Max Nikulin writes:
> On 08/12/2022 19:38, Carlos MartÃnez wrote:
>> #+MACRO: sc (eval (if (org-export-derived-backend-p
>> org-export-current-backend 'latex) (concat "@@latex:\\textsc{@@" $1
>> "@@latex:}@@") (concat "@@odt:> text:style-name=\"T1\">@@"$1"@@odt:@@")))
Hi all,
A code block with ":results output" as header argument still has its
output silenced if it's inside a headline with ":results none". MWE:
1. Create an .org file with the following content:
* Sub-tree with =:results none=
:header-args: :results none
#+BEGIN_SRC bash :r
I sent this to the bug-gnu-emacs list first (bug#59899), but it was
suggested to send it here instead:
In emacs -Q, with a simple org agenda file like:
* TODO try out org mode
SCHEDULED: <2022-12-07 Wed 23:00>
in /tmp/, setting
(setq org-agenda-files '("/tmp/"))
and running M-x
> From: David Masterson
> Cc:,,
> Date: Thu, 08 Dec 2022 23:43:05 -0800
> Eli Zaretskii writes:
> >> So, 'describe-variable' on org-version causes Org to be loaded?!?
> >
> > Why is it so surprising? Is this the first time you se
Hash: SHA512
Tim Cross writes:
> David Masterson writes:
>> Tim Cross writes:
>>> David Masterson writes:
"Michel Schinz" writes:
> Just for the record, I also ran into problems when installing Org 9.6
> using Emacs' package syste
In agenda, you can filter by category by pressing '<' when point on that
particular category. To remove filtering, press '<' again. All this is
explained in the org-mode info. However the initial agenda buffer,
viewed by 'C-c a', gives the keys '<' for filtering but '>' to remove
the restriction.
This is not a bug. Seee below.
> On Dec 7, 2022, at 9:47 AM, Rens Oliemans wrote:
> Hi all,
> A code block with ":results output" as header argument still has its
> output silenced if it's inside a headline with ":results none". MWE:
> 1. Create an .org file with the following con
I've got a code block that looks like the following.
#+name: read_csv
#+begin_src bash :results replace :exports none
cat ./file.csv | gawk -f ./awkfile.awk | tee .tmp1.dat;
This runs essentially instantaneously in org 9.5.5, but it takes much
longer, about 2 seconds or more on org 9.
> Eli Zaretskii writes:
> >> Cc:,
> >> From: David Masterson
> >> Date: Thu, 08 Dec 2022 13:56:03 -0800
> >>
> >> In my testing, I found a strange case where, in *scratch*, I get:
> >>
> >> (message "%s" org-version)
> >> ;; Error undefined
> >> ;; D
After upgrading to org 9.6, I find that refreshing the org buffer with
org-ctrl-c-ctrl-c causes the entire buffer (including drawers and other
folded items) to become visible.
I've tested this with a minimal config and the following org file:
--8<---cut here---start---
> Adding this to bug #59882
> "Michel Schinz" writes:
> > Just for the record, I also ran into problems when installing Org 9.6
> > using Emacs' package system on top of an older version that came with
> > Emacs. If I tried to install it as usual (M-x list-packages, then
> > install the pack
"Cook, Malcolm" writes:
>> Eli Zaretskii writes:
>> >> Cc:,
>> >> From: David Masterson
>> >> Date: Thu, 08 Dec 2022 13:56:03 -0800
>> >>
>> >> In my testing, I found a strange case where, in *scratch*, I get:
>> >>
>> >> (message "%s" org-version
> From: David Masterson
> Cc: Eli Zaretskii , "" ,
> "" , ""
> <>
> Date: Fri, 09 Dec 2022 11:51:29 -0800
> >
> >
> > What you obse
I ran org-lookup-all in a source block, but it didn't give any output. I think
I don't know something basic about Org or Lisp (likely both) and I hope someone
can point out what's going on.
For example, I have this table, and I can count how many times x appears:
#+name: test_table
| | A |
On 10/12/2022 03:41, William Denton wrote:
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :results raw
(org-lookup-all "x" '(remote(test_table, @I$A..@II$A)) nil)
There is nothing wrong with `org-lookup-all'. It just does not receive
arguments you expect. Try
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :results raw
(list "x"
On 10/12/2022 01:34, Majzoub, Eric wrote:
This runs essentially instantaneously in org 9.5.5, but it takes much
longer, about 2 seconds or more on org 9.6
An example with no external dependencies:
: (require 'ob-shell)
#+begin_src bash :results replace :exports none
seq 1 200 | tee /dev/nul
"Majzoub, Eric" writes:
> I've got a code block that looks like the following.
> #+name: read_csv
> #+begin_src bash :results replace :exports none
> cat ./file.csv | gawk -f ./awkfile.awk | tee .tmp1.dat;
> #+end_src
> This runs essentially instantaneously in org 9.5.5, but it takes much
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