possibly related: are links still not searchable with iserch without
being in reveal mode or similar? [9.4 here.)
On 12/28/22, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
> Matt Lundin writes:
>> Here is a minimal recipe for reproducing the bug:
>> Use a minimal emacs startup file:
>> --8<---cut
alain.coch...@unistra.fr writes on Wed 28 Dec 2022 20:00:
> For example, for the file made of
>* foo @@latex:x x x x x x x x x x@@
> upon LaTeX export, the x's in are not in mathematical font.
So stupid of me. Sorry.
EOST (École et Observatoire des Sciences de la Terre)
For example, for the file made of
* foo @@latex:x x x x x x x x x x@@
upon LaTeX export, the x's in are not in mathematical font.
PS: with release_9.6-149-g55493, after I hit 'C-c C-e l o', on the
file above, the following appears in the *Messages* buffer:
Invalid face reference: help-k
Version used: release_9.6-149-g554935
With an org file containing only
#+begin_export latex
$x \text{foo $y$}$
\(x \text{foo \(y\)}\)
$x \text{foo \(y\)}$
\(x \text{foo $y$}\)
the pdf generated upon latex export gives as expected, i.e., with 'x'
and 'y' in ma
Matt Lundin writes:
> Here is a minimal recipe for reproducing the bug:
> Use a minimal emacs startup file:
> --8<---cut here---start->8---
> (add-to-list 'load-path "~/org-mode/lisp/")
> (setq org-startup-folded t)
> (setq org-fold-core-style 'overlays)
I also found this limitation, and my solution was to disable radio links
and to replace them by a manual approach:
1. I disabled the call to (org-update-radio-target-regexp) in org.el. Well,
I added a boolean org-inhibit-startup-radio-refresh, that works in a
similar way to org-inhibit-startup
Max Nikulin writes:
We might do something like
(eval-and-compile (org-assert-version))
>>> This will give obscure error during compiling since `org-assert-version'
>>> is not defined.
>> Yes, but we will at least abort the compilation this way.
> You are right that it pre