BTW: I am using Chinese for my sub-title, so I think use the title words
for anchor is not suitable.
Water Lin
The Big Bang on Busy Reading: http://bigbang.WaterLin.org
Email: water...@sohu.com
Emacs-orgmode mailing list
I can use
(setq org-enforce-todo-dependencies t)
to set the todo dependencies for every org file.
But I don't want to use this global way. Can I set todo-dependencies for
specific file by other way?
Water Lin
The Big Bang on Busy Reading:
Juan Pechiar writes:
> On Fri, Oct 08, 2010 at 04:39:26PM +0800, Water Lin wrote:
>> I am using following setting
>> ---
>> #+STARTUP: nologdone
>> ---
>> to avoid done log note while I mark one entry as DONE.
>> But I want to s
following code:
(setq org-publish-project-alist
Water Lin
The Big Bang on Busy Reading: http://bigbang.WaterLin.org
Email: water...@sohu.com
Emacs-orgmode mailing list
Please use `Reply All' to send repli
I am using org project to build my web page. I have written a lot of
stuff but while I am publishing the org files, I just want to publish
the part which are marked as DONE( the keyword ).
Is it possbile?
Water Lin
The Big Bang on Busy Reading: http://bigbang.WaterLin.org
Noorul Islam writes:
> On Sun, Oct 3, 2010 at 4:36 PM, Water Lin wrote:
>> I have set the log done time and log done note for my org files using
>> code:
>> ---
>> (setq org-log-done 'time)
>> (setq org-log-done 'note)
>> --
og done notes, or
to set the project not to mark log done notes?
Water Lin
The Big Bang on Busy Reading: http://bigbang.WaterLin.org
Email: water...@sohu.com
Emacs-orgmode mailing list
Please use `Reply All' to send replies t
og done notes, or
to set the project not to mark log done notes?
Water Lin
The Big Bang on Busy Reading: http://bigbang.WaterLin.org
Email: water...@sohu.com
Emacs-orgmode mailing list
Please use `Reply All' to send replies t
there any embeded search engine for
this work?
Or Can I use other way in Emacs itself?
Water Lin
The Big Bang on Busy Reading: http://bigbang.WaterLin.org
Email: water...@sohu.com
Emacs-orgmode mailing list
Please use `Reply All' to
Nick Dokos writes:
> Water Lin wrote:
>> I want to change the text color in my Org file.
>> I tried to use M-x customize-group RET org-faces RET to adjust text
>> color settings.
>> By using this way, I can adjust color of headline
he plain text means the body of my ordinary text entries.
I want to change it into yellow or something else. So I can protect my
Water Lin
Water Lin's notes and pencils: http://en.waterlin.org
Email: water...@ymail.com
Do Yo
Jan Böcker writes:
> On 08/02/2010 11:47 AM, Water Lin wrote:
>> Here is my two questions:
>> 1. I want to mark an org file as DONE, so I will let me know that the
>> file is finished and doesn't need any change.
>>How can I a
just want to remind me to limit the content to the topic.
Water Lin
Water Lin's notes and pencils: http://en.waterlin.org
Email: water...@ymail.com
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basic-save-buffer-2: e:/PixCoo/Jackfruit/02工作区域/01计算ç»/01计算组/林绪è/01计算组/林绪虹/ÏîÄ¿É걨/: no such directory
I think it is very strange. If I publish my org project to a path
without Chinese name, then it is OK.
Why? Any solutions?
Giovanni Ridolfi writes:
> Water Lin writes:
>> I can publish my org projects under Ubuntu but I can't publish it under
>> Windows. All settings are the same especially the home directory. I have
>> set the home path for different platform.
>> Whi
o can't publish projects with Chinese folder under
Windows? How can I set it?
Water Lin
Water Lin's notes and pencils: http://en.waterlin.org
Email: water...@ymail.com
Do You
this file.
I check the manual, there are two kinds of tag we can add at the
begining of each file, there are:
So what's the difference of these two kinds of tags? Which one can be
used to show tag in sitemap.html?
Water Lin
Russell Adams writes:
> On Fri, May 21, 2010 at 05:01:46PM +0800, Water Lin wrote:
>> I don't want to save all my contact info about my friends in Gmail.
>> I want to build an Address Book in my Emacs org mode.
>> Any good way to do l
I don't want to save all my contact info about my friends in Gmail.
I want to build an Address Book in my Emacs org mode.
Any good way to do list?
I just want to keep phone number, Emails, address etc. info about my
Water Lin
Water Lin's notes and pen
, it is very powerful. Then I can generate some
document using LaTeX without a break.
Any way?
Water Lin
Water Lin's notes and pencils: http://en.waterlin.org
Email: water...@ymail.com
Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail ha
ri" for
short when it is "Friday". But if I want to show "Friday" instead of
"Fri", what should I do?
Water Lin
> On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 6:45 PM, Water Lin wrote:
>> I am using Chinese system so if I insert timestamp by C-c .
I am using Chinese system so if I insert timestamp by C-c .
I will get timestamp about weekday in Chinese character. I want to use
English to express weekday, How can I set the language for timestamp?
Water Lin
Water Lin's notes and pencils: http://en.waterlin.org
There are some explanation about "nologdone" variable. But I jsut can't
figure out how to use it as in-buffer setting.
How to use it? Any example?
Water Lin
Water Lin's notes and pencils: http://en.wat
Manish writes:
> On Tue, Jan 5, 2010 at 12:07 PM, Water Lin wrote:
>> I want to use org-info.js to build a navigator for my knowledge base.
>> So I set something like this:
>> -
>> #+INFOJS_OPT: path:http://orgmode.org/o
t way to set it? But I can't find the detail
description in Worg.
Water Lin
Water Lin's notes and pencils: http://en.waterlin.org
Email: water...@ymail.com
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Carsten Dominik writes:
> On Jan 4, 2010, at 4:33 AM, Water Lin wrote:
>> Carsten Dominik writes:
>>> Hi Water,
>>> On Dec 31, 2009, at 4:17 AM, Water Lin wrote:
>>>> I marked my notes and tasks
Carsten Dominik writes:
> Hi Water,
> On Dec 31, 2009, at 4:17 AM, Water Lin wrote:
>> I marked my notes and tasks with TODO flags and I also want to see
>> these
>> TODO flags in table of contents. So I can jump and explore to
>> unfinished
I marked my notes and tasks with TODO flags and I also want to see these
TODO flags in table of contents. So I can jump and explore to unfinished
task quickly.
By doing this, I can give myself a quickly summary of my tasks.
Can I do it?
Water Lin
Water Lin's notes and pe
I want to quote some text which I copy from others. What kind of tags I
should use?
I want the tag published as something like "blockquote" in html.
Water Lin
Water Lin's notes and pencils: http://en.waterlin.org
Email: wat
Carsten Dominik writes:
> On Dec 24, 2009, at 3:12 AM, Water Lin wrote:
>> I set publishing project by
>> --
>> (require 'org-publish)
>> (setq org-publish-project-alist
>> -
>> and I also want to embed css sheetstyle b
setq waterstyle "")
and replace the :style like following:
:style waterstyle
But while I publish the project, Emacs prompts an error about this.
I am not very familiar with elisp. Can I embed the style by a string
like this?
Water Lin
Water Lin&
Carsten Dominik writes:
> Whay don't you just try?
> The answer is yes, you need to surround the text by
> - Carsten
> On Dec 16, 2009, at 3:10 AM, Water Lin wrote:
>> I use org-mode to build my note sites. For some reason, I don't want
Carsten Dominik writes:
> Whay don't you just try?
> The answer is yes, you need to surround the text by
OK. I will try it. Thanks
Water Lin
> - Carsten
> On Dec 16, 2009, at 3:10 AM, Water Lin wrote:
>> I use org-mode to build my note site
sing a css
Water lin
Water Lin's notes and pencils: http://en.waterlin.org
Email: water...@ymail.com
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: Wrong type argument: arrayp, nil
But I can still export html using command M-x
Why? Any way to trac this problem?
Water Lin
Water Lin's notes and pencils: http://en.waterlin.org
Email: water...@ymai
Is it possible to publish org file to XML file in a specific format?
If there is existing way, I think I can write a module to do it.
Where should I start?
Water Lin
Water Lin's notes and pencils: http://en.waterlin.org
Email: water...@ymai
Water Lin writes:
> I want to publish org file to webpage using my own CSS file. I added a
> line like this in my org file:
> #+STYLE: href="../css/stylesheet.css" />
> But after I publish the org file using M-x org-publish-current-file, th
y. How can I let org publish files as UTF-8?
3. I set #+link_home: and #+link_up: , but nothing happened when I
publish the org file to webpages. There is no up or home link on my
pages. Is it necessary to introduce links in my org file? Or what else I
need to set in org?
Water Lin
Where is the .. gone? Why this happens?
Water Lin
Water Lin's notes and pencils: http://en.waterlin.org
Email: water...@ymail.com
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How can I do it?
Water Lin
Water Lin's notes and pencils: http://en.waterlin.org
Email: water...@ymail.com
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Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around
Mikael Fornius writes:
> Water Lin writes:
>>>> , Emacs will tell me the error:
>>>> face-attribute: Invalid face: quote
>>>> Could not find config file "~/.tidyrc". Winging it.
>>>> -
Carsten Dominik writes:
> On Oct 12, 2009, at 11:19 AM, Water Lin wrote:
>> Mikael Fornius writes:
>>> Water Lin writes:
>>>> #+BEGIN_SRC perl-mode
>>> For me:
>>> #+BEGIN_SRC perl
Mikael Fornius writes:
> Water Lin writes:
>> #+BEGIN_SRC perl-mode
> For me:
> #+BEGIN_SRC perl
> is more colorful.
I don't know why, when I am using
#+BEGIN_SRC perl
, Emacs will tell me the error:
face-attribute: Invalid fac
he content to html, the Perl code is badly
colored, just having some colors for content between "".
So, is there a good way to color Perl code in org? What's the tag for
Perl souce code?
Water Lin
Water Lin's notes and pencils: http://en.waterlin
So I tried to find a document described all tags (such as emacs-lisp)
the org mode supports, where is it?
Water Lin
Water Lin's blog: http://en.waterlin.org
Email: water...@ymail.com
Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam? Yahoo! Ma
Acoording to reference
, I can insert images to my org.
But after I export the org file to html, I get a page whoes images are
all aligned at the right side.
How can I control the image css style?
Water Lin's blog: http://blog.wa
I want to mantain a local static html blog system on my local
computer. I think org is good enough to organise the stuff.
Is there any special function for me to use org as blog system?
I need a reference to start..
Water Lin's blog: http://blog.waterlin.org
Email: water...@ymai
First, I am using item list like this in my org file:
1. test
1) test
2) test
3) test
2. test2
3. test3
I don't know why my webpage looks like this after exported:
1. test
1. test
2. test
3. test
2. test2
Why the 1)
Nick Dokos writes:
> Water Lin wrote:
>> Bernt Hansen writes:
>> > Water Lin writes:
>> >
>> >> ...
>> >> I want to find a way to inset them handly. Is there a key binding for
>> >> this?
>> >
Bernt Hansen writes:
> Water Lin writes:
>> While I am using org to publish my source code, I include my code in
>> following way:
>> #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
>> some emacs-lisp code
>> #+END_SRC
>> Everytime I copy the begin and the e
While I am using org to publish my source code, I include my code in
following way:
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
some emacs-lisp code
Everytime I copy the begin and the end tag which is
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
to my org file.
I want to find a way to inset them handly. Is th
Water Lin writes:
> I am using org to publish some context to html now. There are some code
> in my file, so I need to keep the code original even don't lose the
> spaces.
> But even I used @ @ at the begin and end of my code, after I
> published the context, the sp
I am using org to publish some context to html now. There are some code
in my file, so I need to keep the code original even don't lose the
But even I used @ @ at the begin and end of my code, after I
published the context, the spaces disappeared withou trace!
How can I keep the spaces?
I am using org to write my draft. After finish the writing, I will copy
to my blog poster and edit something like linker, pictures.
This way works but is a little slow and should be very careful or else
it is very easy to forget some linkers, pictures, etc.
I am trying to find a way to write ful
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