Re: [DNG] vdev

2016-08-14 Thread aitor
Hi Edward, On 08/14/2016 10:20 AM, Edward Bartolo wrote: Hi, Does anyone know when vdev will be ready for DEVUAN 64 bit? Edward Today i'm working on vdev. First of all, i'm working on how to restore the system if it fails. Aitor. _

Re: [DNG] vdev

2016-08-14 Thread aitor
to remove it's dependency on udev. Cheers, Aitor. ___ Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] vdev

2016-08-14 Thread aitor
Hi, On 08/14/2016 04:16 PM, aitor wrote: Hi all, On 08/14/2016 10:20 AM, Edward Bartolo wrote: Hi, Does anyone know when vdev will be ready for DEVUAN 64 bit? Edward -- If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough. Albert Einstein I don't wa

Re: [DNG] vdev

2016-08-14 Thread aitor
Hi all, Somebody downloaded fskit, pstat and vdev from: This repository is obsolete. Please, download from this other one: Otherwise, vdev will not build succesfully with the old version of fskit. Cheers, Aitor

Re: [DNG] Your computer clock

2016-08-14 Thread aitor
Hi, This server works fine for me: # ntpdate -u Cheers, Aitor. ___ Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] vdev

2016-08-14 Thread aitor
will do all of this automatically./ ___ I'm working on that. Now i have a computer rebuilding the packages of linux-libre-4.6.2 with libudeb-compat-dev instead of libudev-dev, and i also rebuilt initramfs-tools [*] Hope it wor

Re: [DNG] vdev

2016-08-14 Thread aitor
Sorry, On 08/15/2016 02:12 AM, aitor wrote: You can generate the initrd.img running the /root/vdev-initramfs/tools/mkinitramfs of the snapshot sent by Ralph. Running the */root/vdev-initramfs/tools/* script :) Aitor. ___ Dng

Re: [DNG] vdev

2016-08-15 Thread aitor
Hi fsmithred and Tom, On 08/15/2016 02:29 AM, aitor wrote: You can generate the initrd.img running the /root/vdev-initramfs/tools/mkinitramfs of the snapshot sent by Ralph. Running the */root/vdev-initramfs/tools/* script :) Aitor. Yesterday i tried to debianize linux

Re: [DNG] vdev

2016-08-15 Thread aitor
Hi again, On 08/15/2016 10:41 AM, aitor wrote: Hi fsmithred and Tom, On 08/15/2016 02:29 AM, aitor wrote: You can generate the initrd.img running the /root/vdev-initramfs/tools/mkinitramfs of the snapshot sent by Ralph. Running the */root/vdev-initramfs/tools/* script

Re: [DNG] human reaable package index

2017-06-13 Thread aitor
does indeed, we are lacking behind on this front. these were some past attempts lead by hellekin, but I think we may have to start from scratch. we shall discuss this in the next dev-meeting. ciao The second one works for me. Aitor

Re: [DNG] Which desktops are available in Devuan?

2017-08-15 Thread aitor
he IRC channel (it hasn't any desktop environment), but you'll be able to get network connection using the backend of simple-netaid. Just run: /usr/lib/simple-netaid/bin/backend --help Cheers, Aitor. PD.- I still didn't build neither vde

Re: [DNG] Which desktops are available in Devuan?

2017-08-15 Thread aitor
On 08/15/2017 11:07 PM, aitor wrote: Hi Tom, On 08/15/2017 07:18 PM, Tom Cassidy wrote: There's no release for ascii yet. You'll just have to dist-upgrade from jessie if you want to try it. I've been running ascii + experimental/eudev on my work desktop and laptop for a few

Re: [DNG] ASCII - clearlooks-Phenix-Purpy style issues

2017-09-11 Thread aitor
eme of gtk: Adwaita. There are two colours available (purpy and green). Only gtk2 and gtk3 (no openbox, for now): They'll be the themes used in gnuinos ascii, and i would like you to test it. Thanks in ad

Re: [DNG] ASCII - clearlooks-Phenix-Purpy style issues

2017-09-11 Thread aitor
Hi again, On 09/11/2017 04:44 PM, aitor wrote: Hi Ozi, On 08/22/2017 08:29 AM, Ozi Traveller wrote: Adwaita and Clearlooks seems to be ok in ascii. I'm running openbox, tint2, thunar, geany, and I think xfce4-terminal. ozi As i announced in the IRC channel, i'm working on new

Re: [DNG] Devuan in top 50

2017-10-17 Thread aitor
Just noticed Devuan is at position 48 today (Redhat is 46, Gentoo 42, for comparison)! I'll usurp Steve Litt's drawing for the occasion:    * *     \ o / \|/   |   A W   R I I I G H T ! ! ! / \  _

Re: [DNG] Happy New Year!

2017-12-31 Thread Aitor
3AM-8PM UTC, HMU if the site's broken ___ Dng mailing list Happy 2018 :)   Aitor. ___ Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] Runit for Devuan: was Debian testing drop redis

2018-05-27 Thread aitor
shutdown/reboot doing (it requires granted permissions): runit-init 0 runit-init 6 I'm working on a logout dialog for runit with suid permissions. Cheers,   Aitor. ___ Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] The D in Systemd stands for 'Dammmmit!'

2018-10-29 Thread aitor
tstat.c I reached into things like: *(my_data.wired_device)='\0'; Cheers, Aitor. ___ Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] Please help with testing the new version of sysvinit

2018-11-01 Thread aitor
On 11/02/2018 01:01 AM, aitor_czr wrote: The sources (the tarball) should not contain the version of the debian branch. It should be: sysvinit_2.91-1.debian.tar.xz I rectify: not the sources, it's the debian tarball ___ Dng mailing list Dng@lists.dy

Re: [DNG] Please help with testing the new version of sysvinit

2018-11-01 Thread aitor
On 11/02/2018 01:35 AM, aitor wrote: On 11/02/2018 01:01 AM, aitor_czr wrote: The sources (the tarball) should not contain the version of the debian branch. It should be: sysvinit_2.91-1.debian.tar.xz I rectify: not the sources, it's the debian tarball There is another  file

Re: [DNG] Please help with testing the new version of sysvinit

2018-11-02 Thread aitor
nit_2.91-1 with sysvinit_2.91-1+devuan1 Aitor. ___ Dng mailing list

[DNG] bug in simple-netaid building on ascii

2018-11-02 Thread aitor
n gobject_; } ^~~~ Reading in, seems to be a bug in libglibmm-2.4: As Orcan Ogetbil, i'm wondering why it didn't fail before. Cheers, Aitor. ___

Re: [DNG] [SOLVED] bug in simple-netaid building on ascii

2018-11-02 Thread aitor
Hi again, On 11/02/2018 09:17 AM, aitor wrote: Hi all, I'm trying to build simple-netaid-gtk on ascii and i'm getting the following error: /usr/include/glibmm-2.4/glibmm/threads.h:661:29: error: cannot convert ‘GPrivate’ {aka ‘_GPrivate’} to ‘GPrivate*’ {aka ‘_GPrivate*’}

Re: [DNG] util-linux needs an upgrade on ceres

2018-11-02 Thread aitor
On 2/11/18 12:55, KatolaZ wrote: We have built rsyslog-8.39.0-1+devuan1 for unstable. It should be available from pkgmaster in a couple of minutes. HND KatolaZ Thanks :) ___ Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] [SOLVED] bug in simple-netaid building on ascii

2018-11-02 Thread aitor
On 2/11/18 9:52, Edward Bartolo wrote: Trial and error?! I thought, it was only low intellects who do that! LOL, i don't think so! As Mattias Ellert said: It looks like a typo (a missing &). The other 4 gobj() methods say "return &gobject": $ grep 'gobj() {' /usr/include/glibmm-2.4/glibmm/t

[DNG] systemd in sane-backends

2018-11-03 Thread aitor
$@ --parallel --with autotools_dev, systemd by dh $@ --parallel --with autotools_dev in debian/rules. Cheers, Aitor. ___ Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] systemd in sane-backends

2018-11-04 Thread aitor
, and contacted Javier Obregón, the author of EterTICs. I'll help him building this libre distro with the live-sdk on ascii. If anyone of you know where find the sources of some of the following projects: please, holler us :) Chee

Re: [DNG] systemd in sane-backends

2018-11-04 Thread aitor
On 4/11/18 9:49, aitor wrote: If anyone of you know where find the sources of some of the following projects: please, holler us :) Simplescreenrecorder, gradio and yad are done. Aitor

Re: [DNG] systemd in sane-backends

2018-11-04 Thread aitor
. For scanners, i use Xsane. I don't know why, but it always asks for root's password. Aitor. ___ Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] systemd in sane-backends

2018-11-04 Thread aitor
On 3/11/18 10:28, aitor wrote: As far as i know, the systemd utility in sane is useful only in the case of network printers I rectify: *scanners* ___ Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] systemd in sane-backends

2018-11-05 Thread aitor
test with $ scanimage -L to see if you can access your device as a regular user. Hope this helps, -- I haven't any scanner to hand now, but i'll try. Thanks :) Aitor. ___ Dng mailing list https://mailinglists.dyne.o

[DNG] A new website for

2018-11-11 Thread aitor
ll be a dynamic website thanks to Aaron Swartz's python-webpy: Hope you like it :) Aitor. ___ Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] [devuan-dev] packaging kubernetes

2018-11-22 Thread aitor
g soon). I removed all the stuff related with the linux kernel comming from debian, including the updates, the security-updates and the backports (i did some minor commits in amprolla for that). So, I might be able to build an extra repository no covered by debian if necessary. Chee

Re: [DNG] Participate to the first Devuan Conference in Amsterdam!

2018-12-02 Thread aitor
On 29/11/18 16:11, KatolaZ wrote: I think I will be there, and I hope to see many D1rs there;) HND KatolaZ Me too. I can't promise to be there, but i'll try :) Aitor. ___ Dng mailing list https://mailinglists.dyne.o

[DNG] About gnuinos ascii

2018-12-11 Thread aitor
adding some extra code to amprolla, being them replaced by linux-libre-4.9, and shortly by 4.18 for sure. Thanks for your attention, and merry christmas to all of you :) Aitor. ___ Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] About gnuinos ascii

2018-12-11 Thread aitor
On 12/12/18 0:36, aitor wrote: deb ascii main deb-src ascii main deb ascii-security main deb-src ascii-security main deb ascii-updates

[DNG] IceCat

2018-12-25 Thread aitor
uding xfce, lxde, mate, lxqt, kde... Cheers, Aitor. P.D.- I also started looking up flights between Bilbao and Amsterdam for the first week of april :) ___ Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] IceCat

2018-12-25 Thread aitor
On 25/12/18 10:51, aitor wrote: Today i'll start uploading the releases of gnuinos ascii, including xfce, lxde, mate, lxqt, kde... I'll share the sources of the live-sdk with d-i. ___ Dng mailing list Dng@lists.dyne

Re: [DNG] IceCat

2018-12-26 Thread aitor
Hi again, On 25/12/18 10:53, aitor wrote: On 25/12/18 10:51, aitor wrote: Today i'll start uploading the releases of gnuinos ascii, including xfce, lxde, mate, lxqt, kde... I'll share the sources of the live-sdk with d-i. Here you are the souces:

[DNG] Hopman (Was: ..are we|Devuan safe from this systemd backdoor malware (...)?

2021-05-02 Thread aitor
anch/master/hopman-1.0/watch <> I had wanted to upload the packages of hopman throughout the past week, but i've had issues related to some, already resolved, GdkMouseEvents. Therefore, they'll be available as s

Re: [DNG] Hopman (Was: ..are we|Devuan safe from this systemd backdoor malware (...)?

2021-05-09 Thread aitor
le. The same with the code taken from vdev, mantaining Jude Nelson's copyright there. Is it right? Cheers:) Aitor. [*] Aka linuxito: <

Re: [DNG] USB mount problem

2021-06-11 Thread aitor
Hi, On 11/6/21 23:04, Steve Litt wrote: As I remember, Aitor created a really nice flash drive mounter. Does anyone remember it? Thanks, Steve, it's named Hopman. A project started by Didier Kryn. At the beginning my point of view was quite different because, on the contrary than Did

Re: [DNG] USB mount problem

2021-06-12 Thread aitor
Hi again, On 12/6/21 0:46, aitor wrote: Now i'm considering as a possible better approach to create vdev actions for each (ADD|REMOVE|CHANGE) In the case of eudev, kernel uevents can be listen by "udevadm monitor". Aitor. ___ Dng m

Re: [DNG] USB mount problem

2021-06-12 Thread aitor
On 12/6/21 12:22, aitor wrote: Hi again, On 12/6/21 0:46, aitor wrote: Now i'm considering as a possible better approach to create vdev actions for each (ADD|REMOVE|CHANGE) In the case of eudev, kernel uevents can be listen by "udevadm monitor". We should distinguish h

Re: [DNG] USB mount problem

2021-06-12 Thread aitor
On 12/6/21 12:47, aitor wrote: On 12/6/21 12:22, aitor wrote: Hi again, On 12/6/21 0:46, aitor wrote: Now i'm considering as a possible better approach to create vdev actions for each (ADD|REMOVE|CHANGE) In the case of eudev, kernel uevents can be listen by "udevadm monitor&quo

Re: [DNG] USB mount problem

2021-06-12 Thread aitor
On 12/6/21 13:01, aitor wrote: This is exactly what i was talking about when saying "... to create vdev actions for each (ADD|REMOVE|CHANGE) device event". The BIND action doesn't exist due to the removal of the netlink connection mentioned above. Indeed, the file sa

Re: [DNG] USB mount problem

2021-06-12 Thread aitor
Hi Steve, On 12/6/21 21:29, Steve Litt wrote: Hi Aitor, Inotify is the Linux-official way of finding device events. As far as I know, inotify doesn't care whether you use udev, eudev or vdev, which in my opinion makes it superior. I'd prefer not to have a Hopman with all sorts of log

Re: [DNG] USB mount problem

2021-06-12 Thread aitor
have Vdevd create the symlinks, so that your problem would be solved. Do I understand well? This seems to me completely independant of Hopman which is desirable. Yes, you understood well. And i think the problem has been partially addressed. Aitor. __

Re: [DNG] USB mount problem

2021-06-12 Thread aitor
On 12/6/21 22:27, aitor wrote: I've just pushed the changes to Look at the lines 107-112 in worker.cpp [*]. Yes, I'm using inotify :) This is the link to the gui: <https://git

Re: [DNG] Hopman and inotify

2021-06-13 Thread aitor
Hi Tito, On 13/6/21 9:16, tito via Dng wrote: don't forget smartphones there are billions far more than thumb drives and USB SATA drives. We'll take it on board :) Aitor. ___ Dng mailing list https://mailinglists.dy

[DNG] Vdev working in Qemu/KVM

2021-06-13 Thread aitor> Cheers, Aitor. ___ Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] Hopman and inotify

2021-06-13 Thread aitor
Hi, On 13/6/21 20:44, Steve Litt wrote: My suggestion would be to handle those with a separate tool. Do one thing and do it right. +1 ___ Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] Hopman and inotify

2021-06-13 Thread aitor
gtkmm/menu.cpp> according to your needs, before building the sources. Cheers, Aitor. ___ Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] Hopman and inotify

2021-06-13 Thread aitor
Hi again, On 14/6/21 1:52, aitor wrote: Hi Haines, On 13/6/21 23:29, Haines Brown wrote: I tried hopman some years ago and loved it, But when installed on a new machine failed copy the code. Would anyone indulge me by pointing to a link to the current stete of the application? One of the

Re: [DNG] USB mount problem

2021-06-19 Thread aitor
of any issue, please let me know. Thanks in advance, Aitor. ___ Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] USB mount problem

2021-06-21 Thread aitor
right? I'll try to deal with the origin of this failure. Also, do I need to have to use pmount in order to allow hopman to do its thing? Absolutely not. Runtime dependencies will be a choice of the user. This is the reason d'être of hopma

Re: [DNG] USB mount problem

2021-06-27 Thread aitor
nking succesfully against the required libraries. I'll get around to build hopman in Void when I have time. Cheers, Aitor. Enviado con Aqua Mail para Android ___ Dng mailing list Dng@lists.dyne

Re: [DNG] CORRECTION: Sneak peak at runit presentation materials

2021-07-09 Thread aitor
t's splitted in several (at least, more than one) video files that I haven't to hand right now in this computer. Give me a couple of days and i'll send you them, but merged into single one. Cheers, Aitor. ___ Dng mailing

Re: [DNG] Install OpenSSL (libssl, libcrypto) with weak ciphers

2021-07-21 Thread aitor
a new libcrypto1.1-udeb_1.1.1d-0+deb10u6_amd64.deb but a udeb file instead that will not install. What am I missing *libssl1.1* provides both libssl and libcrypto shared libraries. Cheers, Aitor. ___ Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] Install OpenSSL (libssl, libcrypto) with weak ciphers

2021-07-21 Thread aitor
On 21/7/21 23:04, aitor wrote: *libssl1.1* provides both libssl and libcrypto shared libraries. Better said: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ Aitor. ___ Dng mailing list https

Re: [DNG] Nasty Linux systemd security bug revealed

2021-07-31 Thread aitor
nu/blob/master/src/sbuf.c> I added a variadic function enabling the concatenation of several strings: sbuf_concat(&buffer, N, string1, string2, ..., stringN); Cheers, Aitor. ___ Dng mailing list https://mailinglists.dyn

Re: [DNG] May I use Netaid source as an example of good code?

2021-07-31 Thread aitor
Hi, On 1/8/21 1:26, Steve Litt wrote: Hi Aitor, In my presentation this coming Wednesday night, I'd like to use your source code at as an example of good code? Highly cohesive, low coupling, most functions fit o

Re: [DNG] May I use Netaid source as an example of good code?

2021-07-31 Thread aitor
Hi again, On 1/8/21 1:35, aitor wrote: On 1/8/21 1:26, Steve Litt wrote: Hi Aitor, In my presentation this coming Wednesday night, I'd like to use your source code at as an example of good code? Highly cohesive

Re: [DNG] May I use Netaid source as an example of good code?

2021-07-31 Thread aitor
On 1/8/21 1:39, aitor wrote: I'll write a post tomorrow in the mailing list talking about this point. Cheers, time to bed :) Oops, i thought it was a private mail, no worries... :) ___ Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] May I use Netaid source as an example of good code?

2021-08-01 Thread aitor
Hi, On 1/8/21 1:39, aitor wrote: I'm looking for a safer way to run the binary with suid permissions using the shared memory of the system to send a signal. Time ago somebody said me: "you can do nothing from your binary that i can't do externally from another binary"

Re: [DNG] Starting outline for the DNG Safe Programmer Certificate

2021-08-01 Thread aitor
. Me too. I tend to use the Linux Kernel coding style: <> Cheers, Aitor. ___ Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] [SPAM] Re: May I use Netaid source as an example of good code?

2021-08-01 Thread aitor
h the gui and the suid will communicate each other through a unix socket or a fifo to know what to do. Finally, the suid binary parses the received arguments. Does it make sense? If not, i may stop here. Thanks in advance, Aitor. ___ Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] May I use Netaid source as an example of good code?

2021-08-01 Thread aitor
Hi again, On 1/8/21 19:20, aitor wrote: Hi Arnt, On 1/8/21 17:59, Arnt Karlsen wrote: I'm looking for a safer way to run the binary with suid permissions using the shared memory of the system to send a signal. Time ago somebody said me: "you can do nothing from your binary that

Re: [DNG] [SPAM] Re: May I use Netaid source as an example of good code?

2021-08-01 Thread aitor
On 1/8/21 19:20, aitor wrote:   /*  trigger the signal handler in order to receive the SIGUSR1 signal emited by the suid binary */ *emitted* ___ Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] [SPAM] Re: May I use Netaid source as an example of good code?

2021-08-01 Thread aitor
Hi, On 1/8/21 19:20, aitor wrote: After that, the suid binary can check _whether or not_ the emited signal has been received. If yes, both the gui and the suid will communicate each other through a unix socket or a fifo to know what to do. Better said, the suid binary can check whether or not

Re: [DNG] May I use Netaid source as an example of good code?

2021-08-01 Thread aitor
On 2/8/21 0:41, aitor wrote: Hi, On 1/8/21 19:20, aitor wrote: After that, the suid binary can check _whether or not_ the emited signal has been received. If yes, both the gui and the suid will communicate each other through a unix socket or a fifo to know what to do. Better said, the suid

Re: [DNG] May I use Netaid source as an example of good code?

2021-08-02 Thread aitor
Hi, On 2/8/21 0:44, aitor wrote: Better said, the suid binary can check whether or not the gui has handled the signal as expected because the default behavior of SIGUSR1 (User defined signal 1) is to terminate the process. See the table at the end of the link:

Re: [DNG] Fw: Testers for Chimaera alpha netinstall iso

2021-08-03 Thread aitor
t; to the make command, maybe? Cheers, Aitor. ___ Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] Fw: Testers for Chimaera alpha netinstall iso

2021-08-03 Thread aitor
Hi Ralph, On 3/8/21 13:01, Ralph Ronnquist via Dng wrote: Aitor, eventually it dawned on me that probably you meant the mini.iso which LeePen builds with debian-installer; he just now merged the forked s/w ( with debian's and buil

Re: [DNG] Fw: Testers for Chimaera alpha netinstall iso

2021-08-03 Thread aitor
g vdev... vdev uses newlisp -missing in jessie- to compile the udev rules, though this issue happened under devuan with eudev. Cheers, Aitor. ___ Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] [SPAM] Re: grub-install device node not found

2021-08-03 Thread aitor
ot;list-devices". Examples: ~ # list-devices usb-partition /dev/sda1 /dev/sda2 ~# list-devices disk /dev/sda /dev/sdb HTH, Aitor. ___ Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] grub-install device node not found

2021-08-03 Thread aitor
Hi, On 4/8/21 0:18, aitor wrote: Hi Arnt, On 3/8/21 22:31, Arnt Karlsen wrote: there one? 'fdisk -l ' or somesuch should work, even if there are some new fancy /dev names missing symlinks to /dev/sdc, e.g. killed by that mlterm crash. The command for the interactive shell

Re: [DNG] grub-install device node not found

2021-08-04 Thread aitor
/dev/sdc) # udevadm info -a -p  $(udevadm info -q path -n /dev/sdcX) will list the attributes of sdc and sdcX. Aitor. ___ Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] Nasty Linux systemd security bug revealed

2021-08-12 Thread aitor
Hi, On 31/7/21 11:20, aitor wrote: On 31/7/21 3:02, Bruce Perens via Dng wrote: If you want this, it's easy enough to allocate your own stack, and write functions that allocate from it and release the allocation. Sometimes I use the following buffer struct for dynamic allocation:

Re: [DNG] Nasty Linux systemd security bug revealed

2021-08-12 Thread aitor
On 12/8/21 13:12, aitor wrote:     struct sbuf s  __cleanbuf__(free_buf); I rectify: struct sbuf s  __cleanbuf__; being: #define __cleanbuf__ __attribute__((cleanup(free_buf))) ___ Dng mailing list https

Re: [DNG] snetaid debs...

2021-08-22 Thread aitor
udo simple-netaid-cdk" of /usr/share/applications/simple-netaid-cdk, "sakura" by "lxterminal" or "xterm" or whatever you want. There aren't packages for the gtk interface yet, only ncurses. I'm rewriting the gtk interface and the snetaid daemon because

Re: [DNG] Nasty Linux systemd security bug revealed

2021-08-22 Thread aitor
dom->addr[i].limit);     ++n_addr;     } Thanks for the link. I'll give it a try. Cheers, Aitor. ___ Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] /run/user/#

2021-08-31 Thread aitor
x27;m in gnuinos right now; so, I haven't elogind nor consolekit. And the value of XDG_RUNTIME_DIR is emptyin my system. Hence, /run/user doesn't exist. Note: $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR is not set if the current user is not the original user of the session. Hope thi

Re: [DNG] License for the DNG created software guide --> Proposal: DNG Verbatim Libre License (upd)

2021-09-04 Thread aitor
emergence of the parchment left our ancestors remembering with nostalgia the pleasant silky-stony feel ;~) Aitor. ___ Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] Information request re: wayland

2021-09-04 Thread aitor
quot; containing three different resolutions. I don't know about the identifiers used here. The X11/Xlib library can select the default screen by the following way: Display *display = XOpenDisplay(NULL); Screen *screen = DefaultScreenOfDisplay(display);/* default */ But it's also possib

[DNG] New features in libnetaid

2021-09-06 Thread aitor
ethernet cable, or making other changes related to the network connection. Cheers, Aitor.| ___ Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] fresh install of chimaera on an Ultrabook - no touchpad

2021-09-12 Thread aitor
1->0 even if you rerun it. The script is here: <> Are we talking about the same script, Riccardo?

Re: [DNG] May I use Netaid source as an example of good code?

2021-09-19 Thread aitor
Hi, On 2/8/21 11:41, aitor wrote: On 2/8/21 0:44, aitor wrote: Better said, the suid binary can check whether or not the gui has handled the signal as expected because the default behavior of SIGUSR1 (User defined signal 1) is to terminate the process. See the table at the end of the link

Re: [DNG] May I use Netaid source as an example of good code?

2021-09-19 Thread aitor
Hi, On 19/9/21 10:31, aitor wrote: _Note 4_: i've done a lot of improvements in the daemon (snetaid), but i still didn't push them to gitea. I'll let you know. Done: <

Re: [DNG] Fw: Testers for Chimaera alpha netinstall iso

2021-10-12 Thread aitor
rs and he announced here in the mailing list the incoming release of chimaera. Aitor. ___ Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] Announcing Devuan 4.0: Chimaera!

2021-10-16 Thread aitor
Hi, On 14/10/21 17:00, Mason Loring Bliss wrote: Dear Friends and Software Freedom Lovers, Devuan Developers are pleased to announce the release of Devuan Chimaera 4.0 as the project's newest stable release. Thanks a lot for your persevering work!

Re: [DNG] snetaid debs...

2021-10-16 Thread aitor
Hi all, On 16/10/21 12:14, al3xu5 wrote: Hi Aitor As you know Wicd is no longer available in Bullseye / Chimaera. I would like to upgrade to Chimaera eliminating Wicd (regardless of whether it is not available), and I would like to use snetaid, which seems to me to be a good alternative. So

Re: [DNG] snetaid debs...

2021-10-17 Thread aitor
Hi, On 16/10/21 12:35, al3xu5 wrote: On 16/10/21 12:14, al3xu5 wrote: Hi Aitor As you know Wicd is no longer available in Bullseye / Chimaera. I would like to upgrade to Chimaera eliminating Wicd (regardless of whether it is not available), and I would like to use snetaid, which seems to me

Re: [DNG] snetaid debs...

2021-10-19 Thread aitor
the project, the idea of reviving both your backend and gui in free pascal, but this time drawn upon libnetaid and snetaid (in replacement of the suid bit) is a challenge that might make this work more fun :) Cheers, Aitor. ___ Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] snetaid debs...

2021-10-24 Thread aitor
Hi, On 19/10/21 21:26, aitor wrote: Hi Edward, On 18/10/21 17:53, wrote: On 2021-10-18 10:07, Edward Bartolo via Dng wrote: The name "snetaid" made me remember of my now defunct project. Searching on the project's git repository I found it has been removed,

Re: [DNG] What is libc5-i686 | lib32gcc1 (proliant package dependencies)

2021-10-27 Thread aitor
Hi Alessandro, On 27/10/21 18:19, Alessandro Vesely via Dng wrote: I have both libc6:i386 and lib32gcc-s1 (on an AMD 64bit machine). libc6-i686:i386  is tagged 'rc' transitional dummy package. gcc-multilib maybe? This is useful to cross-compile i386 applications under amd64. Chee

Re: [DNG] snetaid debs...

2021-11-01 Thread aitor
Hi, On 25/10/21 8:22, aitor wrote: Yesterday night i pushed the new code to git. Packages of libnetaid, snetaid and simple-netaid-cdk (still not updated in for chimaera will be available in a couple of days. The code of simple-netaid is ready to use: - libnetaid: the

Re: [DNG] snetaid debs...

2021-11-02 Thread aitor
Hi, On 1/11/21 19:48, aitor wrote: The code of simple-netaid is ready to use: - libnetaid: the shared library <> - snetaid: the daemon

Re: [DNG] snetaid debs...

2021-11-06 Thread aitor
e with the live-sdk including the packages. I'll let you know. Cheers, and thanks again for your interest! Aitor. [*] The first one when making use of select(); the second one when making use of recvmsg() in nl_monitor. [**] I know the risks of doing this as r

[DNG] Simple-netaid 1-0 released

2021-11-20 Thread aitor
ifup and so on... Don't forget to configure your /etc/network/interfaces! If you don't want to restart the system at every change, you can reconfigure it by the following way: # service networking restart That's all :) Cheers, Aitor. [*]

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