This postdoctoral position is part of the Community & Ecosystem Resilience to
Fire Project at Wilfrid Laurier University. It focuses on scaling up fire
history reconstruction using remote sensing to evaluate changes in wildfire
patterns and their ecological impacts. By integrating remotely sense
This postdoctoral position is part of the Community & Ecosystem Resilience to
Fire Project at Wilfrid Laurier University. It investigates the effects of
severe short-interval reburning on boreal forest ecosystems in the Northwest
Territories, focusing on post-fire vegetation, carbon dynamics, an
This PhD position is part of the Community & Ecosystem Resilience to Fire
Project at Wilfrid Laurier University. It focuses on reconstructing fire
history in the southern Northwest Territories using dendroecological methods
and field-based sampling. Research will explore the prevalence of
This MSc research is part of the Community & Ecosystem Resilience to Fire
Project at Wilfrid Laurier University. It will investigate combustion severity
and structural changes in boreal forests following short-interval reburns in
the southern Northwest Territories. By leading field-based data co
A PhD in the Future Harvest Partnership, a collaboration between Wilfrid
Laurier University, the Territorial Agrifood Association, and the Government of
the Northwest Territories. Collaborate with food producers to design and
implement field trials addressing sustainability challenges such as ca
Research in the South Slave and Dehcho regions of NWT, addressing the
socio-ecological challenges of agriculture in a changing climate as part of the
Future Harvest Partnership, a collaboration between Wilfrid Laurier University,
the Territorial Agrifood Association, and the Government of the No
Postdoctoral research as part of the Future Harvest Partnership, a
collaboration between Wilfrid Laurier University, the Territorial Agrifood
Association, and the Government of the Northwest Territories focuses on soil
sampling, habitat recovery, and developing innovative solutions for tradition
PhD as part of the Future Harvest Partnership, a collaboration between Wilfrid
Laurier University, the Territorial Agrifood Association, and the Government of
the Northwest Territories. Evaluate soil amendments to optimize crop yields and
enhance carbon sequestration in Fort Smith and Hay River,
Community & Ecosystem Resilience to Fire Project: Graduate and Postdoc Positions
There are two funded postdoctoral researcher positions, two PhD positions, and
one MSc position available as part of the Enhancing Northern Community &
Ecosystem Resilience to Fire project, a collaboration between Wi
This postdoctoral position focuses on the effects of short-interval reburning
in the Northwest Territories, especially following the extreme 2023 fire
season. The research will explore changes in forest structure, composition,
carbon stocks, and ecosystem functions, using data from areas impact
PhD 1: Reconstructing Fire History in the Southern Northwest Territories
This PhD position focuses on upscaling fire history in the southern Northwest
Territories through remote sensing methods. The research aims to connect fire
history maps with ecosystem functions like carbon storage, wildlife
Looking for a Senior Research Associate to lead investigations into fire
management strategies, the impact of short-interval reburning, and the role of
fire suppression history on landscape flammability. By integrating field data
with remote sensing, the researcher will contribute to the develop
12 matches
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