Thierry Banel writes:
> Babel Gnuplot can be further accelerated. A table is converted to a
> temporary file readable by Gnuplot. I found two issues in this process:
> 1. the temporary file is generated twice,
> 2. the generation is quadratic.
> I have not provided a committable patch b
I'm having trouble using org-agenda-filter-by-effort on existing
agendas in orgmode 9.0.3 in GNU Emacs 25.1.1 ([x86_64-w64-mingw32] of
2016-09-17). Each time I attempt to use org-agenda-filter-by-effort,
I type "_" and then "=" and I select the one-digit index of the effort
estimate I want
Babel Gnuplot can be further accelerated. A table is converted to a
temporary file readable by Gnuplot. I found two issues in this process:
1. the temporary file is generated twice,
2. the generation is quadratic.
I have not provided a committable patch because I am not happy with myfixes.
Of cou
Rick Frankel writes:
> inf-ruby (melpa stable) has recently been updated to v2.5. The library has
> been significantly re-factored, and `run-ruby` no longer accepts `nil` has
> the command name. The following patch updates ob-ruby so that it continues
> to work w/ inf-ruby v2.5. It should
On Sun, 1 Jan 2017, Zack Piper wrote:
Hi Nicolas,
I tried "c", and it gives me:
c <<<
as the result.
I would like it to use the _variable_ "c", not the literal string.
So the result should be ">>> test <<<"
You mean you want to use the `name' of one `:var name=assign' argument
in the `as
Hi Nicolas,
I tried "c", and it gives me:
>>> c <<<
as the result.
I would like it to use the _variable_ "c", not the literal string.
So the result should be ">>> test <<<"
I've also cleaned up the Org I made (something went wrong when I pasted
it before, it missed an #+END_SRC)
>> Perhaps, `org-publish-get-project-from-filename' can be rewritten
>> without `catch' and `throw' using `cl-some' or `seq-some'. This is not a
>> bug. But, it might help improve readability of the logic.
> Done.
Nice. Looks good.
> Note that `seq-some' is not an option since we support Emacs
Completing myself,
> fxiny writes:
>> old 8.2.10 left the entry unencrypted but untouched
>> 9 deletes if the pass provided is none : a plain double pressed enter
>> atm i'm running 9.0.3
>> same problem with 0.1 and 0.2
>> emacs version
>> to reproduce : unencrypt , modify ,