Re: Renewing certificates

2017-12-27 Thread Joseph Tam
Kenneth Porter writes: Thanks. Some digging indicates that this is equivalent to doveadm reload. Both paths ultimately send a SIGHUP to the server which initiates a full reload of the configuration. I'll be combining this with a restart of sendmail. Alas, I don't see a way to get it to reload

Re: Renewing certificates

2017-12-27 Thread Kenneth Porter
--On Wednesday, December 27, 2017 9:24 AM -0500 Bill Shirley wrote: --reloadcmd "systemctl reload dovecot.service" Notice the --reloadcmd. Thanks. Some digging indicates that this is equivalent to doveadm reload. Both paths ultimately send a SIGHUP to the server which initiates a full

Re: Renewing certificates

2017-12-27 Thread Bill Shirley
I'm using to get my Let's Encrypt certificates.  The install command is: --installcert -d \     --keypath /etc/pki/dovecot/private/ \     --certpath /etc/pki/dovecot/certs/ \     --fullchainpath /etc/pki/dovecot/c

Re: Renewing certificates

2017-12-26 Thread Aki Tuomi
> On December 26, 2017 at 11:42 PM Kenneth Porter wrote: > > > I'm setting up certbot/letsencrypt to provide a certificate for dovecot and > sendmail. Is it necessary to restart dovecot to load the new certificate, > as shown in most examples I find in blogs? That seems rude to established >

Renewing certificates

2017-12-26 Thread Kenneth Porter
I'm setting up certbot/letsencrypt to provide a certificate for dovecot and sendmail. Is it necessary to restart dovecot to load the new certificate, as shown in most examples I find in blogs? That seems rude to established connections. When does dovecot read the cert and key files? Once at star