Hi all, I maintain a fork of an org-mode backend for a markdown based publishing format https://github.com/fommil/dotfiles/blob/master/.emacs.d/lisp/ox-leanpub.el
Which works great for the org-mode that ships with emacs 25.2. However, when I use the latest org-mode from the snapshots on even the most simple of files, e.g. the one line ========== Wibble wibble I'm a fish ========== I get a stacktrace like this (huge amount of data elided) ========== Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument sequencep :back-end) mapc(#[ mapc(#[ org-element-map( org-export--footnote-reference-map( org-export-collect-footnote-definitions( org-leanpub-inner-template( org-export-as(leanpub nil nil nil nil) org-export-to-buffer(leanpub "*Org LEANPUB Export*" nil nil nil nil nil (lambda nil (text-mode))) org-leanpub-export-as-markdown() funcall-interactively(org-leanpub-export-as-markdown) call-interactively(org-leanpub-export-as-markdown record nil) command-execute(org-leanpub-export-as-markdown record) execute-extended-command(nil "org-leanpub-export-as-markdown" nil) funcall-interactively(execute-extended-command nil "org-leanpub-export-as-markdown" nil) call-interactively(execute-extended-command nil nil) command-execute(execute-extended-command) ========== >From reading http://orgmode.org/Changes.html#org1e55804 I can see that I am supposed to remove the :export-block, which I have done locally. Can anybody see what else I need to change to be compatible with the latest version? Best regards, Sam