Okay, I assume it's (require 'diary-lib) then.

On 2011-11-09, at 00:13 , Marius Hofert wrote:

> On 2011-11-09, at 00:06 , Nick Dokos wrote:
>> Marius Hofert <marius.hof...@math.ethz.ch> wrote:
>>> Thanks for the explanation. Is there also an equivalent solution by just 
>>> adjusting .emacs?
>> If you are going to use emacs extensively, you probably should read the
>> emacs reference manual and maybe the emacs lisp introduction as
>> well.
>> M-x foo RET is entirely equivalent to evaluating
>> (foo)
>> which is a call to function foo. (foo) is the more general mechanism: it
>> works for any lisp function, M-x foo works iff foo is a command (aka an
>> "interactive" function). The form (foo) can be added to .emacs.
>> load-library is a command that takes an argument: the name of the library
>> to load. See its doc string for details. M-x load-library RET diary RET
>> is entirely equivalent to evaluating
>> (load-library "diary")
>> This calls the function load-library with the string argument "diary".
>> This form can be added to .emacs. Alternatively, you can use the
>> require form that I posted:
>> (require 'diary)
> I obtain (also for (load-library "diary") ):
> File error: Cannot open load file, diary
> I assume I'm missing some diary.el (?). 
> I'm wondering why diary is needed anyway? Julien does not specifically 
> mention it:
> http://julien.danjou.info/org-contacts.html
> Cheers,
> Marius
>> Note that load-library takes a string as argument, whereas require takes
>> a symbol.
>> Nick
>>> On 2011-11-08, at 23:33 , Jambunathan K wrote:
>>>>> Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-function diary-anniversary)
>>>> There is a universal solution to this problem
>>>> M-x load-library RET diary TAB
>>>> and choose which of the options make most sense or try each one of them
>>>> in turn.
>>>> Note that in the above load-library you are using "diary" because it is
>>>> the "prefix" of function (or variable) which reported as void.
>>>> The load-library call unvoids the void things.

ETH Zurich
Dr. Marius Hofert
RiskLab, Department of Mathematics
HG E 65.2
Rämistrasse 101
8092 Zurich

Phone +41 44 632 2423

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