[DNG] accessibility in devuan

2015-06-25 Thread Gregory Nowak
Hello everyone, I've been lurking on this list for a couple of weeks, and this is my first post here. I'd like to start by saying a big thank you to those working hard to bring us debian jessie and beyond without systemd. I like to keep an open mind, so after reading arguments for and against syste

Re: [DNG] Sound (Was: My experience with Devuan Alpha2)

2015-07-02 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Thu, Jul 02, 2015 at 11:47:55AM +0100, Klaus Ethgen wrote: > What will be the alternatives? ALSA never worked for me to a usefull > state. It has partly translated config files but not in the parser, has > always cracking sound and kernel panics. It lags the ability to play > multiple streams an

Re: [DNG] Sound (Was: My experience with Devuan Alpha2)

2015-07-03 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Fri, Jul 03, 2015 at 02:22:07PM +0630, Ста Деюс wrote: > I would give you an advice then: stand far from such overhelming > projects as «KDE» and «GNOME» are -- pick out of a bunch of > applications your own desktop. Believe me, I would if I could. However, unless I'm missing something, this is

Re: [DNG] OT: Terminal application for multitrack audio (was Re: Sound (Was: My experience with Devuan Alpha2))

2015-07-03 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Fri, Jul 03, 2015 at 10:59:06AM -1000, Joel Roth wrote: > Not sure what other apps you're looking for on a text > console, so I'll put in a mention of Nama, a fairly > versatile multitrack DAW that includes a terminal interface. > > https://freeshell.de/~bolangi/cgi1/nama.cgi/00home.html > > T

Re: [DNG] procps

2015-07-04 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Sat, Jul 04, 2015 at 01:59:32PM +0300, Aldemir Akpinar wrote: > On 4 Jul 2015 13:15, "Didier Kryn" wrote: > Yes indeed. Soon it is going to be systemd/linux not gnu/linux LOL! Actually, I'm reading this thread, and wondering whether I should snort with laughter, or cry. I want to do a bit of b

Re: [DNG] Sound (Was: My experience with Devuan Alpha2)

2015-07-04 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Sat, Jul 04, 2015 at 07:58:44PM +0630, Ста Деюс wrote: > You just didn't mention your circumstances before ny > advice. I did actually, but in another thread which you might have missed. > > But i still do not understand the value of the reader from what i have > read in the gnome-orca packag

Re: [DNG] OT: Terminal application for multitrack audio (was Re: Sound (Was: My experience with Devuan Alpha2))

2015-07-04 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Sat, Jul 04, 2015 at 11:02:54AM -0430, Richard wrote: > ​Lots of calls from cli. ​ Ok, I'll admit I haven't tried this, but do plan to play with it. Having said that, I still see the following issues: 1. Using this in headless mode seems to only allow for exporting/printing of documents, but n

Re: [DNG] Sound (Was: My experience with Devuan Alpha2)

2015-07-05 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Sun, Jul 05, 2015 at 09:53:16PM +0630, Ста Деюс wrote: > Probably. Then, excuse me for the noise. But you may know how it > happens: you just see something that you would help with. -- Then you > have ether to reply or to walk by. -- Going to look for whole the > thread -- is extra task. So it r

[DNG] systemd in wheezy, was: Re: bummer

2015-07-06 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Mon, Jul 06, 2015 at 05:31:26PM -0400, Hendrik Boom wrote: > I'm running wheezy on my server. > The only package I have that contain 'systemd' in their names are: > > libystemd-login0 > > I don't find it sneaking other systemd things onto my system when I do > the usual security upgrades. Ma

Re: [DNG] Proposed defaults changes

2015-07-15 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Wed, Jul 15, 2015 at 07:16:25PM +0200, Michael Bütow wrote: > > -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- > Hash: SHA1 > > +1 for not changing the defaults at this time. > > I feel this could start a multitude of little holy wars (editor, mta, > etc.) which we don't need right now that the first goa

Re: [DNG] I am not using systemd and plan to avoid it

2015-07-16 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Thu, Jul 16, 2015 at 08:33:48AM +0200, Michael Bütow wrote: > Happy to say that after I voted it was 633 users "for" and 634 "against" > (not planning to use it). > > Due to the construction of the poll, the "plan to avoid" figure includes > those of us who will be forced to use it anyway due t

Re: [DNG] dng@lists.dyne.org

2015-07-16 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Thu, Jul 16, 2015 at 06:18:09PM -0500, T.J. Duchene wrote: > If I might say so, I think that Devuan's short-term goal should be to > get a release out as soon as possible, as close to Debian Jesse as > possible. I agree with James and T.J. here. Devuan 1.0 should be debian 8 sans systemd. As

Re: [DNG] proposed changes: the results

2015-07-16 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Fri, Jul 17, 2015 at 04:41:13AM +0200, Franco Lanza wrote: > Previously i was proposing a change of the default editor and the > default MTA. > > Well, my proposition get a lot of traction in the list, and i'm really > happy of that, it would mean that you care about devuan, and this IS a > gre

[DNG] devuan LTS

2015-07-16 Thread Gregory Nowak
Hi all, the recent discussions here have made me think about what features I would like devuan to have which debian doesn't currently have. One feature that comes to mind is a long term support branch like what ubuntu has. I think this would be great for those of us who are running servers, and are

Re: [DNG] proposed changes: the results

2015-07-16 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Fri, Jul 17, 2015 at 12:36:46AM -0400, Steve Litt wrote: > Is "ascii" the set of 7 bit characters where space is 32 and tilde is > 127, or does it have a different context in this email? It is that, but is also the name for the next release of devuan after jessie. Look at www.devuan.org. The re

Re: [DNG] devuan LTS

2015-07-16 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Fri, Jul 17, 2015 at 06:44:39AM +0200, Adam Borowski wrote: > Since squeeze, every release has amd64+i386-only long term support. Ok, there were about two years between squeeze and wheezy. There was a year of updates for squeeze after wheezy came out. That makes three years. I was thinking in t

Re: [DNG] devuan LTS

2015-07-16 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Fri, Jul 17, 2015 at 07:25:10AM +0200, Adam Borowski wrote: > The year of updates was general availability. When that ended, regular > squeeze archives got moved away, and a new repository, squeeze-lts, was > created. And it's still alive and supported, on a set of architectures > reduced to a

Re: [DNG] devuan LTS

2015-07-16 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Thu, Jul 16, 2015 at 10:49:49PM -0700, James Powell wrote: > There is one thing I would recommend different that the standard Debian > model. Release only the right amount of packages to create a working > operating system under a complete installation, and dedicate the rest of all > packages

Re: [DNG] devuan LTS

2015-07-17 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Fri, Jul 17, 2015 at 11:19:50AM +0100, KatolaZ wrote: > The only feasible way I can see to make anything similar to what you > seem to have in mind is by using BSD-like ports for non-core > components. It is impossible for the "ancillary" stuff (whatever it > means) to remain in sync with the "c

[DNG] many packages VS. one package, was: Re: dng@lists.dyne.org

2015-07-17 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Fri, Jul 17, 2015 at 08:16:06PM -0700, James Powell wrote: > I never said it was set in stone. > > All I suggested was if you install a package like SDL, then you install all > of SDL, not just part of it. This reduces overhead of making multiple > packages, simplifies the distribution, and m

Re: [DNG] automount, mount, and USB sticks

2015-07-28 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Tue, Jul 28, 2015 at 03:17:11PM -0400, Hendrik Boom wrote: > Of course I have to guess whether the device has > been plugged in as /dev/sdb, or /dev/sde, or whatever. In case of > (frequent) doubt, I switch to a root console with control-alt-F1 and a > login, unplug the device, and plug it i

Re: [DNG] Unmingling kdbus and the Linux kernel

2015-08-03 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Mon, Aug 03, 2015 at 02:34:52PM +0100, Edward Bartolo wrote: > I was of the impression, that to modify the kernel, a PhD was a must. Where did you get such an impression? The only things you need to modify the kernel are the ability to program in c, a sufficient understanding of kernel internal

Re: [DNG] multichannel audio i/o management w/o pulse/dbus

2015-08-05 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Wed, Aug 05, 2015 at 11:53:52PM +0200, tilt! wrote: > Hello, > > subject says it all. > > Are there currently ongoing efforts to have that? > > If no, I will start one, if yes, I want to join it. How about alsa/dmix? Some folks here have mentioned oss4 before, but I haven't used that myself.

Re: [DNG] multichannel audio i/o management w/o pulse/dbus

2015-08-06 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Thu, Aug 06, 2015 at 12:09:33PM +0200, tilt! wrote: > I appreciate your kind offer of solving my specific > technical problems a lot - however, as it stands, I have > none *fingers crossed* ;-) > > What I want to accomplish is sufficiently addressed by my > listing of problems a, b (grave defec

Re: [DNG] ideas for system startup (was: Init scripts in packages)

2015-08-07 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Fri, Aug 07, 2015 at 01:58:19PM +0100, Rainer Weikusat wrote: > As someone else pointed out, the control flow code could be abstracted > away into some kind of 'universal init script' and individual ones would > just need to define the start and stop commands. And there's nothing > horrible abou

Re: [DNG] ideas for system startup (was: Init scripts in packages)

2015-08-07 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Fri, Aug 07, 2015 at 07:25:50PM -0500, T.J. Duchene wrote: > I am just curious, but did you try installing sysvinit and systemd-shim? > Theoretically, it should give you System 5 startup and shutdown, while > keeping > compatibility with things that depend on systemd, like Gnome. No. If it

Re: [DNG] ideas for system startup (was: Init scripts in packages)

2015-08-07 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Fri, Aug 07, 2015 at 07:53:37PM -0500, T.J. Duchene wrote: > =( Bummer! > > There must be a way to get what you want, although I honestly do not know > enough about systemd to help you out. Like yourself, I am more familiar with > the System 5 way of doing things. > > Wish I could be mor

Re: [DNG] Devuan compared to AntiX

2015-08-08 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Sun, Aug 09, 2015 at 10:13:45AM +0800, Robert Storey wrote: > Since > I'm a fan of the Raspberry Pi, I definitely want to see another distro > available for it that is systemd-free. There is also FreeBSD for the Pi, > though I understand it is very much a work in progress, but I'm interested > i

Re: [DNG] [arthur.ma...@internode.on.net: Re: Interesting comment from a kernel developer]

2015-08-17 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Mon, Aug 17, 2015 at 11:40:46AM -0400, Haines Brown wrote: > No. I installed sysvinit-core sysvinit sysvinit-utils, rebooted, and > then did: > ># apt-get remove --purge --auto-remove systemd > ># echo -e '\n\nPackage: *systemd*\nPin: origin ""\nPin-Priority: \ >-1' >> /etc/a

Re: [DNG] [arthur.ma...@internode.on.net: Re: Interesting comment from a kernel developer]

2015-08-17 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Tue, Aug 18, 2015 at 01:30:59AM +0200, Riccardo Boninsegna wrote: > I've never seen sysvinit-core dropped from Jessie or Squatch (I can't > remember the name of Testing), but systemd (if not systemd-sysv) is > currently an offer you can't refuse for almost any "mass-market" GUI > software, and t

Re: [DNG] The show goes on: “su” command replacement merged into systemd on Fedora Rawhide

2015-09-01 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Wed, Sep 02, 2015 at 01:59:55AM +0200, poitr pogo wrote: > i'm against moderation. > if you find his posts disturbing use killfile instead. I have to agree here. He's not spamming, he's expressing his unbounded enthusiasm for all things systemd (call it trolling if you want). Frankly, I've foun

Re: [DNG] [arthur.ma...@internode.on.net: Re: Interesting comment from a kernel developer]

2015-09-18 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Tue, Aug 18, 2015 at 01:30:59AM +0200, Riccardo Boninsegna wrote: > Il 18/ago/2015 12:53 AM, "Gregory Nowak" ha scritto: > > As I described in another thread earlier, I tried doing an aptitude > > search sysv on a fresh install of debian jessie, and got back no > &

Re: [DNG] What can I do after netman?

2015-09-25 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Fri, Sep 25, 2015 at 09:20:49PM -0400, Steve Litt wrote: > Here are the facts: While the rest of us, *especially* me, flapped our > lips about a NetworkManager replacement, Edward actually did it. It's worth adding I think that for those of you who have a low opinion of Edward's attempt, there'

Re: [DNG] live-build experiment worked!

2015-10-07 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Wed, Oct 07, 2015 at 09:34:08AM +0200, Didier Kryn wrote: > - A partitionner more user-friendly than parted or fdisk: > gparted if GUI is possible, or cfdisk, which has a simple curses > interface. The drawback of cfdisk is that it doesn't know GPT > partitions tables. I don't have any GPT

[DNG] OT driverless cars, was: Re: Systemd-free distros Was Re: Distrowatch

2015-11-03 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Tue, Nov 03, 2015 at 07:25:31PM +, Nuno Magalhães wrote: > I tend to make a distinction between clueless and newbie, not just in > IT either, but that's just me. Driving vehicles comes to mind with the > new self-driven hype. Hey, don't put down the driverless cars. A lot of us blind folks

[DNG] alternative to raspbian without systemd

2015-11-26 Thread Gregory Nowak
Hi all, I think the subject makes my question clear enough, but I'll provide some background. The x86_64 machine I'm currently using as a router/freenet node/i2p node has some components which are on the brink of failing, the mobo seems to be one of those. So, I'm looking at what to replace it with

Re: [DNG] alternative to raspbian without systemd

2015-11-26 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Thu, Nov 26, 2015 at 11:36:12PM -0500, Hendrik Boom wrote: > I'm curious about the use as a router. How many physical net > connections can a raspberry pi have? From what I read, the 2nd generation B has one 10/100 ethernet port which is a network card on one of the pi's usb ports. Besides th

Re: [DNG] alternative to raspbian without systemd

2015-11-27 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Fri, Nov 27, 2015 at 07:44:38AM -0300, Renaud OLGIATI wrote: > Have you considered IPFire ? It is a firewall distribution, derived from > IPCop, and they have a stable 2.15 release that runs on the RaspberryPI B > (NOT B+) and an Alpha 2.17 that runs on the B+. > > http://wiki.ipfire.org/en/h

Re: [DNG] alternative to raspbian without systemd

2015-11-27 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Fri, Nov 27, 2015 at 11:47:31AM -0700, Gregory Nowak wrote: > I have considered other SOC devices, but it looks like the pi2 > has the most ram out of all of them. Thanks to everyone for your input so far. I had a more careful look at the banana pi, and see it has at least 1g of ram. I

Re: [DNG] Netman Communication

2015-12-10 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Fri, Dec 11, 2015 at 12:47:05AM +0100, Patrick Erdmann wrote: > would it be possible to use github comments or a seperate mailing list > for Netman? > > Some days it feels like this is the Netman Mailing list and Devuan is a > little sub project of Netman. > > I would be very happy if we find

[DNG] top posting, was: Re: Debianising my uploaded version of netman.

2015-12-11 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Fri, Dec 11, 2015 at 07:26:50PM +0100, Edward Bartolo wrote: > I think, it is irritating to first having to scroll down text others > have written rather than the text the latest poster has written. If > the latest poster wants his readers to refer to ealier posts, he can > state that in his rep

Re: [DNG] alternative to raspbian without systemd

2015-12-11 Thread Gregory Nowak
the image from your flash drive to your sd card. Cross your fingers, and power up the pi. If all went well, you should be able to login as user pi with a password of raspberry on the serial console, over ssh, and on the keyboard. You will notice there is no swap. For the purposes of this mini howto

Re: [DNG] alternative to raspbian without systemd

2015-12-12 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Sat, Dec 12, 2015 at 09:24:44AM +0100, Didier Kryn wrote: > Maybe I missed something - I don't understand why your kernel > was not able to mount the root fs. I think it was able to mount the root fs. From what I recall, it did say mounted ext4 file system on /dev/mmcblk0p2. Also, from what

Re: [DNG] top posting, was: Re: Debianising my uploaded version of netman.

2015-12-12 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Sat, Dec 12, 2015 at 12:07:49PM +0100, Jaromil wrote: > this sounds strange. since its very inception we have struggled to keep > Dyne.org infrastructure and practices as friendly as possible for people > with low or even no vision, since some of our funding members had such > conditions. Thank

Re: [DNG] Preferred automounter behavior?

2015-12-25 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Fri, Dec 25, 2015 at 02:35:39PM -0500, Steve Litt wrote: > > (Why /mnt ?) > > Tradition. It exists on all distros I've ever seen, and it's used for > mountpoints. Do you think the more modern, file manager-centric /media > would be a better choice? That would be no more difficult. Here's anoth

Re: [DNG] Preferred automounter behavior?

2015-12-25 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Fri, Dec 25, 2015 at 03:05:16PM -0500, Steve Litt wrote: > /mnt/sdd1 and /mnt/sdd2 would be incredibly easy to implement: I could > have it done within an hour. > > The only thing stopping me is that /mnt/sdd1 and /mnt/sdd2 say nothing > about which physical thumb drive it refers to. And at dif

Re: [DNG] Preferred automounter behavior?

2015-12-25 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Fri, Dec 25, 2015 at 10:31:25PM -0500, Steve Litt wrote: > Wait. Then what *would* you be inclined to type in? /mnt/sdd1 would be perfect; /mnt/[label] if available would be fine too. Greg -- web site: http://www.gregn.net gpg public key: http://www.gregn.net/pubkey.asc skype: gregn1 (autho

Re: [DNG] Preferred automounter behavior?

2015-12-26 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Fri, Dec 25, 2015 at 10:20:36PM -0600, d_pridge wrote: > Would  /mnt/[label]/sdd1  help ID the drive? I'm not sure what you're asking. It could however solve the problem of what to do if two drives are plugged in that have the same label. Greg -- web site: http://www.gregn.net gpg public ke

Re: [DNG] I've got the automounter running

2015-12-28 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Mon, Dec 28, 2015 at 01:29:29PM +, Simon Hobson wrote: > A couple of years ago, I surprised a group I'd given a presentation to by > "Safely removing" hardware before I yanked my USB stick ! Yeah. I noticed a tech savvy friend of mine yanking his flash drive whenever he pleases. I told him

Re: [DNG] "Common knowledge?"-question

2016-01-22 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Fri, Jan 22, 2016 at 09:34:28PM +, Rainer Weikusat wrote: > Can the effect of the following C function > > static void print_start(char const *name, char const *what) > { > char *buf, *p; > unsigned name_len, what_len, total; > > name_len = strlen(name); > what_len = strlen

Re: [DNG] Purchasing a new computer/laptop.

2016-01-26 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Tue, Jan 26, 2016 at 10:43:40AM -1000, Joel Roth wrote: > On Tue, Jan 26, 2016 at 07:46:40PM +0100, Edward Bartolo wrote: > > Hi All, > > > > Call me paranoid but I am noticing big companies like Microsoft making > > it very difficult to buy a computer or laptop without Windows > > installed. >

Re: [DNG] Vote for/against netman name change

2016-02-04 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Thu, Feb 04, 2016 at 08:03:24AM +0100, Edward Bartolo wrote: > Do you agree to renaming netman? no Greg -- web site: http://www.gregn.net gpg public key: http://www.gregn.net/pubkey.asc skype: gregn1 (authorization required, add me to your contacts list first) If we haven't been in touch be

Re: [DNG] Migration to devuan Jessie failed on rpi-zero

2016-02-07 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Sun, Feb 07, 2016 at 07:26:27PM +, KatolaZ wrote: > I recently got one of those new raspberry pi zero. The little thing > should have exactly the same hw of the first version of rpi. Hence, I > thought I could have migrated it swiftly from raspbian (jessie) to > devuan, and I was eager to po

Re: [DNG] Migration to devuan Jessie failed on rpi-zero

2016-02-07 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Mon, Feb 08, 2016 at 01:27:19PM +1100, Simon Wise wrote: > raspbian is in between armel and armhf because debian armel is (or > was then) compiled without hard float support while debian armhf is > compiled for arm7 ... so since PIs are arm6 with FPU neither is > suitable Just to be clear, the

Re: [DNG] Accessibility: Does the devuan installer default to ALSA?

2016-03-07 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Tue, Mar 08, 2016 at 08:53:06AM +1300, Daniel Reurich wrote: > On 08/03/16 06:45, Joel Roth wrote: > > Hi Devuan, > > > > I'm following the blinux mailing list, for blind users of > > Linux, and there is a report of someone having trouble with > > pulse audio. So that leads me to ask, will devu

Re: [DNG] Raspberry Pi 2 devuan image

2016-03-15 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Wed, Mar 16, 2016 at 06:24:08AM +1100, Ozi Traveller wrote: > I'm hoping you might be able to tell me how move passed this error? I have > devuan-keyring installed, it should build otherwise. I've already built a > bootable debian image with the script so I know it works. > > Thanks I'm not Ai

Re: [DNG] devuan installer main menu access

2016-03-28 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Mon, Mar 28, 2016 at 06:30:42PM -0400, Boruch Baum wrote: > 4.1] Was it a case of 'fat-fingerng'? I don't think so, but it's asking > a lot to attempt to re-create this because with slow bandwidth, each > install attempt takes a long time to get to this stage. Today's > connection was especially

Re: [DNG] Raspberry Pi 2 image

2016-04-10 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Sun, Apr 10, 2016 at 05:44:16PM +0200, parazyd wrote: > The image I would like people to test can be found here: Thanks for your work. I unfortunately can't test ATM because I have only one rpi2 acting as a router. I plan to get another unit to play with (possibly a rpi3) in the future. If test

Re: [DNG] Raspberry Pi 2 image

2016-04-11 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Mon, Apr 11, 2016 at 09:26:23PM +0100, Antonio Trkdz.tab wrote: > can some of you be so kind to point out in a clear form (and possibly link > it to uname outputs) the architectures needed by each raspberry version, > namely 1,2 and 3? > Thank you in advance! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raspb

Re: [DNG] Fw: Beginning of the End for Wheezy [sigh!]

2016-04-16 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Sat, Apr 16, 2016 at 09:00:44PM -0400, Steve Litt wrote: > I know many of you are using Devuan in production and as your Daily > Driver. Patrick from debian-user expressed some trepidation about > moving to Devuan in his impending escape from a systemd-encumbered > Debian, and I figure maybe if

Re: [DNG] asteroids and release names.

2016-04-18 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Mon, Apr 18, 2016 at 08:36:13PM -0400, Steve Litt wrote: > Ascii will be the name of version 1, won't it? That will be jessie as far as I know. Greg -- web site: http://www.gregn.net gpg public key: http://www.gregn.net/pubkey.asc skype: gregn1 (authorization required, add me to your contac

Re: [DNG] Printing -- now works.

2016-04-20 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Wed, Apr 20, 2016 at 06:27:26PM -0400, Hendrik Boom wrote: > I'm using the driver from Brother, and lpr from lprng. I found the > lprng-doc package. I suppose the next thing is to read it, While I haven't used a brother printer, I do seem to have a recollection of doing lpr file.pdf, and hav

Re: [DNG] Printing -- now even pdf works. I have no idea why.

2016-04-21 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Thu, Apr 21, 2016 at 07:05:06PM +, Noel Torres wrote: > Just curious... > > Why not using CUPS ? Too bulky and cumbersome. Go to a web interface. Follow link to install device. Choose device from a list ... I prefer to read up on the syntax of a config file or two, and just edit them, or w

Re: [DNG] Meaningful and concise posts: was Dng Digest, Vol 19, Issue 76

2016-04-24 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Mon, Apr 25, 2016 at 12:05:01AM -0400, Steve Litt wrote: > I see you receive the digest version of this list's posts. Many people > do. People on the digest have a responsibility to change the subject > line to the subject of the post to which they're responding. They also > have the responsibil

Re: [DNG] Unofficial Devuan Jessie Beta Live Minimal

2016-05-14 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Sat, May 14, 2016 at 09:25:10PM +0100, KatolaZ wrote: > OK guys, I am happy to announce that after having put the default > initramfs on a strict diet (basically, removing useless modules and > libraries unnecessary at boot), the unofficial minimal live is able to > boot on just 96 MB of RAM :)

Re: [DNG] dealing with wifi

2016-05-14 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Sat, May 14, 2016 at 09:27:17PM +0200, emnin...@riseup.net wrote: > Principally, to avoid wicd from starting automatically > i'll have to pull out the wicd script out of /etc/init.d/ , correct? Not necessarily. Simply doing: update-rc.d wicd disable will prevent wicd from being started or sto

Re: [DNG] Unofficial Devuan Jessie Beta Live Minimal

2016-05-14 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Sun, May 15, 2016 at 12:56:53AM +0100, KatolaZ wrote: > I don't know whether you are correct or not :) It includes all the > drivers shipped with the standatrd Devuan kernel (including alsa), but > being a minimal image it does not have alsa-utils or other > sound-related amenities (yet!). > >

Re: [DNG] devuan-minimal brief review notes

2016-05-18 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Wed, May 18, 2016 at 09:52:57AM -0400, fsmithred wrote: > I think it's also removed in the boot menu of my unofficial live beta, but > it's still there in refractasnapshot. No plans to get rid of that. Ok, I'm confused. Is the mini live image that KatolaZ produced a small version of your unoffi

Re: [DNG] Signature verification

2016-05-18 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Wed, May 18, 2016 at 09:43:37PM +0200, Paweł Cholewiński wrote: > How to check integrity of this SHA256SUMS file and how to ensure the > data is the same as it was when it was originally created - how to > verify digital signature of this file (if it have digital signature). I > never verified d

Re: [DNG] encryption

2016-05-29 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Mon, May 30, 2016 at 07:34:11AM +0800, Robert Storey wrote: > Maybe we had this discussion before and I missed it. I did a Google search > and didn't find it. Anyway, here is my question... > > I want to create one encrypted folder on my hard drive. I don't necessarily > need heavy-duty industr

Re: [DNG] apt-get upgrade does nothing

2016-05-29 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Sun, May 29, 2016 at 08:17:08PM -0400, Steve Litt wrote: > On Sun, 29 May 2016 20:21:54 +0100 > KatolaZ wrote: > > Do you have jessie-updates and jessie-security in your sources.list? > > > I don't know. My /etc/apt/sources.list is shown at > http://lpaste.net/164802 . You're good to go. You

Re: [DNG] devuan installer and overheating

2016-06-08 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Wed, Jun 08, 2016 at 09:24:56AM +0200, Jaromil wrote: > please remember critical feedback and insights are welcome! we need > to improve things still. but perhaps not in the d-i installer, which > is quite of an hairball. Does that mean that feedback issues open against the installer aren't go

Re: [DNG] devuan installer and overheating

2016-06-08 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Wed, Jun 08, 2016 at 11:01:42PM +0200, Paweł Cholewiński wrote: > Look here https://git.devuan.org/devuan-packages/debian-installer/issues > Some issues have 1.0.0-beta2 milestone and they are going to be resolved > with beta2. Ok, thanks. I didn't see that in my search, and filed installer iss

Re: [DNG] F1 and special usernames on the login screen

2016-07-18 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 11:07:01AM +0900, Simon Walter wrote: > I am pretty sure it's trivial to install a different login manager > if SLiM is not to your liking. Or has systemd crept into the rest of > them? No, lightdm is installable and systemd free on devuan. That along with lightdm-gtk-greet

Re: [DNG] On talk.do and Web forums

2016-09-28 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Wed, Sep 28, 2016 at 11:09:20PM +0100, Dave Turner wrote: > Traffic on ye olde dng@lists.dyne.org has gone down a lot. > Is it because of this new-fangled Discourse thing? I'll admit I don't miss the traffic. In fact, I had considered switching over to the announce list, but then the traffic he

Re: [DNG] Firefox nightly [now] requires Pulse Audio

2016-10-01 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Sun, Oct 02, 2016 at 12:37:16AM +, Go Linux wrote: > I hope that someone will be able to devise a way to keep alsa a viable > alternative. You can read the sad news here . . . > > http://forums.debian.net/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=130028 > As someone in that discussion points out, debian may

Re: [DNG] Why does systemd do such stupid things

2016-11-06 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Sun, Nov 06, 2016 at 06:11:23PM +, Rowland Penny wrote: > I don't really object to re-naming a newly found ethernet card, what > concerned me was the fact it happened silently. Not that silently, the dmesg output told you exactly what happened. This has also been how udev informed of the is

Re: [DNG] devuan-discuss is not useful, quite the opposite

2016-11-08 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Tue, Nov 08, 2016 at 01:05:27PM +0100, hellekin wrote: > The devuan-discuss mailing list was created to harmonize the lists: > devuan-announce, devuan-discuss, and devuan-dev, and to move away from > the "Debian is Not GNOME" antagonist pattern. If you wouldn't have just mentioned "the "Debian

Re: [DNG] Devuan GNU+Linux Beta2 release

2016-11-30 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Wed, Nov 30, 2016 at 08:53:41AM -0500, Dan Purgert wrote: > Just to make sure I've not made a mess of things (been a while since > I've done the debian-style inplace update), someone mind > double-checking the result of my dist-upgrade / sources.list? Looks good to me. Greg -- web site: htt

Re: [DNG] Recommended location for iptables rules

2016-12-05 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Mon, Dec 05, 2016 at 06:50:15PM +0200, Lars Noodén wrote: > Where should we be commending the storage of iptables rules in Devuan > Jessie? While this doesn't exactly answer your question, I simply have a script in /usr/local/etc called firewall.sh which runs all the iptables rules that I want

[DNG] rpi3 serial console

2016-12-11 Thread Gregory Nowak
Hi all. Can anyone out there with a raspberry pi 3 and a pl2303 cable please confirm that the devuan_jessie_1.0.0-beta2_arm64_raspi3.img.xz image actually has a working serial console? I do see that cmdline.txt in the first fat partition defines ttyAMA0, so it should work, but doesn't seem to work

Re: [DNG] rpi3 serial console

2016-12-12 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Mon, Dec 12, 2016 at 12:04:59PM -0500, Christopher Clements wrote: > First of all, this might help you with the GPIO stuff: > https://pinout.xyz/pinout/uart Thanks Christopher. According to the above, the GPIO for the rpi2 and rpi3 are indeed the same ... good. > You might need to make sure th

Re: [DNG] how to clear DNS cache

2017-01-03 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Tue, Jan 03, 2017 at 12:42:48PM -0800, Rick Moen wrote: > I would suggest, if the installing sysadmin has opted to not configure > any DNS nameservice at all, i.e., was prompted for nameserver IP and > provided none, and also had did not opt to have one given to the host > with a DHCP lease, the

Re: [DNG] [OT] setnet v0.2: a shell script for network config

2017-01-05 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Thu, Jan 05, 2017 at 10:08:52PM +, KatolaZ wrote: > Steve, that's already been fixed. The detection of interface type is > implemented using iwconfig now, and is not based on interface names > any more. That isn't going to work everywhere unfortunately. As of now, the built-in wifi adapter

Re: [DNG] [OT] setnet v0.2: a shell script for network config

2017-01-06 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Fri, Jan 06, 2017 at 10:44:34AM +0100, Tomasz Torcz wrote: > Does it shiw correctly with "iw dev"? That's iw from > http://www.linuxwireless.org/en/users/Documentation/iw/ I'm currently running the armhf image testing another issue I'm preparing to report. If someone doesn't answer before I w

Re: [DNG] [OT] setnet.sh version 0.2.1 released

2017-01-07 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Sun, Jan 08, 2017 at 12:38:45AM +, KatolaZ wrote: > P.S.: For Greg: I would relaly appreciate your feedback on setnet. If > you find it useful, we can start putting together something similar > for audio devices... ;) Sounds good. I'll try to take a look at it, and get back to you soon, hop

Re: [DNG] [OT] setnet v0.2: a shell script for network config

2017-01-08 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Fri, Jan 06, 2017 at 10:44:34AM +0100, Tomasz Torcz wrote: > Does it shiw correctly with "iw dev"? That's iw from > http://www.linuxwireless.org/en/users/Documentation/iw/ Yes, iw dev works nicely. Greg -- web site: http://www.gregn.net gpg public key: http://www.gregn.net/pubkey.asc skyp

[DNG] is there a better place to report these issues

2017-01-17 Thread Gregory Nowak
Hello everyone. I reported the following issues during the first beta of devuan. They are still unresolved in the current beta iteration, and haven't been acknowledged since I reported them. Is there a better place for me to report these:

[DNG] can't clone from git.devuan.org

2017-01-17 Thread Gregory Nowak
Hi all. I can't clone from git.devuan.org: git clone --depth=1 https://git.devuan.org/sdk/arm-sdk.git Cloning into 'arm-sdk'... fatal: unable to access 'https://git.devuan.org/sdk/arm-sdk.git/': Problem with the SSL CA cert (path? access rights?) Is this not an anonymous repo, do I need to clon

Re: [DNG] Gtk3-theme

2017-02-22 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Wed, Feb 22, 2017 at 10:32:48AM +0100, Jochen Fahrner wrote: > If you want to completely avoid Gtk, you have to go without many > non-gnome apps like LXDE and Xfce desktop environments, Claws Mail, > AbiWord, Chrome, Firefox, Midori, Pidgin and many more. I'll add orca to that list, given there

Re: [DNG] We need to speak up

2017-03-14 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Tue, Mar 14, 2017 at 09:37:45PM -0400, Steve Litt wrote: > Can somebody please make a list, that we can put our names on, of > people who left Debian because of systemd? And put the name Steve Litt > on it please. You can add Gregory Nowak to that too. I was for the most part quite

Re: [DNG] We need to speak up

2017-03-15 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Wed, Mar 15, 2017 at 01:19:18PM -0400, Rob Owens wrote: > You can include me in your list if you want. But I think for a Debian user > who is currently questioning the need for systemd, knowing his alternatives > is much more useful than knowing that I (some guy they don't know) stopped > using

[DNG] /etc/debian_version

2017-04-14 Thread Gregory Nowak
Hi all. So I noticed that on systems upgraded to devuan jessie from debian wheezy, I still have a /etc/debian_version. I don't have this file on a couple devuan systems installed from scratch. I figured I didn't need a /etc/debian_version reading 7.1.1 anymore, so I blew it away on one of my upgr

Re: [DNG] /etc/debian_version

2017-04-15 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Sat, Apr 15, 2017 at 01:06:53PM +0200, Jaromil wrote: > Yet I believe we should file this as a bug as /etc/debian_version is > not there on new installs. The /etc/debian_version file is checked by > an enormous quantity of scripts in all sorts of deployements, we have > encountered this problem

[DNG] reportbug, unable to connect to devuan bts

2017-04-22 Thread Gregory Nowak
Hi all, I'm trying to run reportbug, and it tells me it can't connect to devuan bts. I can connect to it just fine from the machine in question using lynx over http and https. When I run tcpdump while running reportbug, I see it's trying to connect to dyne.servus.at over https. When I try to connec

Re: [DNG] reportbug, unable to connect to devuan bts

2017-04-23 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Sun, Apr 23, 2017 at 12:48:22AM +0100, KatolaZ wrote: > It has been > slightly modified to allow sending bug reports to bugs.devuan.org, but > it still lacks some of the functionalities, e.g. looking for existing > reports. In your case, I guess reportbug is trying to retrieve the > reports for

Re: [DNG] reportbug, unable to connect to devuan bts

2017-04-24 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Sun, Apr 23, 2017 at 10:09:39PM +0100, KatolaZ wrote: > all the known outstanding issues which were not just bare comments > have been already imported in bugs.devuan.org (and most of them have > also been fixed and closed). Here's one example why I asked about this. I filed an issue on gitlab

Re: [DNG] reportbug, unable to connect to devuan bts

2017-04-24 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Mon, Apr 24, 2017 at 07:36:11PM +0100, KatolaZ wrote: > thanks for your patience. Your issue was already in bugs.devuan.org > (since the 24th March): Thanks KatolaZ for pointing it out. That also explains why searching against apt-cacher-ng didn't come back with any results. Greg -- web sit

Re: [DNG] GTK3 and systemd

2017-05-04 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Thu, May 04, 2017 at 04:15:15PM +0200, Enrico Weigelt, metux IT consult wrote: > What exactly does that 'accessibility' stuff actually do ? It does for people with various disabilities what a screen, keyboard and mouse do for people without disabilities. Greg -- web site: http://www.gregn.

Re: [DNG] Adjusting LCD backlight in XFCE4

2017-05-04 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Thu, May 04, 2017 at 03:42:54PM +0300, Lars Noodén wrote: > I've also tried adding "acpi_backlight=vendor" to the kernel boot options. Try: acpi-backlight=vendor instead of acpi_backlight=vendor If that still doesn't work, then try: acpi-backlight=vendor acpi_osi=Linux Greg -- web site: ht

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