Rens, This is not a bug. Seee below.
> On Dec 7, 2022, at 9:47 AM, Rens Oliemans <> wrote: > > Hi all, > > A code block with ":results output" as header argument still has its > output silenced if it's inside a headline with ":results none". MWE: > > 1. Create an .org file with the following content: > > * Sub-tree with =:results none= > :PROPERTIES: > :header-args: :results none > :END: > > #+BEGIN_SRC bash :results output > echo "is silent" > #+END_SRC This is the correct handling. See (info "(org) Results of Evaluation"). `output' is a `Collection' option. `none' is a `Handling' option. If you want to override a `Handling' option you need another `Handling' option. e.g. #+BEGIN_SRC bash :results output replace echo "is silent" #+END_SRC HTH, Chuck