Re: how to concatenate string to spreadsheet formula

2022-08-16 Thread edgar
On 2022-08-15 14:40, Fraga, Eric wrote: Hi Edgar, I did not quite understand what you actually were calculating but maybe consider the following expression for table formulas: #+TBLFM: $3='(format "%s\\textwidth" (/ (* 1.0 $2) $1));N If you specify ";N", the entries are treated as numbers. Th

Fwd: Re: Typo in info pages

2022-08-16 Thread edgar
Original Message Subject: Re: Typo in info pages Date: 2022-08-16 06:08 From: Philip Kaludercic To: writes: I stored this link with Org (mode): [[info:org#Formula syntax for Calc]] There, one can find if(typeof(vmean($1..$7)) =​= 1

Re: Potential bug: Invalid function: org-encode-time

2022-08-16 Thread Ihor Radchenko
Duy Nguyen writes: > Initially, when I generate an ~org-clock-report~ table it works just fine. > However, at some random point it stops working and just gives me the > following error: "Invalid function: org-encode-time". Not sure if I > explained it well, so here is a short video

Re: svg file from tikz picture

2022-08-16 Thread Ihor Radchenko
reza writes: > when running the following code > > #+header: :file "absolute-distance.pdf" > #+header: :results file drawer :exports results :fit yes :border 0cm > #+header: :headers '("\\usepackage{tikz}") > #+begin_src latex >\usetikzlibrary{positioning} >\begin{tikzpicture} > \nod

Re: svg file from tikz picture

2022-08-16 Thread reza
> svg generation takes a completely different code branch compared to pdf > in ox-latex.el. I am not sure why. Hopefully, someone more familiar with > ox-latex and LaTeX in general can chime in. Just found this in the source [1], maybe it is already fixed? [1]

Re: Potential bug: Invalid function: org-encode-time

2022-08-16 Thread Duy Nguyen
> > I just pushed a workaround that should hopefully fix the issue. > Thanks Ihor, it seems to work for me now! Before when I evaluated ~(org-matcher-time "<2022-08-15 Mon 00:00>")~ manually it would give me the error, however I don't have it anymore with the latest main branch. Duy

Re: svg file from tikz picture

2022-08-16 Thread Ihor Radchenko
reza writes: >> svg generation takes a completely different code branch compared to pdf >> in ox-latex.el. I am not sure why. Hopefully, someone more familiar with >> ox-latex and LaTeX in general can chime in. > > Just found this in the source [1], maybe it is already fixed? >

Re: svg file from tikz picture

2022-08-16 Thread reza
> AFAIU, the news entry is about LaTeX export (ox-latex.el). Here, we are > talking about LaTeX babel backend, which is a different implementation > (ob-latex.el). > > In any case, I can reproduce on the latest main. why is this handled differently, should it at least use part of the same infras

Re: svg file from tikz picture

2022-08-16 Thread Ihor Radchenko
> why is this handled differently, should it at least use part of the same infrastructure? It is a part of the same infrastructure, but the LaTeX templates for html/pdf/svg/tiks export are different for some reason. There is even a TODO comment in the code saying that things should better be unifi

Re: svg file from tikz picture

2022-08-16 Thread reza
> It is a part of the same infrastructure, but the LaTeX templates for > html/pdf/svg/tiks export are different for some reason. There is even a > TODO comment in the code saying that things should better be unified. Alas. > > Patches improving the situation are always welcome. Where would I pu

Re: svg file from tikz picture

2022-08-16 Thread Ihor Radchenko
reza writes: >> It is a part of the same infrastructure, but the LaTeX templates for >> html/pdf/svg/tiks export are different for some reason. There is even a >> TODO comment in the code saying that things should better be unified. Alas. >> >> Patches improving the situation are always welcom

Re: svg file from tikz picture

2022-08-16 Thread reza
> I do not think that ob-latex code has much to add into ox-latex. > What I was referring to is the giant `cond' form in > org-babel-execute:latex, which produces different LaTeX templates > depending on the output file extension. > > The ob-latex templates should probably remain specific to ob-la

Re: Potential bug: Invalid function: org-encode-time

2022-08-16 Thread Max Nikulin
On 16/08/2022 16:20, Ihor Radchenko wrote: Duy Nguyen writes: Initially, when I generate an ~org-clock-report~ table it works just fine. However, at some random point it stops working and just gives me the following error: "Invalid function: org-encode-time". Not sure if I explained it well, so

Re: Potential bug: Invalid function: org-encode-time

2022-08-16 Thread Ihor Radchenko
Max Nikulin writes: >> This is Emacs bug. >> >> I just pushed a workaround that should hopefully fix the issue. > > Is there a chance that `eval-when-compile' around the original > definition will help? Sorry, I am still avoiding setting up of

Re: Potential bug: Invalid function: org-encode-time

2022-08-16 Thread Max Nikulin
On 16/08/2022 18:55, Ihor Radchenko wrote: Max Nikulin writes: This is Emacs bug. I just pushed a workaround that should hopefully fix the issue. Is there a chance that `eval-when-compile' around the original definition will help? Sorry, I

Re: :session for Julia in org babel?

2022-08-16 Thread Ihor Radchenko
"Fraga, Eric" writes: >> Please report to ESS devs. > > After discussion with Stephen Eglen on the ESS mailing list, he gave me > a single line of elisp to add to ob-julia.el for sessions to work and > noted that the Julia installation must have two specific packages > available (I'm not sure why

Re: Potential bug: Invalid function: org-encode-time

2022-08-16 Thread Ihor Radchenko
> Testing of `encode-time' version by running it on each macro expansion can hardly be called optimal. It will mostly impact the compile time. If you wish, you may wrap the version check and the `encode-time' test into `eval-when-compile' On Tue, Aug 16, 2022 at 8:44 PM Max Nikulin wrote: > On

Re: :session for Julia in org babel?

2022-08-16 Thread Fraga, Eric
On Wednesday, 10 Aug 2022 at 15:10, Ihor Radchenko wrote: > This looks like a bug in ess itself. [...] > Please report to ESS devs. After discussion with Stephen Eglen on the ESS mailing list, he gave me a single line of elisp to add to ob-julia.el for sessions to work and noted that the Julia i

Re: [PATCH] Documentation and NEWS for ` org-latex-language-alist'

2022-08-16 Thread Juan Manuel Macías
Hi, Ihor. Sorry for my late reply. These last few days have been a bit complicated for me due to work issues. Ihor Radchenko writes: > I feel like we should first describe what #+LANGUAGE keyword does and > go into the gory details of LaTeX language support a bit later. > > Basically, I am asking

[off topic] List all non-latin characters in a buffer

2022-08-16 Thread Juan Manuel Macías
Sorry for the offtopic, but I thought this homemade function I wrote some time ago for my work might perhaps be useful to some Orgers. When executed in a buffer, the `list-non-latin-chars' function opens a window displaying a list of all the non (basic) Latin characters present in that document. Ea

Re: :session for Julia in org babel?

2022-08-16 Thread Fraga, Eric
On Tuesday, 16 Aug 2022 at 21:21, Ihor Radchenko wrote: > Can you also update [Worg] I will do so, maybe tomorrow. I assume that's okay as it's a separate repository? and as I do not have submit access, I'll post a patch here, if that's okay? > This will set the variable globally. You may want

Re: Dates in headlines

2022-08-16 Thread Ypo
I found it again: "If the headline contains a timestamp, it is removed from the link, which results in a wrong link—you should avoid putting a timestamp in the headline."

[BUG] Incorrect fontification of src blocks for indentation sensitive language modes

2022-08-16 Thread Bhavin Gandhi
In the following Org mode file, the Ledger mode source block is not highlighted correctly. How to reproduce: 1. Clone Ledger mode: git clone /tmp/ledger-mode 2. emacs -Q -L ~/src/org-mode/lisp 3. Evaluate the following in the *scratch* buffer. (add-to-lis

Re: [BUG] org-auto-repeat-maybe: error "Can’t expand minibuffer to full frame" and missing log note

2022-08-16 Thread Bhavin Gandhi
On Thu, 21 Jul 2022 at 23:33, Bhavin Gandhi wrote: > > On Sat, 16 Jul 2022 at 14:50, Ihor Radchenko wrote: > > > Seems like soon I will cross the TINYCHANGE limit, so I will get the > > > FSF copyright assignment done. > > > > Note that FSF should reply within 5 working days. If not, we can help

Re: :session for Julia in org babel?

2022-08-16 Thread Christopher M. Miles
"Fraga, Eric" writes: > On Tuesday, 16 Aug 2022 at 21:21, Ihor Radchenko wrote: >> Can you also update [Worg] > > I will do so, maybe tomorrow. I assume that's okay as it's a separate > repository? and as I do not have submit access, I'll post a patch here, > if that's okay? > >> This will set

[BUG] {C-c C-c} updating on a sub-headline checkbox statistics caused upper headline checkbox statistics reset to zero

2022-08-16 Thread Christopher M. Miles
Here is a test org content: #+begin_src org ,* 1 headline [0/2] ,** TODO kk [0/0] :LOGBOOK: - State "TODO" from [2022-08-17 Wed 06:02] :END: ,** first-level headline [0/0] ,*** TODO second-level headline [2/2] - [X] item 1 - [X] item 2 #+end_src When I press keybinding {C