> ... it depends on how often you require this weekly report...
Ermm, weekly :-)
> It should be possible to write code that walks your agenda, visits the
> tasks, and copies and pastes the details to a temporary org buffer/file
> just for your chronological report.
Absolutely. But as I've been t
On Nov 8, 2011, at 9:06 AM, Tommy Kelly wrote:
>> ... it depends on how often you require this weekly report...
> Ermm, weekly :-)
>> It should be possible to write code that walks your agenda, visits the
>> tasks, and copies and pastes the details to a temporary org buffer/file
>> just for
On Mon, Nov 7, 2011 at 11:09 PM, Eric Schulte wrote:
> The attached patch implements this latest "propname+" suggestion. When
> applied it results in the behavior shown below.
> I'm inclined to go with this as a solution moving forward.
> Thoughts?
Go for it - looks like a really good way
Tommy Kelly writes:
>> OK, that might be what I need then. I thought clock tables grouped
>> things by headings, not by tags. I'll have a look at the manual.
> I'm trying the tagging thing within clock tables, but I can't get it
> working at all. I've attached a tag to a single headline, and ch
I tried an experiment and am glad I didn't save its results! Results
are that you actually have to indent otherwise, all you have in the file
are the headlines once org-mode sees the file. I have a newly installed
debian system on the first sata drive I used and I'm using org-mode to
log the
Hi Eric,
(Due to a high "buzyness" level, I've been a bit out of the discussion for one
week or so)
Eric Schulte wrote:
> The attached patch implements this latest "propname+" suggestion. When
> applied it results in the behavior shown below.
> I'm inclined to go with this as a solution moving
On Tue, Nov 8, 2011 at 10:31 AM, Sebastien Vauban <
wxhgmqzgw...@spammotel.com> wrote:
> Hi Eric,
> (Due to a high "buzyness" level, I've been a bit out of the discussion for
> one
> week or so)
> Eric Schulte wrote:
> > The attached patch implements this latest "propname+" suggestion. When
Hi Rainer,
Rainer M Krug wrote:
>> The proposal is, when a property name ends in +, the value is appended
>> to the corresponding property, rather than replacing it, so
>> #+PROPERTY: var foo=1
>> #+PROPERTY: var bar=2
>> results in '(("var" . "bar=2"))
>> #+PROPERTY: varfoo=1
On Tue, Nov 8, 2011 at 10:41 AM, Sebastien Vauban <
wxhgmqzgw...@spammotel.com> wrote:
> Hi Rainer,
> Rainer M Krug wrote:
> >> The proposal is, when a property name ends in +, the value is appended
> >> to the corresponding property, rather than replacing it, so
> >>
> >> #+PROPERTY: var foo
On 03/11/11 18:02, Marcelo de Moraes Serpa wrote:
Thank you for sharing your experiences guys,
I only started thinking about this recently, when I had to send some
documents to a banker. The issue is that I'm sure most bankers are not
internet-savvy, they might not even know how to download some
On Nov 8, 2011, at 10:04 AM, Olaf Dietsche wrote:
> Tommy Kelly writes:
>>> OK, that might be what I need then. I thought clock tables grouped
>>> things by headings, not by tags. I'll have a look at the manual.
>> I'm trying the tagging thing within clock tables, but I can't get it
>> wo
> I haven't tried this myself, just looking at the manual. But playing
> around, it seems you need double quotes around your tags match.
Ah OK, that works. But it turns out there was a second problem and it
may be a bug. It looks like any of the clocktable options after
:indent get ignored. So thi
Hi Rainer,
Rainer M Krug wrote:
>> > * appending to a file-wide property
>> > :var+: , baz=3
>> > :END:
>> To be honest, the only thing that I dislike is the comma in the above line.
>> Not intuitive at all. Quite hard to read.
>> Can't the comma be implicitly ad
On Nov 8, 2011, at 10:55 AM, Tommy Kelly wrote:
>> I haven't tried this myself, just looking at the manual. But playing
>> around, it seems you need double quotes around your tags match.
> Ah OK, that works. But it turns out there was a second problem and it
> may be a bug. It looks like any o
Hi Carsten,
Carsten Dominik wrote:
> On Nov 8, 2011, at 10:55 AM, Tommy Kelly wrote:
>>> I haven't tried this myself, just looking at the manual. But playing
>>> around, it seems you need double quotes around your tags match.
>> Ah OK, that works. But it turns out there was a second problem
On Tue, Nov 8, 2011 at 10:58 AM, Sebastien Vauban <
wxhgmqzgw...@spammotel.com> wrote:
> Hi Rainer,
> Rainer M Krug wrote:
> >> > * appending to a file-wide property
> >> > :var+: , baz=3
> >> > :END:
> >>
> >> To be honest, the only thing that I dislike is the com
On Nov 8, 2011, at 11:05 AM, Sebastien Vauban wrote:
> Hi Carsten,
> Carsten Dominik wrote:
>> On Nov 8, 2011, at 10:55 AM, Tommy Kelly wrote:
I haven't tried this myself, just looking at the manual. But playing
around, it seems you need double quotes around your tags match.
Jude DaShiell writes:
> I tried an experiment and am glad I didn't save its results! Results
> are that you actually have to indent otherwise, all you have in the file
> are the headlines once org-mode sees the file. I have a newly installed
> debian system on the first sata drive I used and
Hi Carsten,
Carsten Dominik wrote:
> On Nov 8, 2011, at 11:05 AM, Sebastien Vauban wrote:
>> Hi Carsten,
>> Carsten Dominik wrote:
>>> On Nov 8, 2011, at 10:55 AM, Tommy Kelly wrote:
> I haven't tried this myself, just looking at the manual. But playing
> around, it seems you ne
> Probably, :indent was perceived by the code as nil, but at least
> it did not swallow the :tags key.
It wasn't. I hadn't realized about the need for a value to the
property, but if it's omitted then it looks like :indent's value is
perceived as true, not nil (which is why I got on so long no
Tommy Kelly writes:
>> ... it depends on how often you require this weekly report...
> Ermm, weekly :-)
>> It should be possible to write code that walks your agenda, visits the
>> tasks, and copies and pastes the details to a temporary org buffer/file
>> just for your chronological report.
Unless I have missed something in the e-mails, the new syntax is to
concatenate new variables to the var property. Not modifying the values
currently stored in some variable. That is,
#+property: var foo=2
#+property: var+ 5
(not specifying the variable name ) should not be allowed and
>> How do you unset a var? By resetting the list with a new var
>>(without `+'),
See, the example in my original email, a property with var (no "+")
wipes out any previously existing var properties.
>> and adding all the other valid vars? If so, not really
>> unsetting... You simply void
>> > Could one make the "," implicit, if the value follows the
>> >
>> > x=y
>> >
>> > style, while otherwise just concatenate the value to the one before?
>> I guess this is going too far, as Babel is untyped: what about...
>>#+property: var foo=2
>>#+property: var+ 5
>> Doe
Hi Darlan,
Darlan Cavalcante Moreira wrote:
> Unless I have missed something in the e-mails, the new syntax is to
> concatenate new variables to the var property. Not modifying the values
> currently stored in some variable. That is,
> #+property: var foo=2
> #+property: var+ 5
> (not speci
I would find very useful your improvements to appt.
I also think that appt needs to be a bit more intrusive. I once missed an
appointment because appt didn't notify me about it (or notified me but didn't
ask for my acknowledgement).
Something I missed was a clear interface which said
Christian Moe writes:
Hi Christian, thank you for checking,
> On 11/7/11 5:02 PM, Giovanni Ridolfi wrote:
>> the math snippets are always "converted" in HTML format e.g.:α =
>> \frac{1}{L0}
> Do I understand correctly that this is your problem?
> (Not very clear
> from your long example
I just trying minted and source code blocks do get nice formatted
fontified output in LaTeX export
#+source: test
#+begin_src c :exports code
int x = 10;
works fine. However, sometimes I would like to use different starting
numbers for the line-numbers. The minted pack
On 2011-11-08, Daniel Clemente wrote:
> Do you really need to extend the org-mode timestamp format?
> There may be other ways to do that without extending the org-mode
> timestamp format.
I agree. I would use a property.
The only issue with doing so that comes to mind is when you have more
Tommy Kelly writes:
>> ... it depends on how often you require this weekly report...
> Ermm, weekly :-)
Yes :) but if it's only for the next 3 weeks it's probably not worth the
coding effort. If it's weekly for the indefinite future it might be.
A more complete recipe for setting up a tracking branch to a remote
branch in git (assuming you've already cloned orgmode.git locally and
have a clean working directory):
$ git remote add -t Makefile remote-tableheadings
$ git fetch remote-tablehea
see here:
On 2011-11-06, at 12:05 , Marius Hofert wrote:
> How can I set up anniversaries with org-contact?
> My agend.org file contains the following, as mentioned on the bottom of
> http://
see here:
On 2011-11-06, at 11:49 , Marius Hofert wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to capture contacts (name, email,..) with org-mode and thus
> setup the following in .emacs:
> (setq org-capture-temp
Hello Myles
The example that you have cited encounters issues on every step along
the way - plastex, mathtoweb and odt.
I have tried my best to be useful here.
I sincerely appreciate you exercising the LaTeX to MathML conversion
facilities included in Org. I hope we get robust LaTeX->MathML
Achim Gratz writes:
> A more complete recipe for setting up a tracking branch to a remote
> branch in git (assuming you've already cloned orgmode.git locally and
> have a clean working directory):
...which doesn't really work since I did a few experiments in the clone
and messed up the recipe by
Marius Hofert wrote:
> see here:
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8036948/how-to-set-up-birthdays-with-org-contacts-error-bad-sexp
> On 2011-11-06, at 12:05 , Marius Hofert wrote:
> > How can I set up anniversaries with org-contact?
> >
> > My agend.org file contains the following,
Myles English writes:
> \begin{equation}
> \delta_{mn} =
> \begin{cases}
> 1& \text{if $n=m$}\\
> 0& \text{if $n\nem$}
> \end{cases}
> \end{equation}
, From ftp://ftp.ams.org/ams/doc/amsmath/short-math-guide.pdf
| Note. The plain TEX form \matrix{...\cr...\cr} and the related comman
Jambunathan K writes:
> If we reconcile what happens here with what is done in Makefile, may be
> we can uncover why certain macros in org-macs.el doesn't propagated to
> some set of files.
If byte-compile-directory is available in all versions of Emacs, then I
could certainly use it in the Makef
> The org sexp handler issues this message whenever an error is signalled
> when trying to evaluate the sexp.
> In this case (as in most of these cases), the error is probably because
> org-contacts-anniversaries is not defined, for whatever reason.
> Try to eval
Marius Hofert wrote:
> >
> > The org sexp handler issues this message whenever an error is signalled
> > when trying to evaluate the sexp.
> >
> > In this case (as in most of these cases), the error is probably because
> > org-contacts-anniversaries is not defined, for whatever reason.
> >
> >
Okay, ESC ESC : (org-contacts-anniversaries) gives:
Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-function diary-anniversary)
diary-anniversary(10 25 1970)
apply(diary-anniversary (10 25 1970))
(and anniv (apply (quote diary-anniversary) anniv))
(if (and anniv (apply (quote diary-anniversary) anniv
> Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-function diary-anniversary)
There is a universal solution to this problem
M-x load-library RET diary TAB
and choose which of the options make most sense or try each one of them
in turn.
Note that in the above load-library you are using "diary" because it is
Thanks for the explanation. Is there also an equivalent solution by just
adjusting .emacs?
On 2011-11-08, at 23:33 , Jambunathan K wrote:
>> Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-function diary-anniversary)
> There is a universal solution to this problem
> M-x load-library RET diary TAB
On 7 November 2011 16:29, Carsten Dominik wrote:
> On Nov 7, 2011, at 1:19 PM, Giovanni Ridolfi wrote:
>> Fabrizio Chiarello writes:
>>> I have many tasks with a DEADLINE, and I wish to have their subtasks to
>>> inherit such DEADLINE. To this aim, I set:
>>> (setq org-use-property
Marius Hofert wrote:
> Okay, ESC ESC : (org-contacts-anniversaries) gives:
> Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-function diary-anniversary)
So you need to load diary.el and associated stuff:
(require 'diary)
is probably enough.
Marius Hofert writes:
> Thanks for the explanation. Is there also an equivalent solution by
> just adjusting .emacs?
C-h r
g Init Examples
Hint: search for load
Helpful tip: Learn to use Emacs Info system well.
> On 2011-11-08, at 23:33 , Jambunathan K wrote:
>>> Debugger entered--Lisp
> Perhaps inserting an assumed space separator would be more intuitive?
> If we were to go that way it may be possible to allow variable
> specifications such as
> #+PROPERTY: var foo=1 bar=2
> in which case properties could be easily specified on multiple lines
> using a default space separato
Marius Hofert wrote:
> Thanks for the explanation. Is there also an equivalent solution by just
> adjusting .emacs?
If you are going to use emacs extensively, you probably should read the
emacs reference manual and maybe the emacs lisp introduction as
M-x foo RET is entirely equiv
On 2011-11-08, at 23:33 , Jambunathan K wrote:
>> Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-function diary-anniversary)
> There is a universal solution to this problem
> M-x load-library RET diary TAB
> and choose which of the options make most sense or try each one of them
> in turn.
I have:
On 2011-11-09, at 00:06 , Nick Dokos wrote:
> Marius Hofert wrote:
>> Thanks for the explanation. Is there also an equivalent solution by just
>> adjusting .emacs?
> If you are going to use emacs extensively, you probably should read the
> emacs reference manual and maybe the emac
Okay, I assume it's (require 'diary-lib) then.
On 2011-11-09, at 00:13 , Marius Hofert wrote:
> On 2011-11-09, at 00:06 , Nick Dokos wrote:
>> Marius Hofert wrote:
>>> Thanks for the explanation. Is there also an equivalent solution by just
>>> adjusting .emacs?
>> If y
Marius Hofert wrote:
> >
> > (load-library "diary")
> >
> > This calls the function load-library with the string argument "diary".
> > This form can be added to .emacs. Alternatively, you can use the
> > require form that I posted:
> >
> > (require 'diary)
> I obtain (also for (load-library
>>> (load-library "diary")
>>> This calls the function load-library with the string argument "diary".
>>> This form can be added to .emacs. Alternatively, you can use the
>>> require form that I posted:
>>> (require 'diary)
>> I obtain (also for (load-library "diary") ):
>> File error
:BIRTHDAY: without any date is an invalid date for the sexp.
org-contacts-anniversaries loops through all valid contacts (headlines with
an :EMAIL: property) for any that contain the :BIRTHDAY: property (by
default, this can be customized).
When there is no date associated the value is nil.
with latest org, the header at the end of this mail cannot be exported due to
this error:
signal(error ("reference '_' not found in this buffer"))
error("reference '%s' not found in this buffer" "_")
#[(el) A:\203A\2
Hi everyone,
I am about to start experimenting with Erik Hetzner's zotero-plain, which
allows the use of zotero as a bibliographic manager in emacs & especially
org-mode (https://bitbucket.org/egh/zotero-plain as well as a couple of
threads on this list, I think). I'm wonderinghow other people ha
Geert Kloosterman writes:
> Hi all,
> On Wed, Oct 19, 2011 at 1:17 AM, Viktor Rosenfeld <
> listuse...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> org-todo-yesterday and org-agenda-todo-yesterday log a note using
> the
> current timestamp and not a timestamp of 23:59 of yesterday's
> date.
Thanks for reporting this issue, I've just pushed up a fix.
Cheers -- Eric
Daniel Clemente writes:
> Hi,
> with latest org, the header at the end of this mail cannot be exported due
> to this error:
> signal(error ("reference '_' not found in this buffer"))
> error("reference '%s'
* org.el (org-archive-location): Add documentation on new datetree
* org-archive.el (org-archive-subtree): Add special handling
of datetree options to archive to datetree.
lisp/org-archive.el | 21 +
lisp/org.el |7 +++
2 files changed, 24 inserti
> Hi everyone,
> I am about to start experimenting with Erik Hetzner's zotero-plain,
> which allows the use of zotero as a bibliographic manager in emacs &
> especially org-mode (https://bitbucket.org/egh/zotero-plain as well
> as a couple of threads on this list, I think).
For Erik's benefit:
>The best alternative in LaTeX would be to use the \left\{ and
>\right. (note the "dot") construct as below[fn:4]. Unfortunately
>MathToWeb fails miserably while MathJax succeeds with flying
>#+srcname: exact-equivalent-of-cases
>#+begin_src latex
> \begin{e
At Tue, 8 Nov 2011 21:06:37 -0500,
Matt Price wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I am about to start experimenting with Erik Hetzner's zotero-plain, which
> allows the use of zotero as a bibliographic manager in emacs & especially
> org-mode (https://bitbucket.org/egh/zotero-plain as well as a couple of
> Basically all that one can do in org-mode at the moment is insert &
> update citations, and following citation links to the entry in Zotero.
Can you or someone provide me how such an Org file with citation
definition and reference looks like?
> It might be possible to implement something simil
On Mon, 7 Nov 2011 18:44:24 +0100, Karl Voit wrote:
> Hi!
> Inspired by «Total Recall»[3], a book of two MS Research guys, I
> started life logging on my own two months ago.
Dammit, that's been on my reading list for almost 2 years now, and
*still* it isn't available in ebook format. One w
64 matches
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