ode, the wonderful
documentation, the customize-able options, and the great help I get
when I turn to the mailing list. You all rock!
On 2011-Sep-06, at 17:58, Thomas S. Dye wrote:
Aloha Ben,
I'm not sure I understand what you are doing here, so please excuse me
if I'
Hello orgmode and latex users!
I'm trying to use a latex to write a letter, and I'm using an org
babel block to hold the original source. I've whittled down my latex
code to one word and it still isn't working for me. I've included the
code block and the pdflatex output buffer. I notice
me) the a-with-breve did not have an issue in the
default coding system.
I once had a problem with my original org files, but now I can't
recreate that problem either.
Sorry to bring bad news.
On 2009-Nov-23, at 20:53, Ben Alexander wrote:
I added the following lines (to my
that mess of options, it seems that you be able to have your
files default to UTF-8 (which is the encoding MobileOrg is looking
If this works for you, would please let the list know so the
solution is archived? I'll also update the website with the
appropriate details.
don't have complete control over the
webserver configuration.
I'm stumped as to what I should try next. Any pointers will be
Ben Alexander
Emacs : GNU Emacs 22.3.1 (i386-apple-darwin9.7.0, Carbon Version 1.6.0)
of 2009-06-07 on scarlett.local - Aquamac
Hello all.
This is really more of a git question, but I keep my org file stored
under git and I've seen other people on this list speak of doing the
same. Different people cite different benefits:
+ keeping home and work copies of todo.org in sync
+ storing todo.org on a USB stick for trans
omize the org-column-
title face (Options -> Customize Emacs -> Specific Face -> then type
with completion org-column-title).
I think I left everything alone, but added an entry to the 'Inherit'
list. I have the word 'fixed-pitch' without the quotes as my sole
Hi Saurabh,
I had fancy ideas once, and I've gone nowhere with them. I used org-
map-entries to convert an org-mode file into an acceptable input file
for ledger. See my note to the org-mode list at :
I haven'
I'm not really surprised by this: headlines are really important in
org-mode, but I tried it anyway.
Org-mode version 6.15a
"GNU Emacs 22.3.2 (i386-apple-darwin9.5.0, Carbon Version 1.6.0)
of 2008-09-21 on plume.sr.unh.edu - Aquamacs Distribution 1.5"
On Mac OS X.5
The surprising this was th
How about adding a customizable variable which defaults to nil. (Call
it org-use-new-spreadsheet-semantics). If it is nil, whenever the new
syntax is used, raise a warning.
The warning could be:
1. just a message to the echo area
2. inserted into the top of the updated table
3. an error which
, from a file named bens-org-ledger.el
It starts from the comments below to the end of the message. I'm
sorry to be wordy but I thought having something that could be used
(even awkwardly) would jump start the conversation
;; I'm naming every function I can with the bens-org-led
On 2008-Dec-17, at 15:46, Bernt Hansen wrote:
Ben Alexander writes:
However, all of the following attempts to search for both kinds of
all) values fail (no error, just the wrong value). What am I doing
Try this: (add 2 more \ characters before the
I'm trying to code lisp, and it's slow going for me. I was hoping
someone with a few spare cycles could explain why this doesn't work
the way I expect. I typed the following code into an org file and hit
C-x C-e (eval-last-sexp):
(length (org-map-entries t "+LEDGER=\"entry\""))
On 2008-Nov-25, at 17:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
From: Richard Riley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 25 November 2008 14:24:18 GMT
To: org-mode
Subject: [Orgmode] Idea for org-mode add on - org-console
I love org-mode. It is perfect for things like a work journal/ daily
"work done" diary.
I wo
On 2008-Nov-24, at 04:25, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
From: James TD Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 24 November 2008 01:25:57 EET
To: emacs-orgmode@gnu.org
Subject: [Orgmode] RFC: Improvements to org-remember
* New features
** Adding non-headline items
That's a fantastic idea!
** Updating co
h the shift-mouse-click, and cmd-C
lets me pull text out of Aquamacs and into Mail.
I'd bet that many of you on a mac already know this because of how
hard it is to NOT type a C-p when you want to go up!
Anyway, thanks for listening to the rant, and I hope it helps someone
out there.
'teh' changed to 'the'
diff --git a/lisp/org-agenda.el b/lisp/org-agenda.el
index 8dd31c8..3991a21 100644
--- a/lisp/org-agenda.el
+++ b/lisp/org-agenda.el
@@ -409,7 +409,7 @@ t, also all archive files associated with the
current select
files will be included.")
(defcustom org-ag
I'm cannot figure out how to use version control in general, and git
in particular. However, I think there is a mistake with org-toggle-
Currently, the message always returns "Timestamp is now active"
regardless of wether it is or not. I think this is because the
I apologize if this is a repeat. It's in my sent items, but I haven't
seen it on the list yet. I edited the message bit, and added a bit more:
I cannot figure out how to use version control in general, and git
in particular. So I can't generate a proper patch. However, I think
'places.el' thing.
And I reiterate: this is really a tiny issue. Just hitting C-a fixes
the state of point.
On 2008-Oct-24, at 19:44, Avdi Grimm wrote:
On Fri, Oct 24, 2008 at 2:33 PM, Ben Alexander <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> wrote:
Ok, here's your chance. This is something t
On 2008-Oct-25, at 16:39, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Date: 25 October 2008 13:10:27 BST
To: emacs-orgmode@gnu.org
Subject: [Orgmode] import mail messages like mhc?
Hi All;
I am currently using a Frankenstein-duct-tape-monster made from mhc
and org-mode to track time an
On 2008-Oct-23, at 17:42, Avdi Grimm wrote:
If someone would be so kind as to identify a small bug or feature, I
would be happy to demonstrate this workflow in the form of code, time
Ok, here's your chance. This is something that has bothered me for
quite some time, but I've
On 2008-Oct-23, at 16:49, Richard Riley wrote:
Sebastian Rose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Bernt Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Running a minimal emacs should suppress custom config files:
emacs -q -l yourtest.el
Added this one to the Clippboard section on new org-tests/index.or
know of someone who knows how to do automated tests in elisp,
some technique, package, whatever, please post it to the list, so we
can take a look at it and comment->decide something. This is _highly_
Ben Alexander <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Sebastian Rose wrote:
Sebastian Rose wrote:
> 5. I also think of little packages for testing parts of org.
I'm curious if you or someone else has any ideas for writing automated
tests for org-mode. I haven't the foggiest idea how someone would
write a test for the parts of org that control what is displayed on
On my Mac OS X (10.5.5) system, /usr/share/info looks like the
directory with all the info files. Since I use MacPorts, I usually
add the org-info file to /opt/local/share/info so the suggested change
is slightly more convenient in that case, too.
Carsten Dominik <[EMAI
I have read the org-mode info pages, and the FAQ online, and they've
been a great source of help. I'm happily using org-mode on a Mac OS
X system, and exporting to an iCalendar file and syncing with iCal.
It works pretty well. I then use iSync to export my calendar to my
27 matches
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