I'm using Org-mode's clock feature and it's really great!
One thing bothers me: the links generated by the ":link t" option on the
clocktable [0] are absolute [1] and it causes problems when using the
same file on two different machines:
#+BEGIN: clocktable :scope file :maxlevel 3 :li
Ihor Radchenko writes:
> Joseph Turner writes:
>>> I think, text/org may be added as well (without removing of
>>> text/x-org).
>> Shall we consider this this after we find a way for these low-preference
>> mappings to be useful?
> If you mean "negotiate... to override "applicaion/vnd.lot
With org-log-into-drawer set to t any notes that are taken with
org-add-note go into a LOGBOOK drawer, but this also removes the
spell-checking provided by Flyspell.
It seems intentional to prevent checking the LOGBOOK (or equivalent)
when the value of org-log-into-drawer is non-nil:
;; Ignore
On 7 August 2024 13:59:16 GMT, di...@subvertising.org wrote:
>Hello, Org Mode!
>I've been using Org Mode for literate programming purposes, and would like to
>have line-numbers within `src` blocks. I am able to export the Org buffer and
>get the line-numbers, but I am unable to do the same with