Just solved it with this in the org-mode file

@@html:<p class="myindent">@@my text here@@html:</p>@@

after adding this to css file

p.myindent {
    text-indent: 0em;

On Fri, Oct 18, 2024 at 10:52 AM Laurence von Bottorff <borg...@gmail.com>

> I would like to temporarily suspend a CSS rule on an org-mode export to
> html. I have various CSS things going on in my export settings. Finally,
> I'm overruling the basic html export behavior with this
> #+HTML_HEAD: <style>p { margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; text-indent:
> 2em; } </style>
> which is specific to my ox-tufte <https://github.com/ox-tufte/ox-tufte>
> html export in order to achieve a not-included "literary" book paragraph
> look, i.e., paragraph has first line indented, paragraphs have no gap.
> However, I would like to suspend the indentation only once in a while
> throughout the document for specific paragraphs, e.g., a first paragraph of
> a chapter -- but just for that paragraph. However, if I do an inline
> somewhere in the text, e.g.,
> @@<style> p > { text-indent: 0em; }</style>@@The sheep and their
> Cumbrians, an age-old partnership, together since the ancient Norsemen
> brought the hardy Herdwick breed to the high and lonely Lake District...
> this changes *all* paragraphs to no indentation everywhere top to bottom.
> And reversing this at the end of the paragraph back to 2em just changes
> everything everywhere back to 2em. So how can I do a temporary suspension
> of the indentation for one paragraph and then turn it back on?
> --
> ⨽
> Lawrence Bottorff
> Grand Marais, MN, USA
> borg...@gmail.com

Lawrence Bottorff
Grand Marais, MN, USA

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