
I'm trying to code lisp, and it's slow going for me. I was hoping someone with a few spare cycles could explain why this doesn't work the way I expect. I typed the following code into an org file and hit C-x C-e (eval-last-sexp):

(length (org-map-entries t "+LEDGER=\"entry\"")) => 1 (length (org-map-entries t "+LEDGER=\"transaction\"")) => 2

This looks good: I do have two headlines with a property called LEDGER where the value is "transaction" (no quotes)

However, all of the following attempts to search for both kinds of (or all) values fail (no error, just the wrong value). What am I doing wrong?

(length (org-map-entries t "+LEDGER={\"transaction\"\|\"entry\"}")) => 0 (length (org-map-entries t "+LEDGER={transaction\|entry}")) => 0 (length (org-map-entries t "+LEDGER=entry")) => 0 (length (org-map-entries t "+LEDGER")) => 0

I was inspired by this example of a property search from the org info page (section 7.3)

     +work-boss+PRIORITY="A"+Coffee="unlimited"+Effort<2         \

I've tried this in
GNU Emacs 22.3.2 (i386-apple-darwin9.5.0, Carbon Version 1.6.0) of 2008-09-21 on plume.sr.unh.edu - Aquamacs Distribution 1.5
GNU Emacs 22.3.1 (i386-apple-darwin9.5.1, Carbon Version 1.6.0) of 2008-11-07 on Xander.local (compiled via MacPorts)

Org-mode version 6.15a in both.

I also got the same results when I did it after a 'start-vanilla- aquamacs' (thanks to William Henney for the tip!)


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