Just solved it with this in the org-mode file
@@html:@@my text here@@html:@@
after adding this to css file
p.myindent {
text-indent: 0em;
On Fri, Oct 18, 2024 at 10:52 AM Laurence von Bottorff
> I would like to temporarily suspend a CSS rule on an org-mode export to
> h
I would like to temporarily suspend a CSS rule on an org-mode export to
html. I have various CSS things going on in my export settings. Finally,
I'm overruling the basic html export behavior with this
#+HTML_HEAD: p { margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; text-indent:
2em; }
which is specific to
Any docs on what org-id-locations is about, who/what uses it?
On Tue, Mar 12, 2024 at 1:44 PM Ihor Radchenko wrote:
> yeti writes:
> >> Does org-brain have anything to do with org-id-locations?
> >
> > I think so...
> >
> > E.g. org-brain.el 788-794:
> >
> > ---8<-
I've been using a package called org-brain that is using, I'm all but
certain, the org-id-locations file as its database to store graph-like
relationships between org files and org headings. org-brain is a sort of
graph database which adds a PROPERTIES drawer with just the ID field with a
UUID to a
I'm on Debian 12 and I just started using Haskell's ghcup tools, leaving
the stack tools behind, as advised these days. ghcup puts executables for
Haskell such as ghc, ghci (REPL), cabal, etc. in its ~/.ghcup/bin
directory. Next, to stop using the stack tools that have executables in
/usr/bin/ you