Hi Nicolas,
I tried "c", and it gives me:

>>> c <<<

as the result.

I would like it to use the _variable_ "c", not the literal string.
So the result should be ">>> test <<<"

I've also cleaned up the Org I made (something went wrong when I pasted
it before, it missed an #+END_SRC)
#+NAME: block-1
#+BEGIN_SRC shell :var x="X"

echo ">>>" $x "<<<" #+END_SRC


#+BEGIN_SRC shell :var c="test" y=block-1("c")
echo $y

: >>> c <<<

On 12/29/2016 03:49 PM, Nicolas Goaziou wrote:
>> #+NAME: block-1 #+BEGIN_SRC shell :var x="X" echo ">>>" $x "<<<"
>> #+END_SRC #+BEGIN_SRC shell :var c="test" y=block-1(c) echo $y
>> #+END_SRC #+RESULTS: : >>> $c <<< 

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