Carsten Dominik writes:
> Is there a volunteer who would like to help creating a package for
> constants.el?
> I don't have experience creating packages
Sure. It is extremely easy.
See the attached.
You just need to ask on emacs-devel to add it.
>From 20474fe5d48d94e2efe50fea6df4744d80051ea
I would like to output
raw Org/LaTeX from Common Lisp and Scheme
but it does not seem to work:
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp :results raw
"\\begin{array}{cc|cc} 1 & 2 & 3 & 4\\end{array}"
\begin{array}{cc|cc} 1 & 2 & 3 & 4\end{array}
"Christopher M. Miles" writes:
> TODO: Use `describe-char' to get the symbol's code. Then set font for this
> symbol.
If you have a font installed that covers the unicode code point, it is
automatically used (with no further action needed on the user's part).
A font that supports cuneiform shou
Hello Ihor,
Many thanks for your swift response.
Ihor Radchenko writes:
> Alexander Adolf via "General discussions about Org-mode."
> writes:
>> I'm using Org 9.7.9, and I'm seeing behaviour of the (undocumented?)
>> "%Effort" vs. "%Effort{:}" in the column view dblock, which confuses me.
Dear all,
When the user wants to add a new column (or edit an existing one), he
executes the command `org-columns-new'. Then he can enter or select a few
'column attributes' (see in manual
One of the attributes is "SUMMARY-TYPE". This attribute c
Ihor Radchenko writes:
>> I am also experiencing, in indirect buffers, the inability to unfold
>> org-headings, and problems where rearranging them leaves sub-headings
>> behind, which may be related
> Please upgrade to Org 9.7 and let us know if you stop seeing problems
> with indirect buffers