On Wed, Jan 6, 2021 at 1:43 AM Gerardo Moro <gerardomor...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Basically that: as I copy (Control-C) text from the browser (Chrome), I > would like those copied sentences to be sent to a ordered list in an > OrgMode document: > > - copied text 1 > - copied text 2 > - etc. > > Any ideas? This would be very useful. > On macOS I've done _similar_ things to this (albeit not exactly what you're asking) by simply generating org text for me to paste in. For instance I have an applescript `org-current-tab`: ``` … on org_current_tab() tell application "Google Chrome" set the_title to title of active tab of front window set the_title to my replace_chars(the_title, "[", " ") set the_title to my replace_chars(the_title, "]", " ") return "[[" & URL of active tab of front window & "][" & the_title & "]]" as text end tell end org_current_tab ``` Then from anywhere I can activate this applescript and all I need to do is whack `C-y` in emacs and I get the link pasted in. It's not hard then to extend this directly into emacs via the `osascript` executable: ``` (defun org-current-tab () (interactive) (unless (eq major-mode 'org-mode) (user-error "This command must be triggered in an org buffer.")) (let* ((output (with-temp-buffer (call-process "osascript" nil t nil "-e" "tell application \"Finder\" to set current_tab_handlers to (load script file \"current_tab_handlers.scpt\" of folder \"Dropbox\" of home as alias)" "-e" "tell current_tab_handlers to org_current_tab()") (substring-no-properties (thing-at-point 'line t) 0 -1)))) (insert output))) ``` I'm not sure what environment you're in so you may not have access to a system's scripting tool like Applescript but depending on the scripting facilities of whatever you're targeting maybe you can get most of the way there. At the worst you could add whatever text you want to your clipboard and then write some elisp that processes it before writing it to your org buffer.