reza <> writes:

>> It is a part of the same infrastructure, but the LaTeX templates for 
>> html/pdf/svg/tiks export are different for some reason. There is even a 
>> TODO comment in the code saying that things should better be unified. Alas.
>> Patches improving the situation are always welcome.
> Where would I put combined code for ox-latex.el and ob-latex.el?

I do not think that ob-latex code has much to add into ox-latex.
What I was referring to is the giant `cond' form in
org-babel-execute:latex, which produces different LaTeX templates
depending on the output file extension.

The ob-latex templates should probably remain specific to ob-latex since
they are tailored to produce (usually one-page) documents from short
LaTeX snippets.

Ihor Radchenko,
Org mode contributor,
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