Thanks, Dan. This fits my preferences for loading org exactly. One
small hitch, however. No errors were produced during startup, but
trying to open the agenda (C-a a) produces the following error:
Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-function org-babel-result-hide-spec)
It's probably unrelated, bu
What I actually did is the following:
1. Define the following function in a file called ded-org-load.el
== ded-org-load.el ===
(require 'cl)
(defun ded-add-local-org-to-load-path (dir-list)
"Add any org directory found in DIR-LIST to the front
This did not fix the issue for me.
1) Install org from ELPA.
2) Place (package-initialize) in `init.el`.
2.5) Remove .elc files.
3) Restart emacs.
On Sat, Dec 31, 2011 at 14:33, Eric Belpaire wrote:
> Daniel,
>> One soultion proposed elsewhere on this list is to do
>> (package-initialize) in
One soultion proposed elsewhere on this list is to do
(package-initialize) in the primary init.el before starter-kit gets
going. That way, it picks up the elpa version of org from the git-go.
I confirm that this solution fixed my issue.
I've seen this too. The problem is that the site-file version of org is
loaded by starter-kit, then you load a local version in your init file.
It looks like the local version is at the front of your load-path, but
that's only after your init file runs.
One soultion proposed elsewhere on t
I've seen this too. The problem is that the site-file version of org is
loaded by starter-kit, then you load a local version in your init file.
It looks like the local version is at the front of your load-path, but
that's only after your init file runs.
One soultion proposed elsewhere on t
I'm trying to fix Lisp error: (error "Capture abort: (void-function
I'm using GNU Emacs (i386-mingw-nt5.1.2600) of 2011-11-08 on
started with the Emacs starter kit and using org-20111229.
I've done the following analysis:
- function o