33 Nicolas Goaziou:
> Christoph LANGE writes:
>> Still I think the following sentence in the documentation (section 12.5)
ar. In case it may be of interest to
anyone, I recently made public a LaTeX package with \lstdefinelanguage
settings for a lot of languages I am interested in (mainly from the
Semantic Web): https://github.com/clange/latex/blob/master/lstsemantic.sty.
Christoph Lange, School of
Remember to cover the basics, that is, what you expected to happen and
what in fact did happen. You don't know how to make a good report? See
Your bug report will be posted to the Org-mode mailing list.
could imagine it would not be easily
to implement this efficiently: as an Org document is technically a text
file that the user can edit without any restrictions, one would have to
continuously sync some internal data structure with the user's
text-level edits.
h; those spreadsheets that generate
project-/employer-specific timesheets I have not yet made public), I do
something like "determine all time logged on :Work: but neither on
:EmployerA: nor on :EmployerB:. Add .7 of that time to the time that's
explicitly logged on :EmployerA:, and .3 of
undo works.
Can anyone confirm this behaviour?
Cheers, and thanks in advance,
Dr. Christoph Lange, Enterprise Information Systems Department
Applied Computer Science @ University of Bonn; Fraunhofer IAIS
http://langec.wordpress.com/about, Skype duke4701
→ CSCUBS Computer Science
I tested the same with Org 8.2.10, i.e. the version bundled with my
Emacs, and it worked.
Emacs : GNU Emacs (x86_64-w64-mingw32)
of 2016-03-03
Package: Org-mode version 8.3.4 (8.3.4-42-gae73c7-elpaplus @
ing clocktables for these intervals. Please let me know if
you are interested. This is implemented as a Makefile plus shell and
Perl scripts and is currently hosted in the same private repository in
which I have my org files, but in principle I'm happy to open it.
fix for this particular case is as easy as marking the
affected range of lines and saying C-u M-x sort-lines.
Christoph Lange, Enterprise Information Systems Department
Applied Computer Science @ University of Bonn; Fraunhofer IAIS
http://langec.wordpress.com/about, Skype duk
%< ---
This implementation works efficiently in a 4 MB org file with 100 IDs.
Together with ido or helm I find it a very user-friendly way of jumping
to frequently used headlines.
I noticed that org-babel-ref-goto-headline-id does something similar, so
maybe some code could be shared among t
ool-proof guide for how to do this. I know that for contributing code
I will have to sign some FSF copyright forms, and I know how to use git,
but I don't know the exact org-mode specific steps of doing so.
Dr. Christoph Lange, Enterprise Information Systems Depar
ith a short
elisp file containing my function, plus a short HTML file explaining that
there exists an elisp file containing a function that does - does this make sense?
Cheers, and thanks for your advice,
Christoph Lange(-Bever)
Sent from a mobile device; please excuse my brevity.
time stamps. When a prefix argument is given, the
interactive editing of the timestamp uses C as a default before changing
A--C into A--B B--C.
--- %< --- %< --- %< --- %< --- %< --- %< --- %< --- %< --- %< --- %< ---
(defun org-clock-
while having the point placed on "end". As of 8.3.1 it seems that the
function always offers to edit "start".
If this is not a bug, is there some other way to request "end" to be
Emacs : GNU Emacs (x86_64-w64-m
gt; difference"
it no longer works as of 8.3.1.
This problem occurs before org-open-at-point invokes
Emacs : GNU Emacs (x86_64-w64-mingw32)
of 2015-07-11 on KAEL
Package: Org-mode version 8.3.1 (8.3.1-elpaplus @
Nicolas Goaziou on 2015-08-10 00:30:
> Christoph LANGE writes:
>> I frequently use org-time-stamp or org-time-stamp-inactive to adjust
>> intervals logged with CLOCK:. Before upgrading to 8.3.1 I was able to
>> adjust the end of a CLOCK'ed interval of the
d org-mode 8.2.x.
Running "emacs -q" and then (package-initialize) and then opening a
minimal file like
* Hello
CLOCK: [2015-08-07 Fri 10:14]--[2015-08-07 Fri 10:20] => 0:06
was enough to reproduce the bug. I.e. C-c ! or C-c . on the second
timestamp prompted me with the time of
Nicolas Goaziou on 2015-08-10 22:37:
> Correct. Fixed. Thank you to you both.
Many thanks, @Nicolas, for fixing this so quickly, and @Kyle for
tracking down the source of the problem!
Dr. Christoph Lange, Enterprise Information Systems Department
Applied Computer Scie
xp-in-string "\\[\\[.*?\\]\\[\\(.*?\\)\\]\\]"
"\\1" match-string-no-properties "???" ...] 8)
funcall-interactively(org-clock-in nil)
call-interactively(org-clock-in nil nil)
Emacs : GNU Emacs
I’m looking for a quick way to check the total time spent on a task. I
bet I’m missing something obvious. (I have set
org-clock-mode-line-total to today, so I do not see the total time of a
clocked-in task in the mode line.)
Many thanks,
uot; but not the
TODO items underneath). Is this the way this is supposed to work?
I can see that overlays are added for all the headings that were clocked
on lower levels as well, but that overlays contain only spaces.
ackground color as yellow.
How to find out from which face the white foreground was inherited? The
command describe-face does not seem to help for this.
org-babel is not well suited for such an usage profile, but
I’d love to be taught otherwise.
Many thanks,
low background. Can you reproduce this?
r during the execution of a task
- Being able to execute multiple independent tasks in parallel
- Being able to interrupt a running task
- Being able to inspect the incomplete output of a running task
I’d love to hear about any frameworks or workflows that fulfill these
ut there seems to be
no way to support dependencies.
> if/when someone finds the time and drive to tackle the implementation.
Hmm, I searched the list archives before asking of course, but I didn’t
find any previous discussion. Could you please provide some references?
- Do you run your Emacs on the master node of the cluster? Or does your
setup involve running emacs on the machine you are working on and
talking to the cluster over the network?
better way?
Alternatively, one could always show all items in the global todo list,
but somehow mark the already scheduled ones. Orgmode does not seem to
allow for something like this out-of-the-box, though.
Thanks Bastien, this works!
There doesn't seem to be an easy way to make a custom agenda view that
only shows todo items that are scheduled for the future. Or am I wrong?
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