> #+name: getClientInstanceNameNew
> #+begin_src shell :session something :var connection="admin@" :var
> client="example_client" :var apacheDir="/etc/apache/vhosts"
> <>
> client=$client
> apacheDir=$apacheDir
> grep $client $apacheDir/*
> #+end_src
Wow, works!, thank you very much.
Now, I have a more specific example.
#+name: initSSH
#+begin_src shell :var connection=“admin@" :noweb yes
ssh -t miguel@ "sudo -u admin ssh -t $connection 'sudo su'"
#+name: getClientInstanceNameNew
#+begin_src shell :session som writes:
> I use heavily org-mode for Literate DevOps, so I have a lot of shell commands
> that connect through SSH and do some things later, for example:
> #+name: initSSH
> #+begin_src shell :var connection=“admin@somehost"
> ssh -t miguel@host "sudo -u someuser ssh -t
Hello Ken, thank you for your message,
After reading the very interesting get_property function, I found that even
though I will probably use it for some cases, it doesn’t apply directly, to my
For more examples, if I have 1 source code block:
>> #+name: greeting
>> #+begin_src sh :var n
I'm not sure that I understand your issue or needs from the provided examples,
but I wonder if the example I provide here would be helpful. It bypasses :var
an lets you inject a PROPERTY value anywhere. It is also language agnostic. You
can use it to execute commands (that are set as PROPER
Hello Org-mode community. I’m using Emacs Doom Framework, specifically:
Emacs 28.2 (build 1, aarch64-apple-darwin22.3.0, Carbon Version 169 AppKit
2299.4) of 2023-02-23.
I use heavily org-mode for Literate DevOps, so I have a lot of shell commands
that connect through SSH and do some things l