On Tue, Sep 17, 2019 at 8:46 AM John Kitchin
> I don't totally understand what you are trying to do here.
I think the explanation was a little unclear!
> If this were Python, it sounds like you want some kind of class that
> stores a variable and reuses it several different functions?
Hi. It appears that commit d07d8ff4163 in Org Mode causes
square-brace-enclosed links to display incorrectly.
The buggy behavior is simple to describe: if you write a link like this
then URL will be displayed instead of LINK-TEXT (and LINK-TEXT goes unused: URL
is still a
today I upgraded to emacs 26.3. and links don't show up correct anymore
with org-mode from git. The link is shown not the description.
Steps to reproduce:
#+begin_src org
[[http://www.google.com][A Test link]]
: emacs -Q --find-file="test.org"
All links are shown
Matt Price writes:
> I have a number of convenience functions define to help me with grading
> assignments. As I go through the semester, i update all of these functions
> modestly so that they'rehelpful for grading the current
> assignment.
> I big chunk of these simple functions is taken u
I don't totally understand what you are trying to do here. If this were
Python, it sounds like you want some kind of class that stores a variable
and reuses it several different functions? Something kind of similar to
that in elisp is a closure, which is like what you described. For example,
I have a number of convenience functions define to help me with grading
assignments. As I go through the semester, i update all of these functions
modestly so that they'rehelpful for grading the current assignment.
I big chunk of these simple functions is taken up just declaring variables
with (le
Hi John,
Thanks, that's great.
To get horizontal lines between each participant so that there is a nice
box for the signatures I tried
return tabulate.tabulate(sorted_results, tablefmt='grid')
This works, but then the
#+ATTR_LaTeX: :environment longtable :align |r|l|l|p{8cm}|
seems to