Core-dump on SSL connection

2024-06-18 Thread Scott Q. via dovecot
I'm on Debian 12.5 which comes with openssl 3.0.11 I compiled Dovecot 2.3.21 with some pretty vanilla options: /configure --prefix=/usr/local/dovecot --with-sql --with-mysql --with-docs --with-ssl --without-shadow --without-pam --without-ldap --without-pgsql --without-sqlite --with-systemd systemu

Re: Core-dump on SSL connection

2024-06-19 Thread Scott Q. via dovecot
Thank you - just this patch ? Because I installed it and I get the same behavior unfortunately... On Wednesday, 19/06/2024 at 04:37 Daniel Lange via dovecot wrote: Hi Scott, Am 19.06.24 um 06:41 schrieb Aki Tuomi via dovecot: > >> On 19/06/2024 06:58 EEST Scott Q. via dovec

Re: Core-dump on SSL connection

2024-06-19 Thread Scott Q. via dovecot
Thank you Aki. do you know if I can compile it against openssl1.1.1w and also use mysql which is compiled against openssl 3.0 ? On Wednesday, 19/06/2024 at 00:41 Aki Tuomi wrote: > On 19/06/2024 06:58 EEST Scott Q. via dovecot wrote: > >   > I'm on Debian 12.5 which c

Re: Core-dump on SSL connection

2024-06-19 Thread Scott Q. via dovecot
Answering my own question. It works although it's not enough to set compiler flags as per the docs to the custom openssl dir I had to also add the library to ldconfig Otherwise, it seems to work just fine. Thank you all On Wednesday, 19/06/2024 at 09:11 Scott Q. via dovecot wrote: Than

Re: logging computer name

2024-06-25 Thread Scott Q. via dovecot
You can switch to oauth2 and then each device will have a unique client id that you can use to identify the culprit. On Tuesday, 25/06/2024 at 07:29 Eirik Rye via dovecot wrote: On 2024-06-25 12:00, hp--- via dovecot wrote: > I am running Dovecot 2.3.21. One client has multiple computers in the

Re: Debian Bookworm packages, please !

2024-06-25 Thread Scott Q. via dovecot
For what it's worth, I installed openssl 1.1.1w in a custom dir, compiled dovecot 2.3.21 against it and it works like a charm against our test suite and production load. On Tuesday, 25/06/2024 at 11:08 Aki Tuomi via dovecot wrote: > On 25/06/2024 17:26 EEST Laura Smith via dovecot wrote: > >

Re: Debian Bookworm packages, please !

2024-06-26 Thread Scott Q. via dovecot
Hi Laura, I understand your frustration but if you are relying on Dovecot for a commercial solution, I believe your anger is misguided. The open source project has no duty nor do they have to guarantee anything. Open source means everyone can contribute, but in this case, only one major contributo

Re: Debian Bookworm packages, please !

2024-06-26 Thread Scott Q. via dovecot
Why do you care about the repo then ? Use the patch locally, publish it, etc. You care about OpenSSL 3.0 compatibility right ? What do you care if it's in the public tree or not. Again, no open source project has any responsibility to make sure you can function the way you want to. It's nothing mo

Re: Debian Bookworm packages, please !

2024-06-26 Thread Scott Q. via dovecot
What's her point really ? That someone owes her up to date, FREE,  secure software that she wants to use in a commercial setting ? This has been debated ad nauseum. Get your expectations in check. On Wednesday, 26/06/2024 at 16:13 Simon B via dovecot

Oauth2 introspection mode bug(?)

2024-07-01 Thread Scott Q. via dovecot
Here goes another oauth2 question, hoping it won't be ignored like all the others. I want to use get/auth on tokeninfo_url but post on introspection_url but dovecot doesn't let me. It doesn't add the auth header on tokeninfo_url whenever introspection_mode == post so, if introspection_mode = post

Re: Oauth2 introspection mode bug(?)

2024-07-01 Thread Scott Q. via dovecot
4wvz8RBFc5f0ey-M8dLM00eq5h1EuUP02NUbaYzsfLkhejfBzMALGdQAvrEbrQ53RBcuiehVYNsOZ94ge9nhMLeNmMMRNpqYiUePLMYz-lmRqdFLKcx5OlvA3VM5pLctWsoHW7Gm0awckBzdw Thanks, Scott On Monday, 01/07/2024 at 12:38 Aki Tuomi via dovecot wrote: > On 01/07/2024 19:29 EEST Scott Q. via dovecot wrote: > >   > Here goes another oauth2 question, hoping it won&#

Re: Oauth2 introspection mode bug(?)

2024-07-01 Thread Scott Q. via dovecot
://keycloak.dev1:8443/realms/myrealm/protocol/openid-connect/userinfo Aki > On 01/07/2024 19:49 EEST Scott Q. via dovecot wrote: > >   > I'm on 2.3.21 > > setting introspection_mode to auth causes tokeninfo url to have the > token in both querystring & header. > > I&#x

Re: Oauth2 introspection mode bug(?)

2024-07-01 Thread Scott Q. via dovecot
e slightly wrong before, we made it work more standard in 2.3.21 They were sent as URL parameters before, but it was changed into basic auth instead. Aki > On 01/07/2024 20:06 EEST Scott Q. via dovecot wrote: > >   > Ok, thanks, what also works is leaving tokeninfo_url em

Namespace configuration

2024-10-31 Thread Scott Q. via dovecot
We are having an issue with our namespace configuration, as per the eM Client folks. We present the following namespaces via IMAP, with Dovecot as backend. This is the actual imap conversation 08:37:10.896|03E|   01: A4 ID ("name" "eM Client" "version" "10.1.4393.0" "GUID" "EMCLIENT_V1" "vendor" "

RE: Outllok on iPhone not copying sent mesages to a Sent Items folder

2024-09-24 Thread Scott Q. via dovecot
"Outlook Mobile temporarily stores and indexes user data (including email, attachments, calendar information, and contacts), along with login credentials,[25] [1] in a "secure" form on Microsoft Azure [2] servers located in the United States.[26] [3] On Exchange accounts, these servers identify as

Re: Migrating GMail to Dovecot using imapc

2024-11-29 Thread Scott Q. via dovecot
I see this thread is getting quite personal, but if I may comment on something you wrote. >> I more or less said that, you are a mail administrator yes? then you know bloody damn well that 99% of spam checks are carried out after reception of the mail​ depends what you define by reception. We per

RE: Migrating GMail to Dovecot using imapc

2024-11-18 Thread Scott Q. via dovecot
Data centres in the EU is not enough to ensure data stays local. ​ ​ As far as I know, the EU is pushing hard f

RE: Migrating GMail to Dovecot using imapc

2024-11-18 Thread Scott Q. via dovecot
Not everyone. The EU is pushing hard for data to stay local. MS/Google will do what they know best: offer 0 support even to paying customers and jack up the prices once the competition dries up. ​ There will always be alternatives. ​ Scott​ On Monday, 18/11/2024 at 06:52 Marc via dovec

RE: Migrating GMail to Dovecot using imapc

2024-11-26 Thread Scott Q. via dovecot
In all fairness here, Gmail/Outlook play by their own rules and people just accept them because it's free. Try sending a spam message that Gmail sends you, back to them and see what happens. Yeah.​​ On Tuesday, 26/11/2024 at 05:14 Marc via dovecot wrote: > > > > > > > Your system reporting fa

Re: Migrating GMail to Dovecot using imapc

2024-11-30 Thread Scott Q. via dovecot
Replace SA by rspamd ? SA is unbearably slow. You have 14 mx hosts, get 14 rspamd vhosts and I doubt you'll have any issues. Scott​ On Friday, 29/11/2024 at 22:07 Laura Steynes via dovecot wrote: Hi Scott, On Sat, Nov 30, 2024 at 2:10 AM Scott Q. wrote: > I see this thread is getting quite

Re: Problem email client iPhone ios18.2

2025-01-07 Thread Scott Q. via dovecot
Have you guys tried using XAPPLEPUSHSERVICE ? I have that enabled and it doesn't even use IDLE. Scott​​ On Tuesday, 07/01/2025 at 08:52 dovecot--- via dovecot wrote: I think there are/were multiple issues, which confuses diagnosis. As a workaround I had disabled imap-IDLE on my (Dovecot) mail

Re: Problem email client iPhone ios18.2

2025-01-05 Thread Scott Q. via dovecot
So what seems the be the consensus on what the issue is ? What does the Stalwart patch do exactly - do you have a link for it ? Scott​​ On Sunday, 05/01/2025 at 17:13 David Ferrero via dovecot wrote: If you connect to imap with netcat assuming telnet isn’t an option it will tell you what your


2024-12-19 Thread Scott Q. via dovecot
Anyone that knows a bit about the dovecot internals. is move in any way faster than copy / set deleted flag / expunge ? Thanks! Scott​ ___ dovecot mailing list -- To unsubscribe send an email to

Re: Migrating GMail to Dovecot using imapc

2024-11-21 Thread Scott Q. via dovecot
You can also enable Application Passwords in Gmail and use those via classic auth.  Also allow user to enable less secure apps, enable less secure apps as the user, then add the app passwords. Scott On Thursday, 21/11/2024 at 08:07 Jan Naumann via dovecot wrote: On 20.11.24 23:49, Joseph Tam

Re: Problem email client iPhone ios18.2

2025-01-08 Thread Scott Q. via dovecot
What exactly stopped(will stop) working ? Generating through MacOS Server which nobody should have been using anyways, or the endpoint ? Scott ​​ On Wednesday, 08/01/2025 at 13:39 Michael Slusarz via dovecot wrote: > On 01/08/2025 11:06 AM MST L