Thanks, Dan. This fits my preferences for loading org exactly. One
small hitch, however. No errors were produced during startup, but
trying to open the agenda (C-a a) produces the following error:

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-function org-babel-result-hide-spec)

It's probably unrelated, but since your solution is the only change
I've made I'm not sure what's triggering it.

On Thu, Jan 5, 2012 at 12:20, Daniel E. Doherty <> wrote:
> Jeff,
> What I actually did is the following:
> 1. Define the following function in a file called ded-org-load.el
> ========================== ded-org-load.el =======================
> (require 'cl)
> (defun ded-add-local-org-to-load-path (dir-list)
>  "Add any org directory found in DIR-LIST to the front of the load-path"
>  (let ((local-dirs dir-list)
>        (org-dirs '())
>        (org-dir nil))
>    (dolist (dir (reverse local-dirs) org-dir)
>      (when (setq org-dirs
>                (remove* "^org"
>                         (directory-files (expand-file-name dir 
> starter-kit-dir))
>                         :test-not 'string-match))
>        (setq org-dir dir))
>      (when org-dirs
>        ;; Sort org-dirs by date to get most recent to car position
>        (setq org-dirs (sort org-dirs (lambda (x y) (string-lessp y x))))
>        (setq org-dir (concat starter-kit-dir org-dir "/" (car org-dirs)))
>        (add-to-list 'load-path org-dir)))))
> =====================================================================
> 2. In the main init file, in my case ~/.emacs.d/init.el, I added the
> following line to load that function before any org-babel stuff takes
> place.
> ======================== init.el =====================================
> ;; remember this directory
> (setq starter-kit-dir
>      (file-name-directory (or load-file-name (buffer-file-name))))
> ;;; These lines added to Eric Schulte's starter-kit init.el
> ;; put package version of org to the front of the load path
> (load-file (concat starter-kit-dir "src/ded-org-load.el"))
> (ded-add-local-org-to-load-path '("src" "elpa" "el-get"))
> ;; load up the starter kit
> (org-babel-load-file (expand-file-name "" starter-kit-dir))
> ;;; init.el ends here
> (put 'narrow-to-page 'disabled nil)
> ======================================================================
> 3. The effect of the function is to look for the most recent org
> distribution in the "src" "elpa" and "el-get" directories, in that order
> of preference and add that directory to the front of the load-path so it
> shadows the version that comes distributed with Emacs 24.
> Hope this helps.
> Dan

Jeffrey Horn

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