> "https://trac.project.com/trac"; "username")
> (autoload 'trac-wiki "trac-wiki" "Trac wiki editing entry-point." t)
> ;;; - start orgstruct minor mode when trac-wiki is loaded.
> (add-hook 'trac-wiki-mode-hook 'turn-on
also, if you want to create org tables you can use the `orgtbl-mode'
> command
> ,[orgtbl-mode]
> | orgtbl-mode is an interactive Lisp function in `org-table.el'.
> |
> | (orgtbl-mode &optional ARG)
> |
> | The `org-mode' table editor as a minor mode for
t lists can be manipulated the
> org-mode way.
> On Fri, May 29, 2009 at 4:36 PM, Tennis Smith wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Has anyone figured out a way to export from org to a trac wiki? I've
> tried
> > ascii
Ah! Good idea. Thanks, I'll try that.
On Mon, Jun 1, 2009 at 6:38 AM, Jason Schadel wrote:
> Have you tried using trac-wiki mode with org-mode as a minor mode?
> You still have to use the wiki format but lists can be manipulated the
> org-mode way.
> On Fri, May 29, 200
Has anyone figured out a way to export from org to a trac wiki? I've tried
ascii (ugly) and html (doesn't work).
Emacs-orgmode mailing list
Remember: use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.
> You could free up C-tab by customizing org-disputed-keys and
> org-replace-disputed-keys. Or, maybe even better in your case, you could
> overwrite Org's setting of C-tab in a hook, for example
> (add-hook 'org-mode-hook
>(define-key 'org-mode-map [(control tab)] nil))
Cool. Than
I'm a newbie user of org-mode, and it looks very promising. However, there
are several key combinations that I have to change if I'm going to use it.
I use the combinations C-tab for iswitchb, and I use C-c for CUA "copy".
Org-mode re-maps these key combos, and I've been unable to stop that
I used CUA mode, so my "C-c" is taken up by the "Copy" function. Is there
some way I can replace "C-c" for org mode with, say, "C-Alt-C" ?
Emacs-orgmode mailing list
Remember: use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.