Apologies for bumping this, I was wondering if anybody had any more
thoughts on migrating this backend to the latest version of org-mode?
Seems to be something changed that isn't in the migration notes...
On 21 August 2017 at 19:21, Sam Halliday wrote:
> Hi all,
> I maintain a
Hi all,
I maintain a fork of an org-mode backend for a markdown based
publishing format
Which works great for the org-mode that ships with emacs 25.2.
However, when I use the latest org-mode from the snapshots on even the
By running this
(lambda (el) (string-match-p "/usr/share/.*org" el))
I'm able to hide org and now the org-plus-contrib loads up, yay!
Thanks for the hints.
On 21 August 2017 at 01:40, Kaushal Modi wrote:
> On Sun, Aug 20, 2017, 4:25 PM Nicolas Goaziou
> wrote
On 20 August 2017 at 16:07, Nicolas Goaziou wrote:
> Hello,
> Sam Halliday writes:
>> To ensure that the Emacs-installed org-mode is not interfering, I
>> added this to my init
>> (cl-delete-if
>>(lambda (el) (string-match-p ".*org"
hough I'm using additional extensions of md as per
I'm restricting my experiments to stock org-md for now.
Best regards,
On 19 August 2017 at 10:50, Nicolas Goaziou wrote:
> Hello,
> Sam Halliday w
Regression in org-plus-contrib from http://orgmode.org/elpa/ vs version
distributed with Emacs 25.2.1
M-x md-org-export-to-markdown
on a simple org file such as the following
#+TITLE: Functional Programming in Scala for Mortals
Hi all,
I am starting to write a CC BY-SA 4.0 textbook and I want to be able to
write it in org-mode and publish it on leanpub.
I have hit some problems. I install org-mode on emacs 25.1 from
http://orgmode.org/elpa/ like this
(use-package org
:ensure org-plus-contrib
:defer t)
(require 'ox
Dear org-mode authors,
I discovered an error on startup on a 32 bit Windows build.
The line in org-footnote.el
(format "fn:%x" (random #x1))
is too large and this fails with an overflow.
Please consider using a number that is 32bit compatible, I'm sure there
are plenty o