On 11/10/23 3:57 PM, Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote:
On 10.11.23 13:41, Rick Gutierrez wrote:
Hi list, A few days ago I configured dnsmasq so that my internal users
would use it as the main DNS, but I have some problems, if I try to
connect a PC with Windows to the active directory it cannot do so.

AFAIK Active Directory requires/includes DNS and if you use AD, you should use AD's DNS servers.

this ^^^
when we used AD, we configured it to pass external DNS lookups to dnsmasq sitting on the perimeter... the AD handled everything inside and dnsmasq handled all the external lookups... all internal machines looked to the AD for everything and had no idea about dnsmasq...

If dnsmasq forwards all requests to AD servers, it COULD work, but
why to have dnsmasq then?

there are still requests that can be changed/responded by dnsmasq, which may cause your troubles.

my Active Directory is windows server 2019 and it is my main dns, for
computers with windows 10/11.

This is the configuration for dnsmasq to work with active directory:

more /etc/dnsmasq.d/ad2019.domain.conf

# forward lookups

# PTR/reverse lookups

ip active directory:

config of file dnsmasq.conf


any help or experience in this scenario?

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