Re: [Dnsmasq-discuss] dnsmasq with Active Directory

2023-11-11 Thread Rick Gutierrez
El vie, 10 nov 2023 a las 16:38, Matus UHLAR - fantomas () escribió: > > > AFAIK Active Directory requires/includes DNS and if you use AD, you should > use AD's DNS servers. > > If dnsmasq forwards all requests to AD servers, it COULD work, but > why to have dnsmasq then? > > there are still reque

Re: [Dnsmasq-discuss] dnsmasq with Active Directory

2023-11-11 Thread wkitty42
On 11/10/23 3:57 PM, Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote: On 10.11.23 13:41, Rick Gutierrez wrote: Hi list, A few days ago I configured dnsmasq so that my internal users would use it as the main DNS, but I have some problems, if I try to connect a PC with Windows to the active directory it cannot do so

Re: [Dnsmasq-discuss] [PATCH] d/rules: Install D-Bus policy in /usr instead of /etc

2023-11-11 Thread Gioele Barabucci
Dear dnsmasq maintainer, a gentle ping about this tiny patch. Regards, On 14/10/23 13:33, Gioele Barabucci wrote: dnsmasq installs its D-Bus policy file in `/etc/dbus-1`. Since Debian 9 the standard directory for package-installed D-Bus policies is `/usr/share/dbus-1`. See: https://bugs.debian.