Hi fsmithred,
On 08/15/2016 12:36 AM, fsmithred <fsmith...@gmail.com> wrote:
richard lucassen wrote on 15/08/16 06:49:
>On Sun, 14 Aug 2016 15:09:54 -0400
>fsmithred<fsmith...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>Moved /etc/vdev/vdev (a symlink) up one level -
>> I don't think that changed anything.
>It should be at /etc/vdev
>>Changed pid file to /run/vdevd.pid -
>> fdisk now shows the removable drive, I can mount and unmount it.
>> mouse still doesn't work.
>> vdev still fails at boot, but if I start it after logging in,
>> it starts without error.
>Hmm, that worked for me and Ralph IIRC. I don't have the Devuan machine
Oops. I completely forgot about the required edits of
/usr/etc/vdev/vdevd.conf which is present in the snapshot but not in the
debs. I've added:
cp {vdev-snapshot,}/usr/etc/vdev/vdevd.conf
to the script. My apologies.
The content of the /root/vdev-initramfs is for regenerating the
initrd.img; this is the reason why our keayboard and mouses still
haven't control. Jude Nelson wrote:
/NOTE: These instructions are Debian- and Devuan-specific, and very
hacky. Use at your own risk.//
//WARNING: Readers are expected to know how to fix a broken initramfs
and a broken bootsystem if they try this.//
//Running `make && sudo make install` will get you most of the way
towards installing vdev.//
//But to use it, you will need to disable udev,//
//enable vdev, and rebuild your initramfs to include vdev instead of udev.//
//On Debian and most Debian-derived distributions,//
//it is possible to generate an initramfs image with this command://
//$ cd example/ && make initramfs//
//This will generate an initramfs image in `example/`, which can be
installed with your bootloader of choice.//
//To enable vdev and disable udev in the init system, the command is //
//$ cd example/ && make install-initscript//
//I'm still working on the packaging scripts that will do all of this
I'm working on that. Now i have a computer rebuilding the packages of
linux-libre-4.6.2 with libudeb-compat-dev instead of libudev-dev, and i
also rebuilt initramfs-tools [*]
Hope it works :)
[*] You can generate the initrd.img running the
/root/vdev-initramfs/tools/mkinitramfs of the snapshot sent by Ralph.
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