Nick Dokos <> writes:

> Water Lin <> wrote:
>> I want to change the text color in my Org file.
>> I tried to use M-x customize-group RET org-faces RET to adjust text
>> color settings.
>> By using this way, I can adjust color of headline leve 1 & 2 &3 and
>> something else. But I just don't know how to change plain text in my
>> notes. The plain text means the body of my ordinary text entries.
>> I want to change it into yellow or something else. So I can protect my
>> eyes.
> Put your cursor on the text that you are interested in and say
>     M-x describe-face
> That's the face that you'll need to customize.
> AFAIK, ordinary text is in the default face: org does not define a face
> for it. So if you change it, you'll change the appearance of text all
> through emacs.
> HTH,
> Nick

thanks for the detail explanation.

Water Lin
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