The Emacs guys changed the signature of define-obsolete-function-alias.
Eli Zaretskii:
The use of this (and a couple of other) functions without the WHEN
argument has been obsolete since Emacs 23.1.
The packages should adapt.
AFAICS there is only usage of the obsolete usage
Mart van de Wege writes:
> Thanks!
> But see my answer to Nick Dokos on the list, that does not do anything
> either.
Try putting this variable in your .emacs with non-nil value:
(setq org-export-allow-bind-keywords t)
Juan Manuel
On Wed, 06 Jan 2021 12:51:00 +0100
Juan Manuel Macías wrote:
> Mart van de Wege writes:
> > Thanks!
> >
> > But see my answer to Nick Dokos on the list, that does not do
> > anything either.
> Try putting this variable in your .emacs with non-nil value:
> (setq org-export-allow-bind-k
Hi everyone,
Richard Lawrence writes:
> I can now confirm that this is the problem. It looks like what is happening
> here
> is that the regex is meant to match a time range, but ends up matching
> the date: thus a string like "12-31 13:00" gets mangled to "12 13:00"
> and sent into org-read-da
Mart van de Wege writes:
> Kind of weird it's not mentioned in the docs though (at least not in
> the same section as export filters); if you're going to tell people that
> you can bind local functions to an org file, then it might be nice to
> point out that you do need to turn that on.
Hi guys,
Can we get org-pretty-table into org-mode?
It replaces ascii chars with unicode box-drawing characters.
It might be a bit rough around the edges, and Matus himself does not
seem to be currently interested to work on, but it seems to work
Ciao, in emacs 28 (master branch, commit
32c6732d16385f242b1109517f25e9aefd6caa5c) define-obsolete-function-alias has
"when" parameter mandatory.
The line 376 of org-refile.el raise an error: "Wrong number of arguments: (3 .
4), 2"
376:(define-obsolete-function-alias 'org-c
>> Since the latest update to 9.4.4, some of us in Guix have been
>> experiencing issues with loading packages that depend on Org [0]. It
>> seems the root of the problem is that (org-release) returns an empty
>> string, you can see this manifesting in this email actually :-).
> In between th
On 06/01/2021 01:33, Mart van de Wege wrote:
I'm trying to replace U+00BD in an org buffer with \sfrac{1}{2} during
export to LaTex, and obviously I'm doing something wrong, or I don't
understand the documentation.
Do you really need to replace unicode characters? If you are just trying
to avo
On Wed, Jan 6, 2021 at 1:43 AM Gerardo Moro wrote:
> Basically that: as I copy (Control-C) text from the browser (Chrome), I
> would like those copied sentences to be sent to a ordered list in an
> OrgMode document:
> - copied text 1
> - copied text 2
> - etc.
> Any ideas? This would be very
Mart van de Wege writes:
> You're right. I looked up the variable, and there is only one mention
> in the docs, and that is about binding emacs variables locally to the
> org file buffer.
> Can I just clone the repo and prepare a patch?
As far as I know, you can create a diff and propose the p
On 06/01/2021 13:41, Gerardo Moro wrote:
Basically that: as I copy (Control-C) text from the browser (Chrome), I
would like those copied sentences to be sent to a ordered list in an
OrgMode document:
- copied text 1
- copied text 2
- etc.
Any ideas? This would be very useful.
To add to emac
Gerardo Moro writes:
> Basically that: as I copy (Control-C) text from the browser (Chrome),
> I would like those copied sentences to be sent to a ordered list in an
> OrgMode document:
> - copied text 1
> - copied text 2
> - etc.
> Any ideas? This would be very useful.
> Thanks!
I don't kno
>>> "ESF" == Eric S Fraga writes:
> On Tuesday, 5 Jan 2021 at 17:02, Uwe Brauer wrote:
>> Well 10 years ago Eric Schulte posted this
>> https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-orgmode/2010-08/msg00502.html
> Yes, this is what I meant about post-processing (in this case using
I've done similar sorts of things in Linux with xdotool and
xclip. These are very useful tools although a bit fiddly in
their usage.
Bob Newell
Honolulu, Hawai`i
- Via GNU/Linux/Emacs/Gnus/BBDB
Maxim Nikulin writes:
> On 06/01/2021 01:33, Mart van de Wege wrote:
>> I'm trying to replace U+00BD in an org buffer with \sfrac{1}{2} during
>> export to LaTex, and obviously I'm doing something wrong, or I don't
>> understand the documentation.
> Do you really need to replace unicode charact
>>> "AM" == Arthur Miller writes:
> Hi guys,
> Can we get org-pretty-table into org-mode?
> https://github.com/Fuco1/org-pretty-table
> It replaces ascii chars with unicode box-drawing characters.
That is indeed very nice. Why can't he start to put it in MELPA? Would
also make things easier.
On Wed, 2021-01-06 at 13:24 +0100, Juan Manuel Macías wrote:
> Mart van de Wege writes:
> > Kind of weird it's not mentioned in the docs though (at least not
> > in
> > the same section as export filters); if you're going to tell people
> > that
> > you can bind local functions to an org file,
Yes Samuel! This does work! Thank you! ( Although I haven't figured
out yet which variable(s) you might be referring to ... )
- HJ
On 1/4/21 11:38 PM, Samuel Wales wrote:
*{pat1} {pat2} {pat3} -{pat4}
should do the trick iiuc and if you have the varialbe setc.
On Wed, 2021-01-06 at 16:58 +0100, Juan Manuel Macías wrote:
> Mart van de Wege writes:
> > Can I just clone the repo and prepare a patch?
> As far as I know, you can create a diff and propose the patch here in
> the list, opening a new thread, that includes in the mail subject
> something lik
I was wondering whether anyone here knows how to effect a temporary
inclusion of a file into an org file. What I mean:
I would like to use orgmode to keep a documentation / devops
document. That document will contain commands ( with lots of
start_src...end_src...results bloc
I don't know anything about straight, but this sounds like what
get if you try to generate org-version.el in an Org repo without
This is the correct assessment.
Straight has a user option, `straight-vc-git-default-clone-depth',
which may be customized
to perform shallow clones o
Check out org-transclusion, it covers some of the use cases you
describe or could be used to implement them. The issue with giant
results, especially those that have very long lines, is more
challenging, but being able to specify that different output streams
should go to files instead of results m
This is very cool, thanks, and I very much use Automator.
I will have a look later, but it seems that you have to move focus to
Emacs, so it does not directly send something to a orgmode document
straight from the copy action in the browser.
El mié, 6 ene 2021 a las 17:56, Tim Visher ()
you're welcome.
things like (setq org-agenda-search-view-always-boolean t)
(setq org-agenda-search-view-force-full-words t) in manual.
On 1/6/21, HJ wrote:
> Yes Samuel! This does work! Thank you! ( Although I haven't figured
> out yet which variable(s) you might be referring to ... )
Thanks for the feedback!
> Nothing jumps out to me. For large files that are already visited, I
> suppose find-file-noselect returning an existing buffer can be faster,
> so relevant factors would include how many Org files a project has, how
> large they are, and how many of those are visited in
Hi there,
I wrote a simple Org exporter[1] for the BBCode format[2] which is
used in many web forums.
Is there any interest in including it in Org?
Known todos on my side are:
1. Rewrite my shell tests in elisp to include then in the Org tests.
2. Figure out a test error on Emacs 27.
I ju
Christian Garbs via General discussions about Org-mode.
> I wrote a simple Org exporter[1] for the BBCode format[2] which is
> used in many web forums.
> Is there any interest in including it in Org?
From my side there definitely is interest!
Thank you for stepping forward!
Best wis
Kyle Meyer writes:
> Nothing jumps out to me. For large files that are already visited, I
> suppose find-file-noselect returning an existing buffer can be faster,
> so relevant factors would include how many Org files a project has, how
> large they are, and how many of those are visited in the
Remember to cover the basics, that is, what you expected to happen and
what in fact did happen. You don't know how to make a good report? See
Your bug report will be posted to the Org mailing list.
Bump this thread. Any ideas about this functionality? Any objection or
stardiviner writes:
> [stardiviner] GPG key ID: 47C32433
> IRC(freeenode): stardiviner Twitter: @numbchild
> Key fingerprint = 9BAA 92BC CDDD B9EF 3B36 CB99 B8C4 B8E5 47C3 2
Tom Gillespie writes:
> Check out org-transclusion, it covers some of the use cases you
> describe or could be used to implement them. The issue with giant
> results, especially those that have very long lines, is more
> challenging, but being able to specify that different output streams
> shoul
Gerardo Moro writes:
> Thanks, guys.
> I'll have a look.
> I understand that using org-protocol in combo with org-capture I would have
> to visit the Emacs window for capturing the copied text or not?
> Because this is crucial, as I aim to avoid this step.
> Thanks!
If your capture template has
Marco Wahl writes:
> Hello,
> The Emacs guys changed the signature of define-obsolete-function-alias.
> Eli Zaretskii:
> The use of this (and a couple of other) functions without the WHEN
> argument has been obsolete since Emacs 23.1.
> The packages should adapt.
> AFAICS the
Vincenzo Pupillo writes:
> Ciao, in emacs 28 (master branch, commit
> 32c6732d16385f242b1109517f25e9aefd6caa5c)
> define-obsolete-function-alias has "when" parameter mandatory.
> The line 376 of org-refile.el raise an error: "Wrong number of arguments: (3
> . 4), 2"
> lisp/org-refile.el
> 376:
Thanks. I have been trying to set org-protocol up, but... I can't find
where this package is (silly, innit?).
Where is the official org-protocol page where to download it?
El jue, 7 ene 2021 a las 7:10, Ihor Radchenko ()
> Gerardo Moro writes:
> > Thanks, guys.
> > I'll have
It is built into the core org distribution.
Thanks. Then why is in
https://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/org-protocol.html#installation this
confusing bit?
To load org-protocol.el add the following to your .emacs:
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/path/to/org/protocol/")
(require 'org-protocol)
Gerardo Moro writes:
> Thanks. Then why is in
> https://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/org-protocol.html#installation this
> confusing bit?
Here is more detailed instruction:
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