On Tue, Sep 17, 2019 at 8:46 AM John Kitchin <jkitc...@andrew.cmu.edu>

> I don't totally understand what you are trying to do here.

I think the explanation was a little unclear!

> If this were Python, it sounds like you want some kind of class that
> stores a variable and reuses it several different functions? Something kind
> of similar to that in elisp is a closure, which is like what you described.
> For example, here, we define a variable a, and then define two functions
> that use it persistently.
> I think you can wrap this in a macro to make new functions, e.g.
> #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
> (defmacro f-maker (a)
>   `(lexical-let ((a ,a))
>      (defun f1 (x)
>        (* a x))
>      (defun f2 (x)
>        (+ a x))))
> (f-maker 3)
> (list (f1 2) (f2 2))
> | 6 | 5 |
> This is basically what I want, except it turned out to be easier to just
wrap the body forms in a let *within*the function.  THis is what I came up

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp

(defmacro dh-factory (name body &optional docstring)
"A helper macro that sets up the environment to simplify defining multiple
functions with the same environment variables. NAME will bcome the functin
name, BODY is a list containing the lisp forms specific to the function,
and DOCSTRING is an optional ... docstring.  NAME wil lbe wrapped in a
`let` statement setting all the remelvant variables."
  `(lexical-let (())
     (defun ,name ,()
       (let* ((gh (org-entry-get (point) "GITHUB"))
             (base (org-entry-get (point) "ORG_LMS_ASSIGNMENT_DIRECTORY"))
             (findFiles `( ,(concat "Reflection/" gh ".md") ,(concat
"students/" gh ".json")))
             (browseFiles `( "index.html" ))
             (testOutput "TestResults/testresults.html")
             (testCommand "MARKING=instructor npm test"))

(dh-factory dh-find-files
            ((dolist (f findFiles)
               (message "%s" (concat base "/" f))
               (if (file-exists-p (concat base "/" f))
                   (find-file-other-window (concat base "/" f) )
                 (message "File %s does not exist, not opening." f)))  )
            "Open gradable files in Emacs windows")

(dh-factory dh-view
            ((loop for f in browseFiles
                    (browse-url-of-file (concat base "/" f ))))
            "open viewable files in browser")

;; this one should really pass a variable to allow different branches! oh
(dh-factory dh-status
            ((magit-status base)
             (let ((currentBranch (shell-command-to-string
                                   (format "cd %s && git rev-parse
--abbrev-ref HEAD" base) ))
                   (currentCommit (shell-command-to-string
                                   (format "cd %s && git rev-parse HEAD"
                    (format "Stashed random files from %s after commit %s."
currentBranch currentCommit)))
             (magit-checkout (concat gh "-master")))
            "Open a magit-status buffer and check out this student's branch
in the repo")

(dh-factory dh-tests
            ((let ((output))
               (message (concat "cd " base " ; npm test"))
               (setq output (shell-command-to-string (concat "cd " base " ;
npm test"))))
            (message "WELL, sorta made it through: %s" output)
             (browse-url-of-file (concat base testOutput))))
            "Run tests directly from macs and view output")


I quite like it, though it's a bit unwieldy not to have the the source code
available for edebug etc. It feels a little like having a namespace; I'm
not afraid of  polluting the global namespace, but I can use these symbol
names throughout the code I'm processing via the factory.

I'm not sure it's *all* that much more efficient though...

> There is also a class system you can probably use like this called eieio,
> Here is one approach to doing this.
> #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
> (require 'eieio)
> (defclass Grade ()
>   ((:a :initarg :a)))
> (cl-defmethod gf1 ((g Grade) x)
>   (* (oref g :a) x))
> (cl-defmethod gf2 ((g Grade) x)
>   (+ (oref g :a) x))
> (let ((G (Grade :a 3)))
>   (list (gf1 G 2) (gf2 G 2)))
> | 6 | 5 |
> I would love to learn to use eieio but it feels like a bit of a jump.

> Finally, maybe the simplest thing to do is pass this information in as an
> argument, e.g. a plist or alist, or get them from a function that you only
> change in one place?

That might have been more sensible but this was pretty fun!

Thanks everyone for the help!

> On Tue, Sep 17, 2019 at 7:31 AM Matt Price <mopto...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I have a number of convenience functions define to help me with grading
>> assignments. As I go through the semester, i update all of these functions
>> modestly so that they'rehelpful for grading the current assignment.
>> I big chunk of these simple functions is taken up just declaring
>> variables with (let (())) forms.  Each function uses some ofhte same
>> variables, e.g:
>> (defun dh-find-files ()
>>   (interactive)
>>   (let* ((base (org-entry-get (point) "ORG_LMS_ASSIGNMENT_DIRECTORY"))
>>          (gh (org-entry-get (point) "GITHUB"))
>>         (f2o `( ,(concat "Reflection/" gh ".md") ,(concat "students/" gh
>> ".json")))) ;;;; "01/index.html" "02/index.html" "03/style.css"
>> "04/style.css"
>>     (message "%s" f2o)
>>     ;; make more flexible for resubmits
>>     (shell-command (concat "cd " base " && git checkout " gh "-master"))
>>     (dolist (x f2o)
>>       (if (file-exists-p (concat base "/" x))
>>           (find-file-other-window (concat base "/" x) )
>>         (message "File %s does not exist, not opening." x)))))
>> (defun dh-tests ()
>>   (interactive)
>>   (let* ((base (org-entry-get (point) "ORG_LMS_ASSIGNMENT_DIRECTORY" ))
>>          (gh (org-entry-get (point) "GITHUB")))
>>     (with-temp-buffer (shell-command (concat "cd " base " && npm test")
>> t)) ;; the "t" lets us suppress buffer
>>     (browse-url-of-file (concat base "/TestResults/testresults.html"))
>>     ;; (dh-mocha-run)
>>     ))
>> ----------
>> This semester I changed some elements of my workflow and I had to update
>> all the (org-entry-get) calls to new values.  It makes me think the code is
>> less maintainable than it could be.  I would like to do something like this:
>> (lexical-let ((base `(org-entry-get (point)
>>                    (gh `(org-entry-get (point) "GITHUB")) )
>>     (defun dh-find-files ()
>> (with-temp-buffer (shell-command (concat "cd " base " && npm test") t))
>> ;; the "t" lets us suppress buffer
>>     (browse-url-of-file (concat base "/TestResults/testresults.html")))))
>> Obviously it doesn't work this way. But is there any way to set macros
>> like this to be expanded later inside a function definition? I feel certain
>> there must be...
>> Thanks,
>> Matt

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